How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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If I'm Trump, and I want to troll a little more, I'd create "The President's Advisory Council on Foreign Relations"... made up of all living ex-POTUS's... and I'd leave out Obama.

Inevitably, he'll be asked "Why isn't Obama on the council?".

"Well... giving cash payments to terrorist countries isn't my idea of foreign policy".

The fun he could have with that...
If I'm Trump, and I want to troll a little more, I'd create "The President's Advisory Council on Foreign Relations"... made up of all living ex-POTUS's... and I'd leave out Obama.

Inevitably, he'll be asked "Why isn't Obama on the council?".

"Well... giving cash payments to terrorist countries isn't my idea of foreign policy".

The fun he could have with that...

I'd rather he just say it's a requirement to have a real birth certificate to get on the committee and really make their heads explode.
I thought they had said infrastructure was the next step after tax reform? Why are they now talking about illegal aliens?

The article is from 2016, but the first time I’ve seen it. If this was 2016, I can only imagine what this place is like now.
Lets say by some miracle the dems and GOP get a DACA deal (would be beyond stunned if it happened because I just can't see dems going along for wall funding among other things) would you all be fine with a DACA deal but also getting rid of chain migration, the dumb lottery system and a merit based immigration system? Would you be happy with that?
Lets say by some miracle the dems and GOP get a DACA deal (would be beyond stunned if it happened because I just can't see dems going along for wall funding among other things) would you all be fine with a DACA deal but also getting rid of chain migration, the dumb lottery system and a merit based immigration system? Would you be happy with that?

When the dems get back in power and they will. Then they'll just reverse any legislation that is passed. A border wall is a physical deteriorate that the Dems can't just sign away. BTW I'm actually for a DACA deal. Some of those kids were raised in the U.S. almost entirely. You can't send them back to the hell hole that is Mexico.
Lets say by some miracle the dems and GOP get a DACA deal (would be beyond stunned if it happened because I just can't see dems going along for wall funding among other things) would you all be fine with a DACA deal but also getting rid of chain migration, the dumb lottery system and a merit based immigration system? Would you be happy with that?

I think that they could get a deal to limit chained migration and get more border security funding (some wall funding, more ICE agents and border control tech.) in exchange for DACA. I could live with that as a start. Like Reagan said take half a loaf and then come back and try to get the rest.
Lets say by some miracle the dems and GOP get a DACA deal (would be beyond stunned if it happened because I just can't see dems going along for wall funding among other things) would you all be fine with a DACA deal but also getting rid of chain migration, the dumb lottery system and a merit based immigration system? Would you be happy with that?

Not sure what you're speaking of re: merit based immigration, but if it means we allow productive illegals to stay but send welfare users or criminals back, I'd be for it. If it means allowing educated, high functioning immigrants favorable consideration, I'm for it.

Personally, I believe we'd benefit from keeping some illegals. Those that work; keep their kids in school; make their kids behave, etc.... we should keep them.
When the dems get back in power and they will. Then they'll just reverse any legislation that is passed. A border wall is a physical deteriorate that the Dems can't just sign away. BTW I'm actually for a DACA deal. Some of those kids were raised in the U.S. almost entirely. You can't send them back to the hell hole that is Mexico.
Send the unproductive and the criminals back.
LOL we have plenty those already in our country. I'd be all for sending those "native" citizens to Mexico as well.
What if we keep the productive immigrants that practice traditional American values and send chronic welfare recipients and criminals to Mexico? While we're at it, we could solve our overcrowded prison problem by giving felons a choice of remaining in prison or being airlifted and dropped in Iran or Afghanistan where they could do what they do, with the understanding that if they return to the western hemisphere, they go to prison.