How will they rule ??!

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Judge actually ordered the opposite. Ordered them not to move or copy the data. Has nothing to do with what they did or didn't find.

"Earlier Tuesday, lawyers for one of the former commission's members, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, asked U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to halt any effort to move or copy the voter data to another federal agency.

Kobach told POLITICO last week that he expected officials in or overseeing Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement branch would take over the voter fraud probe, matching state voter rolls against federal databases of legal and illegal immigrants.

However, Herndon's statements suggest that if DHS or ICE want to undertake an effort to examine illegal voting they will have to start from scratch, at least when it comes to obtaining the voter data."
No you just missed what happened during Christmas break. None of the data was ever shared with the 2 democrats appointed to the commission so they sued and won. A few days later Trump shut it all down claiming that nobody would cooperate. Trumps lawyer is now arguing that because he shutdown the commission that ruling should be dismissed because the democrats are no longer commissioners.
Basically the commission that was supposed to show us how millions vote illegally turned into an embarasment and is being quietly flushed down the drain.
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No you just missed what happened during Christmas break. None of the data was ever shared with the 2 democrats appointed to the commission so they sued and won. A few days later Trump shut it all day claiming that nobody would cooperate. Trumps lawyer is now arguing that because he shutdown the commission that ruling should be dismissed because the democrats are no longer commissioners.
How am I missing exactly what it says in the article you linked? The lawyers for the Democrat specifically asked the judge to halt any effort to move or transfer the data. Herndon agreed to destroy it.

Earlier Tuesday, lawyers for one of the former commission's members, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, asked U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to halt any effort to move or copy the voter data to another federal agency.

"The state voter data will not be transferred to, or accessed by, DHS or any other agency, except to the National Archives and Records Administration ('NARA'), pursuant to federal law, if the records are not otherwise destroyed," Herndon wrote. "Pending resolution of outstanding litigation involving the Commission, and pending consultation with NARA, the White House intends to destroy all state voter data."
Basically the commission that was supposed to show us how millions vote illegally turned into an embarasment and is being quietly flushed down the drain.

Not exactly. The commission planned to hand the investigation off to DHS and share the data with them but since Democrats had the judge order the data not to be moved or copied to another federal agency DHS has to start from scratch now. This is all in the story you linked.

"Kobach told POLITICO last week that he expected officials in or overseeing Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement branch would take over the voter fraud probe, matching state voter rolls against federal databases of legal and illegal immigrants.

However, Herndon's statements suggest that if DHS or ICE want to undertake an effort to examine illegal voting they will have to start from scratch, at least when it comes to obtaining the voter data."
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Read up what happened the last 2 weeks and you will understand. That paragraph is just about maine stopping the data from being sent to DHS after Trump stated he would leave it up to them to study voter fraud now.
Bizarrely, Kobach also failed to ensure that his commission complied with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), which demands that panels like Kobach’s to follow certain guidelines to maintain transparency and prevent bias. FACA requires advisory commissions to provide public access to all “records, reports, transcripts, minutes, appendixes, working papers, drafts, studies, agenda, or other documents” that its members consult or prepare. Individual commissioners hold “an enforceable right to obtain” these documents and “to fully participate in the deliberations of the Commission.”

In November, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, a Democratic member of the commission, sued under FACA to obtain access to the commission’s deliberations. Dunlap alleged that the Republican commissioners had essentially iced him out, denying him access to documents and information passed around by the GOP bloc. In December, a judge ruled in Dunlap’s favor, ordering the commissioners to furnish the documents and respect Dunlap’s “right to fully participate in the commission.”

Rather than comply with the court order, Kobach decided to disband the commission altogether, with little advance warning to his colleagues. A White House official told CNN that the commission could not operate as intended while comporting with FACA. That’s a remarkable admission, as it simply means that the leaders of the commission could not find a way to do its work without keeping unlawful partisan secrets. According to Politico, other White House officials blamed the whole affair on former Trump strategist Steve Bannon. One official called the commission a “blundered Bannon rollout” that “should’ve never been in place.” Another declared: “This was [Bannon’s] idea, and it was not a good one.”
I read exactly what you linked and it said the opposite of what you claimed. The commission planned to share the data with other federal agencies but the lawyers for one of the Democrats asked the judge to halt them from doing it so the commission agreed to destroy it.
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I read exactly what you linked and it said the opposite of what you claimed. The commission planned to share the data with other federal agencies but the lawyers for one of the Democrats asked the judge to halt them from doing it so the commission agreed to destroy it.
Read the other articles. It's not hard to follow. The maine stuff is after the comission was disbanded.
jesus christ you are dense, the 1st article does not tell the whole story, only the ending. The court order to share the data with the other members of the commission was December 24th and was never followed. On January 3rd trump had the commission disbanded. The idiot running the commission decided it was better to just burn it all down and send the data to DHS and let them deal with it instead of following the 1st court order. So the Maine SoS stepped in and reminded him that it's illegal to transfer the data out of the commission and a 2nd judge agreed. The whole thing is just a shit show no matter how you look at it.
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My message board cred is incredibly important to me. I'm hurt that you'd make such statements.

Also, if you read my posts, I've said many times about Trump; policy - great. Personally - jackass. I don't make any attempt to mask that.

The issue with this is that your dislike of him clouds the rest of your vision. It is clearly evident in your reactions and clap backs. Anytime anyone praises the man, you magically show up with a wet blanket. You don't notice it, but it is clearly evident to others. He has you triggered. Just be aware of that.
Zero percent chance dems agree to wall funding. I would be stunned if there was a DACA deal because of that reason alone. Better chance of a blizzard in hell, IMO.
This is why all this is happening, imo. Trump creating a situation where the Dems are the bad guys in public eye. Same reason for the open meeting to the press. Nothing left to the imagination when the Dems step on their own dick yet again.

[laughing] So we're all going to die in 59 days, and the answer is more taxes. That's right. Carbon isn't bad and the world won't end just as long as a tax is applied.

Teaching a class about one race’s racism, while denying any other form of racism exists is racist.

How did we let the biggest racists in the world take over the issue of racism?
b/c they are evil people and their sole objective is to find ways to bring out the worst in humanity. Not that difficult.
I can't pretend to be a SJW anymore, I did learn that agreeing with these people to the extreme is probably the best troll move ever, the thing is they don't realize they are being made fun of. Their ideology is so warped that they will agree with you, I couldn't pretend to act dumb enough for another one of them to disagree with me.

It's ok, man. You tried, but the bitch ass white man just won't let you be you. I admire your strength and honesty, and will make a hashtag for you.