How will they rule ??!

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Two parties focused on, and concerned about, mental health. Can you tell the difference?

The Democrats and MSM are chasing a mental health fantasy, based on a former doctor's kooky, wishy-washy opinion and a 'book' full of manufactured outrage, lies and slander; meanwhile, Trump just signed a new EO expanding mental health benefits for Veterans, trying to help combat and decrease suicide rates.
Lets say by some miracle the dems and GOP get a DACA deal (would be beyond stunned if it happened because I just can't see dems going along for wall funding among other things) would you all be fine with a DACA deal but also getting rid of chain migration, the dumb lottery system and a merit based immigration system? Would you be happy with that?
Zero percent chance dems agree to wall funding. I would be stunned if there was a DACA deal because of that reason alone. Better chance of a blizzard in hell, IMO.
God knows Dems don't want Trump to credit for passing a Daca law.
When 2020 arrives, the Dems and cuck Repubs are going to realize that they have been chasing their tails while Trump brought prosperity and respect to the USA.
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'Somebody's already been killed' because of Trump dossier, Fusion GPS rep revealed
Simpson is lying. He's using it as an excuse not to have to reveal his sources to investigators. Acting as if he's concerned for their safety.

But, if you remember, when this dossier first hit, they dangled it to every and any journalist that would listen until BuzzFeed finally took the bait.

If Fusion GPS/Simpson were so concerned with protecting their sources, they wouldn't have been desperately shopping it around like a pair of Madonna's old panties.

White guy did ok, but a woman or POC would have automatically knocked it out of the park.
Last Sally Kohn tweet, I can't look away at the absurdity...Hollywood for decades was full of rapists, pedophiles, sexuall harassers...and CNN is strying to sell the story that Hollywood went zero tolerance cause Trump got elected. Haha

Last Sally Kohn tweet, I can't look away at the absurdity...Hollywood for decades was full of rapists, pedophiles, sexuall harassers...and CNN is strying to sell the story that Hollywood went zero tolerance cause Trump got elected. Haha

Trump is apparently the most powerful man ever born. He’s able to be blamed for everything that’s ever happened, even if he had nothing to do with.

In 2017 he caused the deaths of millions by only using a pen and paper. In 2016 he harassed every woman ever. In 2008 he tried to intimidate black voters, but was ultimately unsuccessful. In In 1993 he didn’t help Kevin McCalister. In 1994 he killed OJs wife. In the 1980’s he caused a lot of oil spills. In the 1970’s he was Charles Manson’s mentor. In the 1960’s he took Rosa Parks to jail. In 1861 he fired the first shot of the Civil War... who’d he shoot? A black slave of course. In 1776 he drafted the constitution and used bold font on the 1st and 2nd amendments.

When will he stop this madness?
I effing hope Oprah runs. She'll def get California and prolly New York. That's it.

And the irony is that she will campaign against a "white supremacist" who has given POC the lowest unemployment in history.

I'll be watching this brutal slaughter on election night
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I effing hope Oprah runs. She'll def get California and prolly New York. That's it.

And the irony is that she will campaign against a "white supremacist" who has given POC the lowest unemployment in history.

I'll be watching this brutal slaughter on election night
I wonder how many skeletons are in Oprahs closet. I remember we were told how pure and wonderful Obama was before we found out he wasn't.
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No way!? I’m shocked!
Spoke with a couple guys I grew up with of African American descent today about Oprah. Quite funny really as neither think she should run and is a better leader without getting in politics.

But 1 said he agreed dems play blacks with race, while the other said blacks do not play the race card in politics........which got a grin from me and an oh shit look from my buddy.

I immediately asked who they who vote for and my buddy with the oh shit look asked me not to do this.......

Couldn’t resist as non race playing friend said he would vote for Oprah over Trump. When asked one of he thoughts, believes, or political stances she had, he had not a clue.

While I understand the line of thought it was quickly pointed out how dems are most def inserting race if she runs simply based on that.

Which they both get, or at least got, and comically had to admit Trump is helping them.
Trump attorney sues Fusion GPS, BuzzFeed over infamous 'dossier'

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s personal attorney and close confidant, filed a pair of lawsuits on Tuesday, one in state court against the popular website BuzzFeed and the other in federal court against the private investigative firm Fusion GPS.

In both suits, Cohen claims that the infamous dossier of salacious but unconfirmed allegations of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and Russian agents compiled by Fusion GPS and later published by BuzzFeed contained “false and defamatory” allegations that resulted in “harm to his personal and professional reputation, current business interests, and the impairment of business opportunities.”

According to the federal complaint, Fusion GPS, co-founded by former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson, “recklessly placed [the dossier] beyond their control and allowed it to fall into the hands of media devoted to breaking news on the hottest subject of the day: the Trump candidacy.”

According to the New York state complaint, which names BuzzFeed’s top editor Ben Smith as well as Ken Bensinger, Miriam Elder and Mark Schoofs, Cohen claims “even though Defendant Buzzfeed expressly acknowledged the unverified (and potentially unverifiable) nature of the Dossier's allegations, Defendant BuzzFeed published the un-redacted Dossier and the Article anyway — without attempting to determine the veracity of these reports with Plaintiff himself.”

Must not have found to much voter fraud. Instead of obeying a court order to share the data they have chosen to destroy it.

Judge actually ordered the opposite. Ordered them not to move or copy the data. Has nothing to do with what they did or didn't find.

"Earlier Tuesday, lawyers for one of the former commission's members, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, asked U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to halt any effort to move or copy the voter data to another federal agency."
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