How will they rule ??!

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The weed deal is simply misdirection, it gets all the headlines, and attention. While on the same day Trump frees up millions of square miles of area for oil and gas exploration.

It’s a brilliant move by the administration, it keeps the media’s attention and therefore the public attention off what would normally be a headline grabber.

I don’t think the Feds are going to handle pot any differently, but it makes another point.
The Congress makes the laws, by not enforcing the law it lets congress off the hook.
They can ride the fence until public opinion is squarely one way or the other, and then they act without risking election consequences.
That’s horseshit, if they feel pot needs to be legal, then get the votes to change the law.
First of all, this kind of deal doesn't happen overnight. Tax reform or no tax reform.

That being said, nobody is forcing Dominion to buy SCANA.

Nobody is forcing Dominion to keep a utility company solvent and power flowing in the state of South Carolina

Nobody is forcing Dominion to give its customers $1000 each to help absorb costs related to a scrapped nuclear plant.

Nobody is forcing Dominion to cut rates by 5% to also help stop the bleeding from customers negatively impacted by their utility.

Friends of the Earth need power just as much as South Carolinian's so I say to them, BACK OFF!!

Does anyone really think the federal government (Republicans or Democrats) were going to idly sit by and let the states regulate marijuana? For my entire life, whenever that subject arose, I always said the Feds, if it were to ever become legal, would heavily regulate it, filter it, dilute it and would eventually totally control it. By the time the Feds are done with it, most will wish it was illegal again. Be careful what you wish for.
Does anyone really think the federal government (Republicans or Democrats) were going to idly sit by and let the states regulate marijuana? For my entire life, whenever that subject arose, I always said the Feds, if it were to ever become legal, would heavily regulate it, filter it, dilute it and would eventually totally control it. By the time the Feds are done with it, most will wish it was illegal again. Be careful what you wish for.
This times a billion. How ignorant have some of us become to think the government would not get their greedy little digits on the money generated by this. The money is what keeps it illegal now (federally). When it becomes too hard to keep it illegal, they (politicians) will find a way to cash in on it.
Does anyone really think the federal government (Republicans or Democrats) were going to idly sit by and let the states regulate marijuana? For my entire life, whenever that subject arose, I always said the Feds, if it were to ever become legal, would heavily regulate it, filter it, dilute it and would eventually totally control it. By the time the Feds are done with it, most will wish it was illegal again. Be careful what you wish for.

No. Because he's a shitty old relic of days long gone. And he's got his hands in the private prison cookie jar. Basically, keep pot illegal, keep filling prisons with non-violent drug offenders, keep that Keebler Elf looking mofo rich. It's pretty easy to see through unless you're a true partisan hack.

Conservatives are supposed to be all about states rights ... unless it's some archaic morality bullshit, then by all means big brother, step in and protect us from evil.

Let's leave the 1930s Reefer Madness propaganda behind and step into 2018.

How about this, put some sort of amendment on the ballot nationwide about legalizing marijuana at the federal level. Let every American vote on it, and when it passes 65/35 this issue can be put to rest. Just because something is "the law" doesn't make it sensible.

I'm all about personal liberty and don't really need the government telling me which plant matter I can smoke, but I can drink all the distilled/brewed plant matter I want to. Makes no sense.

I know I'm "liberal" around here because I'm not socially conservative and don't bow at the altar of Trump, but isn't personal liberty and freedom to live your life how you see fit with as little government intervention as possible something those of you on the right champion?

I seem to remember some crazy liberal posts from you during or before or right after the election.

So you're not liberal because of not being socially conservative.

And, when you take the time to make a decent post with your own thoughts you get replies and conversation. You'll also see that probably 80% of us agree. I'm Trump all the way, but unless this is just show to not get headlines elsewhere, I disagree with this policy. However, I do agree that the law should be changed. Sessions can't pick what he wants to enforce. I do wish he would go after some of the more pressing matters.
I seem to remember some crazy liberal posts from you during or before or right after the election.

So you're not liberal because of not being socially conservative.

And, when you take the time to make a decent post with your own thoughts you get replies and conversation. You'll also see that probably 80% of us agree. I'm Trump all the way, but unless this is just show to not get headlines elsewhere, I disagree with this policy. However, I do agree that the law should be changed. Sessions can't pick what he wants to enforce. I do wish he would go after some of the more pressing matters.
Agree totally, sometimes mega losses it but, most of the time I like his post. One lib I could buy a few drinks for.
Does anyone really think the federal government (Republicans or Democrats) were going to idly sit by and let the states regulate marijuana? For my entire life, whenever that subject arose, I always said the Feds, if it were to ever become legal, would heavily regulate it, filter it, dilute it and would eventually totally control it. By the time the Feds are done with it, most will wish it was illegal again. Be careful what you wish for.

100000% correct

Trump campaigned on enforcing laws. Change the law or enforce it. I don’t wanna pay gd fed tax. Let’s just ignore that. Our country is stupid af, I don’t agree with all sorts of laws. Kiss my ass Feds.
Yeah, Arizona, Kentucky, South Dakota, Wyoming, Tennessee, North Dakota, South Carolina, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and Mississippi, states that refused to comply are Democratic states.[eyeroll]

Consider the response from one deep-red state: In Mississippi, the secretary of state, Delbert Hosemann, a Republican, told the commission to “go jump in the Gulf of Mexico.”

23 states refused to provide any data. Exactly zero states that provided all of the data requested. But it's the Democrats fault.[roll]
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Book also claims Trump didn't have a clue who John Boehner is.

ROUNDUP: All The Evidence Trump Knows Who Boehner Is

Trump and Boehner also golfed together in August 2013 at one of the president’s own golf courses, as detailed by Politico. The story also details how Trump cut a $100,000 dollar check to a Boehner aligned super-pac at the time. David Farenthold of the Washington Post also noted Wednesday that Trump’s charitable foundation gave 5,000 to Boehner’s hometown charity.

Why is this hard to believe? Trump claimed to not know who David Duke was despite having talked about him on multiple occasions.
Yeah, Arizona, Kentucky, South Dakota, Wyoming, Tennessee, North Dakota, South Carolina, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and Mississippi, states that refused to comply are Democratic states.[eyeroll]

Consider the response from one deep-red state: In Mississippi, the secretary of state, Delbert Hosemann, a Republican, told the commission to “go jump in the Gulf of Mexico.”

23 states refused to provide any data. Exactly zero states that provided all of the data requested. But it's the Democrats fault.[roll]

Thunderc*nt Grimes refused, but she had no problem stealing classified voter info and giving it to private tech company who donates to her campaign. #transparency
I watched Darkest Hour tonight. Incredible movie about Chamberlain being weak and replaced with a strong leader who was disliked by his own party, was said to be unpredictable and even scare people but it was he who decided to not roll over...Churchill was a leader.
despite having talked about him on multiple occasions.

Got anything to back that up? Or, are you just shooting from the hip?

Besides, even if he ever did 'talk' to Duke, you're really reaching anyways. Randomly talking to some no name in passing isn't remotely comparable to actually knowing someone personally, tweeting about them by name, golfing with them several times, and donating thousands to their charities on a couple of different occasions.

Let me guess, though? You believe Trump actually does know Boehner but forgot all about knowing him or who he is because he's mentally ill? Is that the narrative CNN and friends are pushing? Bottom of the barrel.
I seem to remember some crazy liberal posts from you during or before or right after the election.

So you're not liberal because of not being socially conservative.

And, when you take the time to make a decent post with your own thoughts you get replies and conversation. You'll also see that probably 80% of us agree. I'm Trump all the way, but unless this is just show to not get headlines elsewhere, I disagree with this policy. However, I do agree that the law should be changed. Sessions can't pick what he wants to enforce. I do wish he would go after some of the more pressing matters.

Can you show me these posts? Lol. I'm a proud 1,000 percent social liberal. If the fundies hate it, I'm all in, essentially.

You might've seen me clowning Trump because I've thought he was a jackass since I've owned a television - both as a lib and con. I hate Hillary. I can guarantee I made no posts defending or endorsing her. I voted Johnson. I also liked to pick at Heisman's white guy persecution complex. He's fun to rile if you knew what buttons to push and generally a good sport at the end of the day.

I know I'm liberal for this board. It's why I don't post in this thread much. This thread is a Trump/GOP rally, and it's cool if y'all like him/them. I'm not a fan. But, unlike most so-called "leftists" out there, I'm not calling for his head. He was duly elected. I get a chance to vote against him in 2 years, just like you get the same opportunity to vote to re-elect him.

I read this thread often. Sometimes I learn things from you guys. Always entertaining, sometimes enlightening. I generally refrain from posting because it's kind of an echo chamber around here.

Just stopped in today to give my opinion on Jeff-rey Bow-ri-garrrrd Ses-shuns, which is he can F straight off.

If this is a congressional problem, Congress - both parties - needs to sack up against the big pharma and big prison lobbies and listen to the will of the people, which I believe is to end prohibition of marijuana.

Anyhow, back to your regularly scheduled political talk. Libby McLibberston is seeing his way out.
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After more came out, I have little doubt Bannon said what's reported. Supposedly happened at a dinner party where he blabbered on without knowing the reporter was recording him.

None of what he said is fact. Just his opinion. But I think it's pretty clear at this point he did say it. Very similar to his phone call with a reporter a few months ago.

I'd say it's pretty clear Bannon has an alcohol problem and and uncontrollable urge to talk to anyone who will listen.
Glad to be back on here to annoy you libs some more. The tax bill passing and net neutrality nearly killed me. But I survived in my bunker.

BTW, I've changed my tune a little bit on some things. I do think Hillary and others will end up in jail, maybe this year, maybe not this year. But I think some people are going down relatively soon. I'll eat my crow if I'm wrong.

But with all the info that's came out the last month while I was suspended, I think some folks in the FBI and the Clintons are in deep trouble. And its beautiful to watch.

I think the Trump admins legacy will be the epic takedown of corruption unlike anything seen in American history.

BTW the whole Trump/Bannon thing seems like a smoke screen to me. It could be legit, but I do question it. If Bannon really said that, hes an idiot. But I find it hard to believe he would have been dumb enough to say it. Could be wrong though.
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BTW Sessions shouldn't be blamed for taking on pot the way he does. Blame the lawmakers. Sessions is just upholding the law, whether you like it or not.

I think Sessions even said at one point that lawmakers can change the law if they want, and he would enforce the law change on it.
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Comey’s original Clinton memo released, cites possible violations

Ex-FBI Director James Comey’s original statement closing out the probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server was edited by subordinates to remove five separate references to terms like “grossly negligent” and to delete mention of evidence supporting felony and misdemeanor violations, according to copies of the full document.

Comey also originally concluded that it was “reasonably likely” that Clinton’s nonsecure private server was accessed or hacked by hostile actors though there was no evidence to prove it. But that passage was also changed to the much weaker “possible,” the memos show.

The full draft and edits were released on the website of Senate Homeland and Government Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), providing the most complete public accounting to date of Comey’s draft and the subsequent edits.
I hope the millennials understand that the Bolsheviks pretty quickly overpowered the Mensheviks.

Well said

The socialists were quickly shown (brutally) who was in command after they got the revolutionary momentum going -- Solzhenitsyn records specific instances of this in his "Gulag Archipelago "
Glad to be back on here to annoy you libs some more. The tax bill passing and net neutrality nearly killed me. But I survived in my bunker.

BTW, I've changed my tune a little bit on some things. I do think Hillary and others will end up in jail, maybe this year, maybe not this year. But I think some people are going down relatively soon. I'll eat my crow if I'm wrong.

But with all the info that's came out the last month while I was suspended, I think some folks in the FBI and the Clintons are in deep trouble. And its beautiful to watch.

I think the Trump admins legacy will be the epic takedown of corruption unlike anything seen in American history.

BTW the whole Trump/Bannon thing seems like a smoke screen to me. It could be legit, but I do question it. If Bannon really said that, hes an idiot. But I find it hard to believe he would have been dumb enough to say it. Could be wrong though.
Welcome back.