How will they rule ??!

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Jesus. The fact that the US had slaves for a less time period than other countries is solely related to the fact that the country existed less longer than other countries, not because it had more morals.

Yeah, you're wrong about this, sorry (not sorry). You can shout "Jesus" all you want.

The age (actually the growth) of the United States is explicitly bound and related to the abolition of slavery and a driving factor as to why slavery existed for less than 90 years here, as opposed to centuries in other countries and cultures.

As well as the moral revulsion in the United States to the institution of slavery.

The issue of slavery became a bigger and bigger issue on the federal level as the United States grew, expanded and each territory applied for statehood - and therefore states rights to permit slavery or to not permit slavery became the driving issue until it reached it's boiling point - this is why the Missouri Compromise was such a big issue, and states rights in the south leading to the civil war.

So, yes - slavery could do nothing but die in the United States and the older (and therefore bigger) the United States got the sooner slavery would be abolished - just like history shows.
States rights or nah?

Pretty sure no one is saying they don't believe in state's rights, but the simple fact of the matter, there's a supremacy clause in the Constitution. If state law runs counter to federal law, and the federal government disagrees, the federal law wins the case every time.
If Sessions looked the other way on marijuana and agreed to selectively enforce certain federal laws, it would only hurt the administration's stance on illegal immigration and further open the door for, and embolden, the Democrats' defiance of federal immigration laws.

Obama did enough of that. I want the laws enforced, if politicians want to cry about it, change the damn law.
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The reason democrats are opposed to Voter I.D. is because they need to cheat to win elections. There's no other explanation. Jimmy Carter one of the few democrats left with any decency about him, is in favor of Voter I.D. The problem there is that the democrat party of Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Wendell Ford & Jimmy Carter is no longer around.

I was once a Democrat, but LBJ made me change.
Obama did enough of that. I want the laws enforced, if politicians want to cry about it, change the damn law.

You're correct, laws should be enforced as written.

But why is Sessions enforcing the marijuana laws, but not the laws that prevent government officials from selling out the country for profit? Or the laws that prevent government officials from handling classified information with no regard for security? Or the laws that prevent people from lying to Congress and the FBI? Etc. Etc.

Sessions isn't objectively enforcing laws as written. Marijuana might as well be the goddam devil while corrupt sons of bitches in Washington get away with unimaginable crimes.
This makes sense. I just wish Sessions would apply the same logical, blind justice to everything else. We all know the cases I'm talking about.

I agree. I'm all for legal marijuana. Matter of fact, during my few months stay in Oregon, I couldn't get enough. Walked around stuck on stupid from being so high all the time, constantly fantasizing about what it would be like if it where legal in my home state.

I will be the first to say that Sessions is a fear mongering hack when it comes to the subject, and his way of thinking about it couldn't be more backwards. That said, it's still his job is to enforce the law.

Even if his stance here is completely ridiculous, as you and @Bill Cosby have pointed out, there's plenty more for me to moan about when it comes to Sessions without feigning outrage over something I've done for decades anyways, and will continue to do so regardless of this decision.
Because he is enforcing existing laws?

No. Because he's a shitty old relic of days long gone. And he's got his hands in the private prison cookie jar. Basically, keep pot illegal, keep filling prisons with non-violent drug offenders, keep that Keebler Elf looking mofo rich. It's pretty easy to see through unless you're a true partisan hack.

Conservatives are supposed to be all about states rights ... unless it's some archaic morality bullshit, then by all means big brother, step in and protect us from evil.

Let's leave the 1930s Reefer Madness propaganda behind and step into 2018.

How about this, put some sort of amendment on the ballot nationwide about legalizing marijuana at the federal level. Let every American vote on it, and when it passes 65/35 this issue can be put to rest. Just because something is "the law" doesn't make it sensible.

I'm all about personal liberty and don't really need the government telling me which plant matter I can smoke, but I can drink all the distilled/brewed plant matter I want to. Makes no sense.

I know I'm "liberal" around here because I'm not socially conservative and don't bow at the altar of Trump, but isn't personal liberty and freedom to live your life how you see fit with as little government intervention as possible something those of you on the right champion?
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Maybe Sessions could revive the McKesson case the Obama DOJ squashed and focus on the real goddam drug problem in our country.

I don't even smoke weed, I just think Sessions is a goddam hack.

But hey, if you're in OH you will be able to get some medicinal marijuana from one of the growers who've been granted a monopolies from the state. Funny enough, one of the people on the committee to decide who got the grow licenses wouldn't have been able to get a license himself due to his past felony drug convictions.
You're correct, laws should be enforced as written.

But why is Sessions enforcing the marijuana laws, but not the laws that prevent government officials from selling out the country for profit? Or the laws that prevent government officials from handling classified information with no regard for security? Or the laws that prevent people from lying to Congress and the FBI? Etc. Etc.

Sessions isn't objectively enforcing laws as written. Marijuana might as well be the goddam devil while corrupt sons of bitches in Washington get away with unimaginable crimes.

We agree on that. I was hoping for more from him

Silly me, I thought journalist were suppose to inform the public. Get the facts of things going on, and get that info to the public. 'Moving the needle' means you want to be an advocate.

Cuomo: NY to sue over Trump tax law

“We believe it is illegal, and we will challenge it in court as unconstitutional."
Cuomo is screwy.

Also, some states, like CA, are considering offsetting donations to the state with equal state income tax reduction to get around SALT limitations. But, donations are reduced by the value of the gifts "received in kind" & such tax reduction ought to be considered a gift.

Me, I was reading KYSP are short on rifles & I am considering donating to them to buy some.
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CA now cooking up a cockamamie (or not so cockamamie) scheme to set up a "charitable fund" to which CA taxpayer can donate money, get a dollar for dollar tax credit for CA income taxes and take a federal charitable deduction since the income tax deduction is limited.

Going to be interesting to see how this shakes out.
No. Because he's a shitty old relic of days long gone.

Can't argue with that.

Basically, keep pot illegal

Except Sessions isn't the one keeping marijuana illegal. It's not his job to pass legislation. It's his job to enforce legislation passed by the legislative branch. Congress is keeping marijuana illegal. Sessions is only doing what they have directed him to do.

Conservatives are supposed to be all about states rights ...

Again, most everyone is for states' rights, but you still can't just completely ignore federal law and the Constitution. States' rights doesn't mean a free for all to do anything and everything a state pleases.

Pretty sure you wouldn't take the approach of "states' rights or nah?" if majority Christian, southern states decided to ban gay marriage and make abortion illegal because they disagree with the federal government's laws.

How about this, put some sort of amendment on the ballot nationwide about legalizing marijuana at the federal level. Let every American vote on it, and when it passes 65/35 this issue can be put to rest.

Great idea. I'd be down for that. Would definitely get my vote. Still not sure why Congress can't just pass a bill a legalizing it, though? It should have plenty of support, so shouldn't be too hard to pass.

Maybe they're too busy worrying about passing a bill granting amnesty to a million illegals than to worry about what us US citizens want. And, yes, a bill legalizing marijuana is more important to me than amnesty for 'the dreamers'.

I'm all about personal liberty and don't really need the government telling me which plant matter I can smoke, but I can drink all the distilled/brewed plant matter I want to. Makes no sense.

Couldn't agree more. That's why I don't allow the government to do so and partake regardless of if it's illegal or not.
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CA now cooking up a cockamamie (or not so cockamamie) scheme to set up a "charitable fund" to which CA taxpayer can donate money, get a dollar for dollar tax credit for CA income taxes and take a federal charitable deduction since the income tax deduction is limited.

So, it basically only benefits the rich, or those well off enough to actually donate to charity?

Can't argue with that.

Except Sessions isn't the one keeping marijuana illegal. It's not his job to pass legislation. It's his job to enforce legislation passed by the legislative branch. Congress is keeping marijuana illegal. Sessions is only doing what they have directed him to do.

Again, most everyone is for states' rights, but you still can't just completely ignore federal law and the Constitution. States' rights doesn't mean a free for all to do anything and everything a state pleases.

Pretty sure you wouldn't take the approach of "states' rights or nah?" if majority Christian, southern states decided to ban gay marriage and make abortion illegal because they disagree with the federal government's laws.

Great idea. I'd be down for that. Would definitely get my vote. Still not sure why Congress can't just pass a bill a legalizing it, though? It should have plenty of support, so shouldn't be too hard to pass.

Maybe they're too busy worrying about passing a bill granting amnesty to a million illegals than to worry about what us US citizens want. And, yes, a bill legalizing marijuana is more important to me than amnesty for 'the dreamers'.

Couldn't agree more. That's why I don't allow the government to do so and partake regardless of if it's illegal or not.

Thanks for the reasonable reply. Can't refute anything you said. I just feel it's time for change regarding this issue.
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Thanks for the reasonable reply. Can't refute anything you said. I just feel it's time for change regarding this issue.

It's been time for a change. To be honest, if the time ever comes where the feds do start to crack down on legalized states, I'll actually feel bad for the people who have had the pleasure of living this progress.

I'm truly hoping that Sessions taking a firm stance will finally wake Congress up and maybe have them address the matter.
Bill Clinton once lost the nuclear codes for months, and a 'comedy of errors' kept anyone from finding out.


You can't make this stuff up.
Don't buy that story. Many wrong points including the biscuits label. They are not called biscuits.