How will they rule ??!

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I read a Politico article from the day before the election last year and it was fascinating. I already knew they built Trump as a pied piper candidate but hearing the inner workings of their campaign's thoughts and strategies was amusing.

They were convinced it was going to be Jeb or Rubio. They feared Rubio the most. They thought Trump would be a dream scenario and didn't plan for him in their electoral map plans.

It's a long read but fascinating and amusing especially knowing she lost.

This was an email to Podesta from one of her aides after watching the debates.

"Bush sucked. I’m glad Hillary is obsessed with the one candidate who would be easiest to beat :) Besides Trump, of course."

Another one said it started to sink in that Trump could compete.

"The first time I realized that he [could compete] was when, after calling into Morning Joe and calling into CNN, he called into [another show]. ... He started to manipulate the media and change the media.”

Email from Jennifer Palmieri. Bubba tried to tell them...

> > We're told that President Clinton thinks that Trump would be a formidable opponent in the general election, and that Dems are in a form of denial if they dismiss Trump as a joke who would be easily defeated in November.

President Clinton thinks that Trump has his finger on the pulse of the electorate's mood and that only a well-financed, concerted campaign portraying him as dangerous and bigoted will win what President Clinton believes will be a close November election.

Hey, who would've guessed that a heavy police presence in these areas would protect black people more than anyone?

I'm all about this approach. BLM, the sacks of crap that they are, can see what they do to each other. They can see what Democrats do to every city they run.
Email from Jennifer Palmieri. Bubba tried to tell them...

> > We're told that President Clinton thinks that Trump would be a formidable opponent in the general election, and that Dems are in a form of denial if they dismiss Trump as a joke who would be easily defeated in November.

President Clinton thinks that Trump has his finger on the pulse of the electorate's mood and that only a well-financed, concerted campaign portraying him as dangerous and bigoted will win what President Clinton believes will be a close November election.

Yeah, I've read that Hillary refused to listen to Bill. He knew what was up.

Hillary's best chance was another Romney type loser like Bush. And someone super religious like Cruz. I can't even imagine the slaughtering that would've occurred with that.

Dems really underestimated how important immigration was to us. Trump was the only one who had the balls to say it. We had got our asses handed to us with typical GOP establishment losers in 2008 and 2012, Dems expected us to go with that again
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Wasn't this year supposed to be full Trump? Was not the world supposed to end? Well, we still have several more hours to go at least on this side of the world so, it could still happen. If it doesn't, you libs got it wrong for the second year in a row when it comes to Trump. Winning! rube. We are all dead, were killed in several Full Trump policy application events. I personally expired due to the removal of the US from the Paris Accord then again at the repeal of the individual mandate in the tax bill. You should have seen the ones that passed from the Net Neutrality repeal........yikes.

You didn’t realize where you were? This is the Afterlife Political Thread. Hate that I had to break that to you.

26170014_927947207381956_8994193304514091641_n.png rube. We are all dead, were killed in several Full Trump policy application events. I personally expired due to the removal of the US from the Paris Accord then again at the repeal of the individual mandate in the tax bill. You should have seen the ones that passed from the Net Neutrality repeal........yikes.

You didn’t realize where you were? This is the Afterlife Political Thread. Hate that I had to break that to you.
The Twilight zone New Years marathon is on and we must be part of it. Now I am full of anxiety. Better get back into the legalize marijuana thread and see if some of the second hand thoughts from smokers can at least mellow me out a little.
It's crazy to think that we won't know what is going on in Iran today until years down the rode and most likely we won't be around to find out. Watching all sides trying to control the narrative will be studied and used in future operations.

CIA Confirms Role in 1953 Iran Coup
Documents Provide New Details on Mosaddeq Overthrow and Its Aftermath
National Security Archive Calls for Release of Remaining Classified Record

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 435
Posted – August 19, 2013

The 1953 coup remains a topic of global interest because so much about it is still under intense debate. Even fundamental questions — who hatched the plot, who ultimately carried it out, who supported it inside Iran, and how did it succeed — are in dispute.[1]

The issue is more than academic. Political partisans on all sides, including the Iranian government, regularly invoke the coup to argue whether Iran or foreign powers are primarily responsible for the country's historical trajectory, whether the United States can be trusted to respect Iran's sovereignty, or whether Washington needs to apologize for its prior interference before better relations can occur.

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Reactions: AustinTXCat rube. We are all dead, were killed in several Full Trump policy application events. I personally expired due to the removal of the US from the Paris Accord then again at the repeal of the individual mandate in the tax bill. You should have seen the ones that passed from the Net Neutrality repeal........yikes.

You didn’t realize where you were? This is the Afterlife Political Thread. Hate that I had to break that to you.

I got bad news for you Rex, you did not die due to Paris Climate Accord. US is still locked into the agreement until 11/5/20. If Trump wins re-election and the US indeed leaves, sorry buddy, you will be gone before 2020 ends.
Honest questions how does Net Neutrality apply here? How does giving control over the internet to foreign actors apply here? Who should we trust with a kill switch?

Iran blocks internet on third night of protests
"The enemy wants once again to create a new plot and use social media and economic issues to foment a new sedition," Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, a prominent cleric, told a crowd in Tehran, according to the conservative Fars news agency.

Other officials also pointed the blame outside Iran.

"Although people have a right to protest, protesters must know how they are being directed," Massoumeh Ebtekar, vice president in charge of women's affairs, wrote on Twitter.

She posted images from Twitter accounts based in the United States and Saudi Arabia, voicing support for the Mashhad protests.

US President Donald Trump tweeted later that Iran's people wanted change and "oppressive regimes cannot endure forever".

"The day will come when the Iranian people will face a choice," he wrote, his second time addressing the subject in as many days. "The world is watching!"

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders added: "The days of America looking the other way from the Iranian regime's oppression are over. America stands with the Iranian people."

Trump's tweets on Friday prompted Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Bahran Ghasemi to dismiss his remarks as "opportunistic."

Republicans Say Obama Administration Is Giving Away The Internet
September 26, 2016
Since its founding in 1998, ICANN has been overseen by the U.S. Commerce Department. But the government contract ends on Sept. 30 and the Obama administration plans to let ICANN become fully independent.

"Russia, and China, and Iran don't have a First Amendment," Cruz says in one of the videos. "They don't protect free speech, and they actively censor the Internet. ICANN could do the same thing, putting foreign countries in charge of what you can say online, prohibiting speech that they disagree with."
You make a good point that NN was about maintaining the status quo on internet service providers with government controlling what those ISPs could do. Now to whose benefit would that be? Us? More sources of IS is what be need & freedom helps that happen. Thanks.
Leftists losing their marbles over another CNN wrestling meme.

"This is inciting violence against the media."

Haha. What the hell do you think leftist media has done to those who oppose them? They've got conservatives attacked in the streets, got Paul attacked, got Scalise shot, got cops killed last year, etc.

How many journalists have been attacked?

I argued with the dumbest person I've ever encountered and that's saying something considering I've been on this site for years. Never should've engaged this person on Twitter considering how effed in the head they were.

This guy didn't believe the HuffPost editor tweeted about killing all men for her New Year's resolution. The screen shots of the tweet weren't enough, the responses to the tweet weren't enough, the reports to twitter and responses from Twitter support weren't enough and he didn't put any value in the dozens of articles written about it because they're from "crazy right wing conspiracy sites like Daily Caller."

I've never seen that level of insanity where unless a leftist outlet said it, he would t believe it.

California is batshit crazy but one thing they do that I think is right, is protect employers. You can't just get fired for BS like in an at-will state and lose your vacation time. You need some type of write up history or a clear violation of work place rules.

Also, another thing they do that's better is you get OT if you work over eight hours in one day where as you could work four 10-hour days in Kentucky and not get overtime. You only get it after 40 hours.

But that's the only redeeming quality.
And some wonder why Trump wants a Muslim ban:

"New Year's Eve celebrations in Berlin will see a "safe zone" for women for the first time in the city's history. Organizers of the Brandenburg Gate party are hoping to prevent mob attacks similar to those that occurred in Cologne two years ago. Hundreds of women were attacked by gangs of men with migrant backgrounds during New Year's Eve celebrations in 2015. The incident happened after Germany had accepted a record influx of more than one million migrants."

Germans can be so culturally stupid, both left & right.
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What it actually shows is how much smarter Trump is with all he's accomplished positively in one year while playing so much golf vs. what O didn't do or screwed up in 8.
There is no way that Trump isn’t working for America while he is golfing. He has gotten 10 times more accomplished for the good of the country in one year than Barack did in 8.

  • A new Nevada law requires employers to grant up to 160 hours of leave per year to employees who are victims of domestic violence or have family members who are victims.
  • New York will permit employees to take up to eight weeks of paid family leave. This is for bonding with a newborn, adopted or foster child, caring for a family member who is ill, or helping with a family member who is deployed on military service
What it actually shows is how much smarter Trump is with all he's accomplished positively in one year while playing so much golf vs. what O didn't do or screwed up in 8.
Obama took us backwards and enabled terrorism, Trump is kicking butt and taking us forward. Big difference and you moronic liberals on here can't stand it because we are once again putting America first. You don't like it, leave. I will help you go.
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  • A new Nevada law requires employers to grant up to 160 hours of leave per year to employees who are victims of domestic violence or have family members who are victims.
  • New York will permit employees to take up to eight weeks of paid family leave. This is for bonding with a newborn, adopted or foster child, caring for a family member who is ill, or helping with a family member who is deployed on military service
I wonder what the proof is to show caring for family member. I really need this kind of option.
You’re watchin' the Rolex wearin', diamond ring wearin', kiss stealin'... WOO!, wheelin' dealin’, limosuine ridin', jet flyin' fourest of four stars there ever was!

The man was a game-changer. Never seen a guy so strong where he isn't a puppet to someone else or lacks confidence.

The man gave two middle fingers to both parties and won. The psychos and NeverTrump so-called "conservatives" are making themselves miserable despite having a guy who basically ran as an independent, became a pioneer, truly feels like a man of the people and doesn't give a crap about the world's feelings and wants to take care of Americans.