How will they rule ??!

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After witnessing the utter derangement of Leftists throughout Trump's first year, it's a little scary to imagine where they'll take this over the next 3 years.

Oh, it's going to get bad. I pray to God we can get Trump for eight years.

How scary will these people be if they get the power again?
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Exactly - if they get in power again, it's going to be ugly. R's need to win every election, no matter how local and we need to get as many judges as possible on the bench in the next 3 years just in case
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Newsweek headline

"How being against human trafficiking is white supremacy."

You can't make such headlines up. You simply can't.
Man I hope we aren't up to our dirty tricks again. Wesley Clark's predictions are still playing out. The Iran people should decide their own fate and I hope they pick freedom over an oppressive government. Zerohedge links the blog that breaks down what they see as CIA and Israeli interventions.

US State Department Hints At Iran Overthrow: Are We Witnessing The Early Stages Of Regime Change?

The US State Department has issued a formal condemnation of the Iranian government following two days of economic protests centering in a handful of cities, calling the regime "a rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos" while announcing support for protesters. It fits a familiar script which seems to roll out when anyone protests for any reason in a country considered an enemy of the United States (whether over economic grievances or full on calling for government overthrow).

From the blog linked to the the zerohedge article.

Iran - Regime Change Agents Hijack Economic Protests

Videos published by the terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq [MEK], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, also show mostly small protests despite the MEK's claim of Tens of thousands of people chant “death to dictator". The MEK, or its "civilian" organization National Council of Resistance of Iran , seem to be most involved in the current protests. Its website is currently filled with the protest issue with a total of ten reports and its head figure issued a supportive statement:

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, saluted the heroic people of Kermanshah and other cities who rose up today chanting “death or freedom”, “death to Rouhani”, “death to the dictator”, and “political prisoners must be freed”, and protested against high prices, poverty and corruption.
She said, “Yesterday Mashhad, today Kermanshah, and tomorrow throughout Iran; this uprising has tolled the death knell for the overthrow of the totally corrupt dictatorship of the mullahs, and is the rise of democracy, justice and popular sovereignty.

This very early engagement of the MEK -its [URL='']first report
was published yesterday at 10:26 am- is extremely suspicious.

In 2012 it was reported that Israel had used the MEK terrorist organization to assassinate nuclear scientists in Iran:

On Thursday, U.S. officials speaking to NBC news claimed that Mossad agents were training members of the dissident terror group People’s Mujahedin of Iran in order assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists, adding that the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama was aware of the operation, but had no direct link to them.
The U.S. officials reportedly confirmed the link between Israel and the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), with one official saying: "All your inclinations are correct.”

In October a CATO Institute paper analyzed (and rejected) several options for U.S. handling Iran. Under Option Three: “Regime Change from Within” it noted:

In this approach, the United States would pressure the Iranian regime and simultaneously back groups that oppose it-whether the exiled extremist National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), pro-democracy Green Revolution factions, or ethnic minorities within Iran-a strategy advocates often compare to Reagan’s support for civil society groups in the Soviet Union.
[A] proponent of “coerced democratization,” the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ Mark Dubowitz, urged President Trump to “go on the offensive against the Iranian regime” by “weakening the Iranian regime’s finances” through “massive economic sanctions,” while also “undermin[ing] Iran’s rulers by strengthening pro-democracy forces” inside Iran. This option appears to be gaining traction in the Trump administration’s ongoing Iran policy review and has received public support from Tillerson. CIA Director Mike Pompeo also favored such an approach during his time in Congress.
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Excellent interview and discussion with David Horowitz and Dave Rubin regarding the left, the history of it, academia, Black Panthers, the left being the racist party (as they have always been), communism, Islam, etc.
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The left is a cult and if allowed to be challenged, more and more kids would see how crazy and inconsistent their ideology is. The mental gymnastics are astounding.

Calls conservatives Nazis
Meanwhile, freaks out about them backing Israel over Muslims.

Calls them fascist
While they seek to silence opposing views on campus and in the streets and defend Antifa.

Says Trump is a dictator
While the left tries to grow bigger government and sees government as the answer.

Calls Republicans sexist
Backs Islam

Calls Republicans racist
Promotes hate against whites, thinks if your skin is dark that you deserve admissions and jobs over a white person. Only seeks to decrease whites. Seeks to lower the standards for non-white people.

The list goes on and on.
How many times is DJT going to put out some spelling mistake or copied post to spread a message that he knows the never trumpers won't spread unless they can try and make him look bad somehow? They fall for it every time.