How will they rule ??!

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This dude is now the left's latest hero.

They have a real low bar. They really loved the lady on the bike who flipped off Trump's motorcade.

They're about as retarded and childish as possible. "Der der, I mailed some poop."

Never mind on how that reflects on him more than anyone. That's certainly not someone who should be in a position judge anyone's mental health or anything.
We've been doing this for a year and this is what the corrupt FBI has.

Pretty telling.

Just a little bit longer to fabricate some stuff. Honestly, a big part of me thinks it's hoping to carry it on close to 2018 and hoping Trump fires him. I think that's what they want.
I wanted to take a moment just to reiterate that the media, both television and newspaper reporters can request FOIA docs but choose to stick to opinion-based BS. Only Judicial Watch is interested in actual evidence and truth.

Pretty telling.
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Manafort going to get a second indictment before Podesta gets one.

Might as well get used to it. This was the purpose of the special investigator, slow down Trump anytime he starts gaining momentum.

We literally have a special prosecutor appointed to look for a crime. That’s not how it’s supposed to work. A special prosecutor is installed AFTER a crime has been uncovered.
We've been doing this for a year and this is what the corrupt FBI has.

Pretty telling.

Just a little bit longer to fabricate some stuff. Honestly, a big part of me thinks it's hoping to carry it on close to 2018 and hoping Trump fires him. I think that's what they want.

That’s exactly what Mueller is wanting Trump to do.
Funny how a special council republican prosecutor, hired by a republican, after a few dozen tweets, suddenly becomes adored by libs and discredited by cons. Take notice Hollywood! This is how you produce a reality TV show.
Austria launches new migrant policy: Benefits cut, phones seized and money taken.

Phones will be seized upon entry, allowing border officials to analyse mobile data to determine migrants’ identities. Money will also be taken from migrants and put towards the cost of caring for people arriving in the country. And benefits will be stopped for some migrants who have not yet “paid into” the country.....

.....On benefits, 31-year-old new Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said: “It will no longer happen for migrants who have never worked here a single day or paid anything into the social system to get thousands of euros in welfare.”.....

....However the young Chancellor has ruled out a vote on an EU referendum and urged the government to be pro-Brussels.

He has, however, already rejected the EU’s migrant quota, joining Hungary and Poland in a stand-off with the bloc.
Cracking down. It appears there is hope for some European countries after all.
They've admitted they have a problem. A good start. England and Germany are still in denial about theirs.

Why is he scared of holding a vote on leaving the tyrannical EU?
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Funny how a special council republican prosecutor, hired by a republican, after a few dozen tweets, suddenly becomes adored by libs and discredited by cons. Take notice Hollywood! This is how you produce a reality TV show.

Yep. The DNC is the victim here. Poor innocent democrats. Sure hope they get those evil corrupt Trumpians. One can only wish, James
I wanted to take a moment just to reiterate that the media, both television and newspaper reporters can request FOIA docs but choose to stick to opinion-based BS. Only Judicial Watch is interested in actual evidence and truth.

Pretty telling.

The story is more profitable than the truth
I think Dems have a mental illness issue but outside of that, I think many are morons. Zero logic and all emotion.

For example, Democrats giving Obama credit for the economy or acting like he was amazing. If this was the case, why did the Dems lose a record number of seats? Why did they lose the house, the senate and the presidency?

That's an endorsement of their thoughts about him. How many Dem states turned red because of Obama was complete garbage and Hillary's term was an extension of Obama's admin.

If things were so awesome, why would they go the other way? Why did Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, etc all turn red?

And if Obama was so great, explain the economy getting to levels it was never at for eight freaking years?

"Russia gave Trump the presidency."


"Facebook ads."

How did Republicans win the senate and house?

"Racism and gerrymandering."

Angry communists and militant black hate groups masquerading as "social justice warriors".

Sadly, our country is now inundated with people who hate this country, its history, and our Founders with every fiber of their being and they've managed to hijack one of the 2 major political parties thanks to a radical community organizer who posed as a moderate.
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Yep. The DNC is the victim here. Poor innocent democrats. Sure hope they get those evil corrupt Trumpians. One can only wish, James

I wonder what kind of role this man will have in their little reality show?

Meet the Inspector General
The dollar is going down and short-term bonds are rising. Not sure what that signifies until the yield curve inverts. Bears hate that shit.
One: foreign economies are recovering. Strong fx does not necessarily equal weak dollar.

Two, rates are rising because the Fed artificially suppressed rates over the last 9 years... they're simply raising rates because the economy no longer needs cheap money.

We typically get an inverted yield curve when we are headed toward a recession. Not sure why you're concerned about this.. we're nowhere near a recessionary environment.
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One: foreign economies are recovering. Strong fx does not necessarily equal weak dollar.

Two, rates are rising because the Fed artificially suppressed rates over the last 9 years... they're simply raising rates because the economy no longer needs cheap money.

We typically get an inverted yield curve when we are headed toward a recession. Not sure why you're concerned about this.. we're nowhere near a recessionary environment.
Pointing out the facts. Hard to ignore but the tweet I replied to seemed to do so when it mentioned repatriation in a cycle where foreign investment is particularly strong. IOW, a weakening dollar appears to forecast the total opposite of what was said by the WSJ.

This guy is a psychologist...trump's ability to completely unhinge certain people has been very entertaining.
That is questionable on the psychologist part. Too many people these days have false degrees due to colleges just wanting the money and practically giving them out. Just pay your tuition and show up to class. In some cases like UNC, you don't even have to show up to make the deans list.
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That is questionable on the psychologist part. Too many people these days have false degrees due to colleges just wanting the money and practically giving them out. Just pay your tuition and show up yo class. In some cases like UNC, you don't even have to show up to make the deans list.

Yep. Pisses me off. My wife made the deans list at EKU this semester and she worked her ass off for it. Some people just get it handed to them through phony classes. Absolute BS.
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Yep. Pisses me off. My wife made the deans list at EKU this semester and she worked her ass off for it. Some people just get it handed to them through phony classes. Absolute BS.

In my junior year at a major university, I was in a class with a guy who struggled to read. He was dumb as hell. I remember an instance where these two girls stayed after class to beg the professor not to collectively give everyone the same grade that was in a group because of him.

Apparently, he wasn't showing up to study or participate. Well, the day came for their group presentation. They did well and then it was his turn to give his portion. Oh, man. It was the most brutal and cringeworthy thing I sat through. I couldn't watch. He read like a third grader and didn't know how to read or prounounce a lot of basic words.

He had transferred from Grambling.

He certainly wasn't admitted based on grades or ability.
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It doesn't take much time at all with most recent college grads to realize they don't really know much of worth or merit, save for specialized degrees and graduate students.

I find the most humor in the fact that it's always the kids who took AP English in HS and/or clepped out of English101 who can't write or even use punctuation for absolute shit.

Tell you what... sit at a busy 4-way stop intersection and watch the cluster**** it produces and then realize that only 3-4 sentences in the driver's manual explains how to solve this issue. Apply that same mentality to most college students these days, except the books are a hell of a lot thicker.
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