How will they rule ??!

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Christianity isn't fake John, it's on every corner and home. It's shaped the world we live and thrive in, whether you like it or not.
It's all around us, and the world is better because of it.
I'd love to see all the atheist hospitals, food banks, homeless shelters, etc.

I mean there has to be hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of atheist-run organizations helping the poor, sick, hungry... amirite?
I'd love to see all the atheist hospitals, food banks, homeless shelters, etc.

I mean there has to be hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of atheist-run organizations helping the poor, sick, hungry... amirite?

Oh, you see, it's more important to tweet #resist or to virtue signal online without really doing anything.

So weird that with how "awful" conservatives and Christians are, they go to undesirable places and do more and give more than the crowd who pats themselves on the back about how tolerant and virtuous they are.
Oh, you see, it's more important to tweet #resist or to virtue signal online without really doing anything.

So weird that with how "awful" conservatives and Christians are, they go to undesirable places and do more and give more than the crowd who pats themselves on the back about how tolerant and virtuous they are.

I never said Christians were awful - 95% of my friends and close acquaintances are what I'd call evangelicals - white Christian conservatives. They're all good people. Personally I think they'd still be good people without the jeebus thing, but that's just me.
I'd love to see all the atheist hospitals, food banks, homeless shelters, etc.

I mean there has to be hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of atheist-run organizations helping the poor, sick, hungry... amirite?

They are out there but people refuse to admit that they exist out of fear of being called a "conspiracy theorist" and the truth is so sick that they don't want to swallow that pill.

Exclusive: Federal agents found fetuses in body broker's warehouse (Warning: Graphic images)

By John Shiffman and Brian Grow
ReutersDecember 26, 2017

Blackburn said the discoveries in Rathburn’s warehouse raise questions about the practices of body brokers across America. Such brokers take cadavers donated to science, dismember them and sell them for parts, typically for use in medical research and education. The multimillion-dollar industry has been built largely on the poor, who donate their bodies in return for a free cremation of leftover body parts.
Did the US and the EU intentionally create a refugee crisis?

I keep coming back to this, what purpose did we have in supporting the Libyan uprising, and the total cluster that was left in its place. Then you look at how quickly the military was able to dispatch ISIS once the reins were lifted. How many lives could've been saved if that would've occured years earlier?
Rosie lost what was left of her mind for Christmas. Apparently, Paul Ryan is going to hell for passing Tax Reform/Cuts. I guess that she didn't like the tax hike on California's wealthiest. Maybe she should just stick to what she knows best; clam bumping with ugly chicks.

"The 55-year-old actress responded to a video House Speaker Paul Ryan posted on Saturday to celebrate Christmas, telling him to 'go straight to hell.' 'paul ryan - don't talk about Jesus after what u just did to our nation - u will go straight to hell u screwed up fake altar boy #JUDASmuch,' she said on Twitter, Monday.
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Rosie lost what was left of her mind for Christmas. Apparently, Paul Ryan is going to hell for passing Tax Reform/Cuts. I guess that she didn't like the tax hike on California's wealthiest. Maybe she should just stick to what she knows best; clam bumping with ugly chicks.

"The 55-year-old actress responded to a video House Speaker Paul Ryan posted on Saturday to celebrate Christmas, telling him to 'go straight to hell.' 'paul ryan - don't talk about Jesus after what u just did to our nation - u will go straight to hell u screwed up fake altar boy #JUDASmuch,' she said on Twitter, Monday.
So Trump was right about Rosie?
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Guatemala announced that it also plans to move its embassy to Jerusalem. Reports that Romania could be next.

If you recall, when Trump first made the announcement, Israel released a statement saying that several other countries had been in contact and privately agreed with Trump’s move, but wouldn't publicly announce it because of politics. Maybe Guatemala and Romania could be all it takes for the others to publicly come on board.

If you like history, lots of parralels between Trump and Andrew Jackson and some similarities in Reagan. Trump is Trump but history has a way with repeating cycles .
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Austria launches new migrant policy: Benefits cut, phones seized and money taken.

Phones will be seized upon entry, allowing border officials to analyse mobile data to determine migrants’ identities. Money will also be taken from migrants and put towards the cost of caring for people arriving in the country. And benefits will be stopped for some migrants who have not yet “paid into” the country.....

.....On benefits, 31-year-old new Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said: “It will no longer happen for migrants who have never worked here a single day or paid anything into the social system to get thousands of euros in welfare.”.....

....However the young Chancellor has ruled out a vote on an EU referendum and urged the government to be pro-Brussels.

He has, however, already rejected the EU’s migrant quota, joining Hungary and Poland in a stand-off with the bloc.
Cracking down. It appears there is hope for some European countries after all.