How will they rule ??!

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She got 44k retweets, he got 1.1k. Not awesome.

Celebs could run the country if they wanted to. More people know, follow and in some case worship these people than any politicial figure on the planet.

In this case, Jenna Fischer says something and it’s automaticslly validated because she was Pam on the Office... and Mrs. Dewey Cox. None of her followers will question her and now 44K retweets later and it’s gospel truth to those people.

All that said she could be my secretary any day [winking]
Had a MAGA Christmas so far. Very cool gifts.

Logged on to Twitter and saw this.

The day racism from blacks is adressed (which is the biggest portion of racism) then you can lecture about microaggression and "white privilege."
Merry Christmas you fantastic bastards. Hope you all enjoy some relaxation with your families today.

Off topic, where can I buy wine today?
From liberals who hate posted wine not whine. My mistake, carry on.
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Trump and first lady Melania participate in NORAD Santa calls.

President Trump and first lady Melania Trump joined the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) call center remotely on Sunday to take questions about Santa’s whereabouts.....

.....One caller told the president that their wish was for their grandmother to get out of the hospital.

“You want your grandma to get out of the hospital,” he said. “That is great, that’s better than asking for some toy or something.”

He told one caller that his Christmas wish was “peace for the country."

“We’ve got prosperity, now we want peace,” he said.

The president took six calls and the first lady took nine, according to the first lady's office. They are celebrating the holiday at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s private resort in Florida.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
The teachers supplies deduction, or not, is likely irrelevant to 90%+ of teachers with the standard deduction raised to $24K. You'd need to buy a whole lot of supplies to reach that amount (along with your other deductions.).
Vh, they’re talking about the $250 deduction that teachers can take as a deduction before adjusted gross income. They didn’t have to itemize in order to take this deduction. However, the other tax breaks are so generous, that 99% of teachers will still pay significantly less in taxes. This deduction is as irrelevant as a tick turd. They’re just looking for something to bitch about.
I agree with this. No need to assault a whole religion on their commercial holiday. And yes, Islam is just as fake. Not sure how most lefties can't see that.

Christianity isn't fake John, it's on every corner and home. It's shaped the world we live and thrive in, whether you like it or not.
It's all around us, and the world is better because of it.