How will they rule ??!

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It appears Jackson has a history of being an entitled elitist. Go figure.(Dated 2002!)

I'm not saying these black women in gov't (Jackson, Brazile, Frederica Wilson, Harris, Lynch, etc.) are giving other black women in gov't a bad name... but, if the shoe fits...

Aggrievance culture and black culture are synonymous with each other so it makes sense that they're overwhelmingly Democrat considering that's what they sell as a platform.

Took someone else's seat, the person who lost seat gets upset...that person is a racist
She (Jackson Lee) got the seat because she's a black, elitist, liberal, they're entitled you know. If she didn't get the seat she would have pulled out her old worn out race card and accused the airliner of racism. That the kind of worthless, piece of trash that she is.
Her feet remind me of a HS English teacher I had. Lovely woman, a bit heavy with thick legs and she liked to wear those same skirt business suits (you know, back when teachers used to actually try to look professional).

I guess she wedged her chubby feet into a size smaller than she actually wore b/c it always looked like her shoes were baking fresh bread.
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Took someone else's seat, the person who lost seat gets upset...that person is a racist
Most Black people will never ever succeed until they give up the victim card. Nothing will ever change for them no matter how many government programs there are until they take personal responsibility as a culture. That means that successful black people have to call out the others that always blame whitey.
Most Black people will never ever succeed until they give up the victim card. Nothing will ever change for them no matter how many government programs there are until they take personal responsibility as a culture. That means that successful black people have to call out the others that always blame whitey.
Snopes amuses me.

I heard a speech from Reagan from the 1960s where he referenced Norman Thomas of the Socialist Party and used a quote.

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism,” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program."

Snopes cannot find the original source so they call it false.

Video of Obama showing off his erect penis on the plane in 2008?

Snopes ruling: Unproven
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Charities oppose tax cut/higher std deduction because they fear many won't give now. IOW, it's more important to them for them to get theirs than for you to get yours - including increased child tax credit - & decide what to do with the added money. Net, they have a terribe opinion of the goodwill of their donors.

I don't see the new standard deduction making much difference. The wealthiest 10% will still itemize and use their charitable deductions. Everyone else will still donate their used clothes and household items just to get rid of them. Plus they will give a few hundred here and there because its the right thing to do.
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What percentage of people itemize now vs the percentage that will be itemizing in 2018 with the higher standard deduction and limited SALT deduction?

I'd guess you'll see a big drop off in donations from the people who went from itemizing to standard deduction under the reform.
What percentage of people itemize now vs the percentage that will be itemizing in 2018 with the higher standard deduction and limited SALT deduction?

I'd guess you'll see a big drop off in donations from the people who went from itemizing to standard deduction under the reform.

30% Itemize now and it is expected to go to about 10% under the new law.
I don't see the new standard deduction making much difference. The wealthiest 10% will still itemize and use their charitable deductions. Everyone else will still donate their used clothes and household items just to get rid of them. Plus they will give a few hundred here and there because its the right thing to do.
The point is these charities don't think as highly of us as you express. I tend to agree with you. And they ignore that people will have more in their pockets to choose to donate with. The charities are just awful on this.
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I don't understand what's so outrageous.

If you aren't itemizing, every dollar you give to charity costs you one dollar. If you are itemizing, a percentage of every dollar you give to charity is subsidized by the federal government.

That's a very big motivator for some.
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So many things to touch on with this. Going to borrow a few complaints from the left about America.

"America was never great to begin with."
"American imperialism is bad."
"America is responsible for everything bad in the world."
"America fights too many wars, gets involved where it doesn't belong." <---I agree.

For one, I don't give a crap about Neocons and anonymous connections with Bush. But not surprised that anything that focuses on us and doesn't waste our money on globalist BS is always bad to them.

And second, suggesting America doesn't set the tone for everything is ridiculous but even then, what's the honor of being considered top dog in the world? Paying for everyone's bull crap and importing everyone's problems? Sure. Let Germany have that honor.

Although, I do enjoy Democrats now valuing the opinions of Bush and his admin, McCain and Romney after making them out as total monsters.
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So many things to touch on with this. Going to borrow a few complaints from the left about America.

"America was never great to begin with."
"American imperialism is bad."
"America is responsible for everything bad in the world."
"America fights too many wars, gets involved where it doesn't belong." <---I agree.

For one, I don't give a crap about Neocons and anonymous connections with Bush. But not surprised that anything that focuses on us and doesn't waste our money on globalist BS is always bad to them.

And second, suggesting America doesn't set the tone for everything is ridiculous but even then, what's the honor of being considered top dog in the world? Paying for everyone's bull crap and importing everyone's problems? Sure. Let Germany have that honor.

Although, I do enjoy Democrats now valuing the opinions of Bush and his admin, McCain and Romney after making them out as total monsters.
What would the world be like without the United States? I’m sure some good, but mostly bad.