How will they rule ??!

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Yep. And it was their ridiculous overreach that caused a sleepy, lazy, feckless nation to take notice and physically push the pendulum back the other direction. Yet, they still won't admit that while continuing to try to push the exact same bullshit that has nearly cost them their entire party.

Once again, proof positive that liberalism is a mental disorder.
I think that when the epitaph is written, liberals will get the blame (and rightfully so) for killing the Democratic party.
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I wish we could send fuzz to love them up and get them on the right path.

Fuzz would apologize for America to each and every one of those terrorists...he would get so specific he would mention things those followers of violent Mohammad had never heard of, like the BLT left on the steps of a mosque in Raleigh...but not appreciating that Muslims view both the Christian and the most leftist cuck as equally infidel-ish...Fuzz would be no more.
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The Eagles' Chris Long seems like the most desperate cuck who wants acceptance from black players.

"I'm donating my next seven checks to Charlottesville." For what? There was one victim. What a bizarre selection. No desire to virtue signal anywhere else. Had to be this specific one.

He was all about the kneeling crap too.
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Watching some of this Sessions hearing. Just not sure what to think of him at this point.
I saw Katy Tur and liberal media tried to turn a Trump quote into an insult by him saying, "He knew what he signed up for and he did it anyways" regarding a fallen soldier. Paraphrased.

Obviously implying the soldier knew death was a possibility yet he did it anyways. Obviously saying he's brave.

Idiot media made it into some insult. Biggest bunch of morons.
Pretty sick watching the left completely take Trump out of context about what was said to a widow. Truly a disgusting bunch of people, there is no low they won't sink to.
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The same leftists who have been bending over backwards trying to say why its ok to disrespect the national anthem, are all of a sudden concerned about disrespect shown towards the military.


What an unbelievable bunch of phonies these people are.

Also, where were these phonies after Benghazi? Nowhere to be found.
I vividly remember Obama honoring the families of our military.

Pretty sick watching the left completely take Trump out of context about what was said to a widow. Truly a disgusting bunch of people, there is no low they won't sink to.

Even if he said that exact thing, which I doubt, it wasn't meant in a derogatory way. Trump is hardly a wordsmith, he clearly meant that the fact he knew the dangers and still volunteered to serve was something great and commendable.
Speaking of MAGA... Dow up another 135 currently to another all-time high so...


As (I believe) IdaCat said, this keeps up and I'll also be able to retire early and fight liberalism full time.
Anything that liberals come in contact with, or have their way with. They will destroy it. A couple examples

The Boy Scouts - After the libs got what they wanted there, homosexuals in the Scouts. The Boy Scouts has been hemorrhaging members ever sense. Over 250,000 fewer members today than when they enacted this policy.

The NFL - Their liberal crap has infiltrated the NFL with this taking a knee garbage when the anthem is played. The attendance is down. Their TV ratings have plummeted. So just keep on keeping on libs.
Of course this isn't a setup at all. Just a big ole coincidence that it was a black soldier and a black congresswoman.

Now the left cares about the military all of a sudden. K
Trump insensitive on this? So it would have been better had he not called the black green beret's family so the left could call him racist for not calling? Just can win with some no matter how hard you try.
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lmaoo....from KSR

Learn about the many benefits of Anthem Medicaid
By KSR on ©October 18th, 2017 @ 12:45pm

Posted in Main

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[comment 0] [Link]
Speaking of MAGA... Dow up another 135 currently to another all-time high so...


As (I believe) IdaCat said, this keeps up and I'll also be able to retire early and fight liberalism full time.
Pretty soon they will have to change it to "MAGMA" it is getting too hot for the Dems.
lmaoo....from KSR

Learn about the many benefits of Anthem Medicaid
By KSR on ©October 18th, 2017 @ 12:45pm

Posted in Main

Now is the time to find the health insurance plan that is just right for you. Anthem has been around for nearly 80 years in Kentucky.

Anthem Medicaid serves members in all 120 counties in Kentucky. The benefits of Anthem Medicaid are endless: coverage for all ages, no copays, free eyeglasses for children and adults, the only Medicaid plan offering adults both glasses or contacts every year, free over the counter medicines with a prescription, and so many other benefits. Open enrollment runs from October 16 to December 15. To choose Anthem Medicaid call 855-306-8959 or visit

[comment 0] [Link]
I still enjoy the radio show somewhat, but the website is awful.
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The Eagles' Chris Long seems like the most desperate cuck who wants acceptance from black players.

"I'm donating my next seven checks to Charlottesville." For what? There was one victim. What a bizarre selection. No desire to virtue signal anywhere else. Had to be this specific one.

He was all about the kneeling crap too.
The black leaders of that community will keep the money for themselves. They will pull a Don King, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Clintonian move.
The Eagles' Chris Long seems like the most desperate cuck who wants acceptance from black players.

"I'm donating my next seven checks to Charlottesville." For what? There was one victim. What a bizarre selection. No desire to virtue signal anywhere else. Had to be this specific one.

He was all about the kneeling crap too.

2 things here

1. Long is from Charlottesville and donated his first 6 checks to scholarship funds in Charlottesville

2. The remainder of his game checks for this season are going to different charities.

Your post makes it sound like he's just giving the money to the city and has no connection to it.
"Where is the Justice Dept"


So stop tweeting about this shit and actually tell Sessions to do something or he's fired. Bring someone in to actually do the job.

If you're going to pick and choose which laws to enforce, enforce the ones that actually "drain the swamp" and "lock her up" like you promised so many times. America doesn't need or want stricter enforcement of marijuana laws.
"Where is the Justice Dept"


So stop tweeting about this shit and actually tell Sessions to do something or he's fired. Bring someone in to actually do the job.

If you're going to pick and choose which laws to enforce, enforce the ones that actually "drain the swamp" and "lock her up" like you promised so many times. America doesn't need or want stricter enforcement of marijuana laws.
Either Sessions is doing something behind the scenes or they have some dirt on him that is preventing him from doing his job. Right now Sessions seems like part of "The Swamp" to me.

Either he starts going after these criminals or fire him and get someone who will. Tweeting and talking about it is getting old.
Either Sessions is doing something behind the scenes or they have some dirt on him that is preventing him from doing his job. Right now Sessions seems like part of "The Swamp" to me.

Either he starts going after these criminals or fire him and get someone who will. Tweeting and talking about it is getting old.
My swag, other than Sessions being nearly worthless, is that most of the Justice dept is slow rolling everything because they are Obama loyalists and/or worthless bureaucrats counting on Sessions not lasting long and they can start the slow roll over with the next person.
For what its worth, someone from judicial watch was quoted as saying that the Trump doj was more difficult to get things on Clinton than the Obama Doj."

That's either bullcrap, or they really are working on something behind the scenes or sessions is part of the swamp.

With what we went thru in Alabama with corrupt politicians, I do not think it's option C
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Sessions is compromised IMO. The swamp probably has stuff on him, hence why he (at least publicly) isn't going after them. A lot of Obama holdovers in that department probably aren't helping things either.
Here's that stupid Jesus on Ellen interview....idk what this is, or the point of it. It's weird. Both guys are clearly on drugs and they only answer questions that Ellen answers for them. Please excuse the video, first one I clicked that wasn't shutdown by Warner Bros.

Oh, and they gave Jesus 25k lmao.
...basically a plug for Ellen's website to collect donations, I guess.

I just wanna know how or why Ellen (who works for Warner Bros and lots of other people I guess) got rights to this ONE AND ONLY INTERVIEW. That is weird.
My swag, other than Sessions being nearly worthless, is that most of the Justice dept is slow rolling everything because they are Obama loyalists and/or worthless bureaucrats counting on Sessions not lasting long and they can start the slow roll over with the next person.
Hate to toot my own horn but, I have said this in other post before and will say it again, I don't think they have any intention to lock up anyone or get them in much trouble because it happens on both sides of the aisle and this is all smoke and mirrors to feign action.

The toot my own horn was an homage Nasty Pelosi in this weeks comments.
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"Where is the Justice Dept"


So stop tweeting about this shit and actually tell Sessions to do something or he's fired. Bring someone in to actually do the job.

If you're going to pick and choose which laws to enforce, enforce the ones that actually "drain the swamp" and "lock her up" like you promised so many times. America doesn't need or want stricter enforcement of marijuana laws.

Patience. They are going down with or without Sessions.
...basically a plug for Ellen's website to collect donations, I guess.

I just wanna know how or why Ellen (who works for Warner Bros and lots of other people I guess) got rights to this ONE AND ONLY INTERVIEW. That is weird.

Eventually you have to say that this shit just doesn't add up and then you have to start asking yourself how many times have they done this before when I wasn't looking?