How will they rule ??!

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Republican president and Congress. Really. Look it up. Right now.

End of hijack.

It's actually a pretty straight laced move on their part you know, introducing some heterosexual options for the troop leaders for a change.

What does a president in his 10th month and congress have to do with the culture? Our culture has absolutely shifted to an insane far left society. It's now controversial to just be a normal person.
In this video around 5:07 you hear bullets whiz by. I mean I can see why it might would take an hour to find and track the shooter down, but not if security was alerted and glass shattered in the valet area right away.

Not only are they changing the timeline of evenets they also changed Paddock from checking in on the 28th to the 25th.
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Why don't girl scouts just start doing some of the things boy scouts do...if you don't want to sell cookies then have the option where they can do other things
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Yup. The GOP may seriously never have won a presidential election again. Not even kidding. She would've filled America with illegals, and maybe enough to even turn Texas blue.

Thank God she lost.
Middle class would have disappeared and we would have turned into one big third world mess.
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My wife took our kids and a few of their friends to St. Louis. Go to City Museum downtown, midday today.
Come out to leave and some asshole had kicked in the side window of our SUV and took everyone’s luggage, checkbook, show tickets, everything. During the middle of the GD day!
That’s what causes decent people to not give a fu*k about people that live in inner cities.
It’s a god damn shame when you can’t take your kids to a US city in broad daylight without fear of being robbed!
Damn, this sucks. Sorry to hear.
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Strongest argument that something still smells about this for me.

Nobody makes money off Vegas.

I hate Coulter but she makes a great point - he wasnt making millions off video poker. Real poker? Yes i can believe. Not video poker. You cannot win long term.

Shes also right about people laundering money gambling. Its not the cleanest way. But it works. Have a big enough winning day and you get a 1099 showing legit income.

Also this notion the casino has no idea of his whereabouts is just nonsense. Vegas casinos are incredibly high tech with even facial recognition software (i read). They know everything you do from video cameras to rewards cards. No way this guy is unaccounted for, not for that length of time.
Prolly will be a good kid.

The ones in now will allow Syrian refugees to rape their own wives when they get married
Yeah, he is a great kid. Never gave me a minutes trouble. And scouting has been a big part of that. Took the law and oath to heart. Really helped shape him.
It's actually a pretty straight laced move on their part you know, introducing some heterosexual options for the troop leaders for a change.

[laughing].....seriously though, I was never interested the scouts because my dad and I spent a lot of quality time in the great outdoors. If they had allowed the ladies in back in the day, I would have considered joining....
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Next they'll be going to school together and everything.
The whole point of "Boy" scouts is to help these boys / young men to become men. From someone who was one himself and has been heavily involved the last 7 to 10 years with his son. I can tell you from experience that having women involved to the degree of cub masters and scout masters this is a big mistake. I've seen it time and time again where the mothers of these boys coddle them too much. And their sons never get out of the scouting experience what they should. Now their introducing girls into the equation. Can only imagine how camp outs are going to turn out once girls are introduced into the equation. And, BSA does a pretty good job of keeping a tight lid on problems that occur. Welcome to the pussification of america. Wife showed me a picture just last night of a troop we are very familiar with. All women leaders. They took that troop over and it's a damn shame what it's turned into. I have seen first hand how they conduct their business / meetings / camp outs. But that's just my two cents.
The whole Vegas deal is complete and utter BS. They are either covering up something major that they are scared to death for the public to know or are being very deceptive and not saying much because they are trying to protect the integrity of the investigation.

How someone could break into a major piece of evidence (his home) is beyond me and wreaks of either total incompetence on the police's part or something fishy is going on.
The whole point of "Boy" scouts is to help these boys / young men to become men

Which is sexist and predatory and misogynistic etc etc etc

For real. Let the boys go take over the Cookie Trade AND introduce guns into GSA. They'd ban the whole Scout Universe quick.

No matter how much these science deniers want to make male and female animals equal, Mother Nature will not every allow it.
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The whole point of "Boy" scouts is to help these boys / young men to become men. From someone who was one himself and has been heavily involved the last 7 to 10 years with his son. I can tell you from experience that having women involved to the degree of cub masters and scout masters this is a big mistake. I've seen it time and time again where the mothers of these boys coddle them too much. And their sons never get out of the scouting experience what they should. Now their introducing girls into the equation. Can only imagine how camp outs are going to turn out once girls are introduced into the equation. And, BSA does a pretty good job of keeping a tight lid on problems that occur. Welcome to the pussification of america. Wife showed me a picture just last night of a troop we are very familiar with. All women leaders. They took that troop over and it's a damn shame what it's turned into. I have seen first hand how they conduct their business / meetings / camp outs. But that's just my two cents.

It sounds like every problem you're worried about this causing is already happening. I'm also not inclined to believe that your personal experience of a bad troop being run by women is worth anything more than a bad troop anywhere else for whatever reason.

If you want to know a secret, I think this is a topic both sides just want to pretend to be mad about and it actually isn't a big deal at all. But keep that between us.

Dave Chappelle discusses Hollywood years ago. Mentions how sick it is.

I worked in that industry at a low level for a few years. It's beyond sick. The modeling industry is the same. There are so many sickos out there. The casting couch stuff is real and has a further reach than anyone can imagine.

People trying to get into the industry are the easiest prey. They're green. They're desperate to just get some contact in the business to hope for that big break. But you'll hardly meet anyone who would do something for you without expecting something. And it's not just girls. It's guys too. Terry Crews touched on it. You'd be blown away or maybe you wouldn't, when you find out how many people are bisexual out there or just straight up weird.

I worked a music video with a girl for a rap video where she'd get called by Jerry Bruckenheimer like an appointment and he'd lay down like a plastic wrap in his office and wanted to watch her use the restroom. Sick stuff like that.

Hollywood is an illusion. We see what they want us to see. For us in the Midwest, we fantasize about those places growing up but it's a lie. Even Hollywood Blvd where they have the Oscars, they don't show you what's on the other side of the street. They put up huge black tarps so the cameras don't show you how skanky it is, how many bums are there, how it smells like piss, how it's a mixture of adult shops, dirty hole in the wall type stores.
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Hollywood is an illusion. We see what they want us to see. For us in the Midwest, we fantasize about those places growing up but it's a lie. Even Hollywood Blvd where they have the Oscars, they don't show you what's on the other side of the street. They put up hufe black tarps so the cameras don't show you how skanky it is, how many bums are there, how it smells like piss, how it's a mixture of adult shops, dirty hole in the wall type stores.

I have several friends that live in LA and they all basically say that if I ever come to visit to avoid Hollywood like the plague.
Just reading about the first cousin marriage problem with Pakis in England, spiking birth defects in refugee-settled areas. Pakis aren't backing down, of course, b/c "culture."

Made me realize I've never seen a mentally retarded or otherwise mentally handicapped Muslim individual. Wonder if they kill em at birth?

Sad that I have to clarify this, but this is a serious question.
The whole Vegas deal is complete and utter BS. They are either covering up something major that they are scared to death for the public to know or are being very deceptive and not saying much because they are trying to protect the integrity of the investigation.

How someone could break into a major piece of evidence (his home) is beyond me and wreaks of either total incompetence on the police's part or something fishy is going on.

I wonder if it's not so much a cover up, but they have some pretty good suspicions, but it's all circumstantial only. It might take a while, against possible resistance, to build the case.