How will they rule ??!

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A lot of the electorate are still single issue voters. You've got Christians out there that will flat out not vote for a candidate who is pro choice, which rules out most democrats. Jews, at least the ones I know, don't latch on to the social issues that Evangelicals do.
There are core values which many people regardless of religious beliefs hold that they will not yield on. I will not vote for a pro-choice candidate. I know some democrats who will not vote for a pro choice candidate although admittedly they are the minority of their party.
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There are core values which many people regardless of religious beliefs hold that they will not yield on. I will not vote for a pro-choice candidate. I know some democrats who will not vote for a pro choice candidate although admittedly they are the minority of their party.

I could vote for a pro-choice candidate depending on the situation. However, its more than just issue itself for me, it tells me a lot more about the candidate who thinks that is legally okay. A character test of sorts.

With all the PC stuff/ social justice warrior stuff going on today, I don't see how this issue isn't included, except for personal convenience.
That ain't my battle man. If Christians think their voting patterns will make Jeebus accept them, more power to them I guess.
As Christians, EVERYTHING we do, say, and even think, matters and will be judged.

Kinda keeps us in our lane lol.
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There are core values which many people regardless of religious beliefs hold that they will not yield on. I will not vote for a pro-choice candidate. I know some democrats who will not vote for a pro choice candidate although admittedly they are the minority of their party.

Which is ironic because Roe v Wade isn't going anywhere. Like Trump said, it's settled law. Women will have the right to choose for the foreseeable future, just like John Q Public will have the right to buy and own an arsenal of weapons for the foreseeable future.

It amazes me how much attention Roe and the 2A get during every election cycle considering they are both near locks to stay in force for as long as this country exists.
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Which is ironic because Roe v Wade isn't going anywhere. Like Trump said, it's settled law. Women will have the right to choose for the foreseeable future, just like John Q Public will have the right to buy and own an arsenal of weapons for the foreseeable future.

It amazes me how much attention Roe and the 2A get during every election cycle considering they are both near locks to stay in force for as long as this country exists.

The history and manipulation to get Roe v Wade is super interesting. So many lies.

I think the 2A was absolutely on the agenda for Hillary. She wouldn't have been able to do it until after 2020. She would've had the Supreme Court to do it. She would have the votes to make sure she won again after flooding us with the third world.
The history and manipulation to get Roe v Wade is super interesting. So many lies.

I think the 2A was absolutely on the agenda for Hillary. She wouldn't have been able to do it until after 2020. She would've had the Supreme Court to do it. She would have the votes to make sure she won again after flooding us with the third world.

Had Hillary won I don't think she makes it past 2020. 16 years with one party in control is about unheard of.
Republican president and Congress. Really. Look it up. Right now.

End of hijack.

It's actually a pretty straight laced move on their part you know, introducing some heterosexual options for the troop leaders for a change.
That is not relevant and you know it. Or maybe you don't. Regardless, EAD.
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Had Hillary won I don't think she makes it past 2020. 16 years with one party in control is about unheard of.

Normally, I agree. But immigration changed the game especially with how many she wanted to bring in. Given how the Trump base was sick of GOP Romney types, can't imagine them getting enough enthusiasm for a candidate to beat her with all of those factors against them.
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Sounds like the Scouts have decided to teach the boys some important life lessons early.

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Normally, I agree. But immigration changed the game especially with how many she wanted to bring in. Given how the Trump base was sick of GOP Romney types, can't imagine them getting enough enthusiasm for a candidate to beat her with all of those factors against them.
Dems need a very moderate candidate to beat Trump. Can't be some crazy left winger, socialist type. They run Elizabeth Warren or some token African American women, they lose bigly.
Concerning racism, I agree that some of the comments concerning race can be over the top at times. I see nothing wrong with calling the media out for its double standard, but at times a few posts go too far.

But some in this thread think it's racist if you simply point out an issue concerning another race. If a comment is backed up with statistics and you do nothing more than point out those statistics... that's not racism.

As stated earlier, the big problem with racism is it's screamed everyday and usually over nothing (see Dove advertisement for example). A lot of people just roll their eyes at claims of racism now because it's so overplayed.

I know me and ymott are a couple that are probably being referred to in this discussion. I've never used a derogatory term or anything of that nature. I simply state truth regarding the issues within the culture, crime stats, the lack of nuclear family, the deep hatred that many have for white people and note the delusion that many believe regarding history.

The sad thing is, unless you're all in on the "whitey is the devil" train or push self loathing or act like non-white people should never receive any scrutiny or have personal responsibility, you get labeled as "racist."

We've been conditioned to cringe if anyone dare speaks the truth on any group that isn't a white person. The double standard occurs all the time. That's why Jemele Hill and black politicians and celebs and media types can say whatever vile stuff they want about anyone and nothing happens. White people are fair game.