How will they rule ??!

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Dems need a very moderate candidate to beat Trump. Can't be some crazy left winger, socialist type. They run Elizabeth Warren or some token African American women, they lose bigly.

Will not happen. You can't go from Trump is going to end the world, white people are evil and at fault for everything in your life and build an entire platform on victimhood and identity politics and then within three years, completely have culture shift and all of a sudden pretend to be moderate.

Dems don't admit faults. They double down. They will go all in on identity politics.
Good on Kid Rock. It actually really does take balls to be in the music industry and support Trump. Eminem is just a pussy trying to be cool.
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If she won, it would be the end of two party system. Amnesty and open borders wouldve guaranteed that.

Thats why her losing was such a bitter, bitter pill for the left to swallow
Yup. The GOP may seriously never have won a presidential election again. Not even kidding. She would've filled America with illegals, and maybe enough to even turn Texas blue.

Thank God she lost.
Well my fellow politards... Baby Zoey was born at 127 pm central time and has already watched her first Trump speech.. These mother fuggers trying to push politics on 4and 5 and up year Olds ain't got SHIT ON ME
Congrats buddy. Raising that kid right haha
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I know me and ymott are a couple that are probably being referred to in this discussion. I've never used a derogatory term or anything of that nature. I simply state truth regarding the issues within the culture, crime stats, the lack of nuclear family, the deep hatred that many have for white people and note the delusion that many believe regarding history.

The sad thing is, unless you're all in on the "whitey is the devil" train or push self loathing or act like non-white people should never receive any scrutiny or have personal responsibility, you get labeled as "racist."

We've been conditioned to cringe if anyone dare speaks the truth on any group that isn't a white person. The double standard occurs all the time. That's why Jemele Hill and black politicians and celebs and media types can say whatever vile stuff they want about anyone and nothing happens. White people are fair game.

The few I'm referring to (and I can't remember who said it) are the ones that said we'd be better off without any black people. Or all black people are criminals. There have been a few (not many, but enough to recall it happens).

When you provide stats as you do, it's hard to argue on the whole. I'm all for facts and actual stats being the basis of an argument. You're right about people jumping to racism over truths. And certainly the media's roll in piling on whites as evil.

This isn't directed at you, but we are individuals. Maybe more individuals of one ethnic group do commit more crimes than others. But just because you fall in that ethnic group doesn't mean you should be judged on that basis. When someone says "all blacks are the problem" that's not true and that's where the line is crossed.
The few I'm referring to (and I can't remember who said it) are the ones that said we'd be better off without any black people. Or all black people are criminals. There have been a few (not many, but enough to recall it happens).

When you provide stats as you do, it's hard to argue on the whole. I'm all for facts and actual stats being the basis of an argument. You're right about people jumping to racism over truths. And certainly the media's roll in piling on whites as evil.

This isn't directed at you, but we are individuals. Maybe more individuals of one ethnic group do commit more crimes than others. But just because you fall in that ethnic group doesn't mean you should be judged on that basis. When someone says "all blacks are the problem" that's not true and that's where the line is crossed.
I think I said that blacks are better off here than their homelands in Africa. Is that racist?
My wife took our kids and a few of their friends to St. Louis. Go to City Museum downtown, midday today.
Come out to leave and some asshole had kicked in the side window of our SUV and took everyone’s luggage, checkbook, show tickets, everything. During the middle of the GD day!
That’s what causes decent people to not give a fu*k about people that live in inner cities.
It’s a god damn shame when you can’t take your kids to a US city in broad daylight without fear of being robbed!
My wife took our kids and a few of their friends to St. Louis. Go to City Museum downtown, midday today.
Come out to leave and some asshole had kicked in the side window of our SUV and took everyone’s luggage, checkbook, show tickets, everything. During the middle of the GD day!
That’s what causes decent people to not give a fu*k about people that live in inner cities.
It’s a god damn shame when you can’t take your kids to a US city in broad daylight without fear of being robbed!
That's a damn shame.
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My wife took our kids and a few of their friends to St. Louis. Go to City Museum downtown, midday today.
Come out to leave and some asshole had kicked in the side window of our SUV and took everyone’s luggage, checkbook, show tickets, everything. During the middle of the GD day!
That’s what causes decent people to not give a fu*k about people that live in inner cities.
It’s a god damn shame when you can’t take your kids to a US city in broad daylight without fear of being robbed!
Sorry to hear that, truly I am.


Do you think it was white supremacists nazis?

so someone has broke into Paddock's home since the attack? Yeah that isn't going to spark conspiracy theories...
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My wife took our kids and a few of their friends to St. Louis. Go to City Museum downtown, midday today.
Come out to leave and some asshole had kicked in the side window of our SUV and took everyone’s luggage, checkbook, show tickets, everything. During the middle of the GD day!
That’s what causes decent people to not give a fu*k about people that live in inner cities.
It’s a god damn shame when you can’t take your kids to a US city in broad daylight without fear of being robbed!

Sad. Thats a pretty decent part of town too.

Right now, you cant leave anything visible no matter where you park. Some of its degenerates. The other factor is lazy police work.

I bet they just wrote a report for your insurance. Didnt dust for prints or anything (even though the perp was almost surely in the database). So theres really no deterrent. They know nothing will ever happen.

Instead, the police are parked all along the interstate at all times, looking for speeders.

Its messed up.
My wife took our kids and a few of their friends to St. Louis. Go to City Museum downtown, midday today.
Come out to leave and some asshole had kicked in the side window of our SUV and took everyone’s luggage, checkbook, show tickets, everything. During the middle of the GD day!
That’s what causes decent people to not give a fu*k about people that live in inner cities.
It’s a god damn shame when you can’t take your kids to a US city in broad daylight without fear of being robbed!
Damn, Bill. Sorry to hear that.
Sad. Thats a pretty decent part of town too.

Right now, you cant leave anything visible no matter where you park. Some of its degenerates. The other factor is lazy police work.

I bet they just wrote a report for your insurance. Didnt dust for prints or anything (even though the perp was almost surely in the database). So theres really no deterrent. They know nothing will ever happen.

Instead, the police are parked all along the interstate at all times, looking for speeders.

Its messed up.

All they did was write a report.
Which is ironic because Roe v Wade isn't going anywhere. Like Trump said, it's settled law. Women will have the right to choose for the foreseeable future, just like John Q Public will have the right to buy and own an arsenal of weapons for the foreseeable future.

It amazes me how much attention Roe and the 2A get during every election cycle considering they are both near locks to stay in force for as long as this country exists.
With enough support laws can and do change.
If she won, it would be the end of two party system. Amnesty and open borders wouldve guaranteed that.

Thats why her losing was such a bitter, bitter pill for the left to swallow
The mistakes they made were to alienate the white race which they continue to do and those minorities who believe in the American dream who have been ridiculed for wanting something better by actually working for it.
They've already quit enrolling.
Numbers dropped dramatically once they allowed the homosexuals. I think that's why their allowing the girls. Need those recharter dues and fundraisers.

Yep. Once i get my reverse vasectomy and make a baby with this broad that I'm banging, I'm going to teach my boy to throw bags of shit at BSA meetings. F*** those mf'ers. Social justice peacocks can kiss my goddamn ass