How will they rule ??!

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Wow, this backfired bigly. Just a week ago we were being told these Russian facebook ads were pro Trump, when in fact they were actually promoting BlackLivesMatter.

Lol this reminds me CBS news update about Twitter's special report to congress....yes twitter was called to give a report on Russian influence to congress. Anyway...

CBS news update with democratic blablabla after special presentation by twitter on the Russian influence of the 2016 election: "we are deeply disappointed in twitter for their presentation on influence during the 2016 election. We know for a fact Russian influence took place then, and it still taking place today".

I almost wrecked my car. It was hilarious.
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It is interesting, if interesting is here being used as synonymous with pathetic, that this whole drama over the NFL and the flag started some time ago with the actions of Colin Kaepernick. If ever there was a more unimpressive vessel to start some movement I can't at this late hour (for I haven't slept) think of one. He is talked about oppression. Don't talk to me about oppression wearing a Castro shirt...

...that guy jailed and killed dissidents. How many people does it take that are willing to brave the 90 miles of ocean between Cuba and Florida on some tiny raft or hollowed out car seeking asylum for someone to admit Castro is one of the faces of oppression?

There are respectable agents of change in a society, I'm not suggesting we don't have issues to clean up, perhaps there remain residual effects of America's racist past that exist and need to be eradicated. Perhaps I'm not as sensitive to those issues as I need to be, we all can get consumed with our own little lives and our own petty concerns...but don't tell me I should own an ounce of respect for the guy goes out on the field with socks depicting cops as pigs.


that isn't someone trying to have a thoughtful conversation on societal issues or race. That is someone who is being a silly provocateur which is a fancy way of saying he was/is an attention whore. And by the way, depicting cops as pigs is ever bit as disgusting as someone depicting black people as monkeys...when you compare a human being to a animal, when you thoughtless throw everybody into the same boat because of the color of their skin or because they wear a are suffering from a prejudice. Kaep is thoughtlessly prejudicial and worthy of contempt.

Many people see this current episode of kneeling during the anthem as illegitimate cause it springs from him. They also see it as melodramatic considering the vast majority of players kneeling would not have had anywhere near as prosperous or enjoyable lives if they lived outside of the USA. Most of those guys have been treated as rock stars since they were around 15 when their athletic ability manifested itself...they aren't exactly examples of the oppressed in this world. So watching millionaires doing virtue signaling gestures is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way...but in some ways lets applaud this whole farce because something like this couldn't happen in Castro's Cuba which Mr. Kaep so prominently celebrated. What happened? Players took a stand...or rather a knee...a President let his thoughts be known on the subject (I wish he hadn't, just aggravated it)...more players knelt cause they are free to do so and fans with boos/cancellations of the NFL package let their voice be heard as well...rather democratic isn't it? Everybody is getting their two cents in.
Read this miserable POS librarian's response to the first lady sending her school books.
Dear Mrs. Trump,

Thank you for the ten Dr. Seuss titles that you sent my school library in recognition of this year’s National Read a Book Day. (Sent second-day air, no less! That must have been expensive.) I’m proud that you recognized my school as something special. It truly is. Our beautiful and diverse student body is made up of children from all over the world; from different socioeconomic statuses; with a spectrum of gender expressions and identities; with a range of abilities; and of varied racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds.

Read this miserable POS librarian's response to the first lady sending her school books.
Dear Mrs. Trump,

Thank you for the ten Dr. Seuss titles that you sent my school library in recognition of this year’s National Read a Book Day. (Sent second-day air, no less! That must have been expensive.) I’m proud that you recognized my school as something special. It truly is. Our beautiful and diverse student body is made up of children from all over the world; from different socioeconomic statuses; with a spectrum of gender expressions and identities; with a range of abilities; and of varied racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds.


The issue has nothing to do with books. Melania has her whole life got the attention of men and the librarian hasn't....if Michelle Obama had sent those books the librarian would have sent out a letter to every parent rejoicing the the good act but it was beautiful Melania...and Melania symbolizes the cheerleader she hated from high school..
This is where we are at today. Democrats are so crazy, so bold, so hysterical thanks to the brainwashing of academia and media.

The issue has nothing to do with books. Melania has her whole life got the attention of men and the librarian hasn't....if Michelle Obama had sent those books the librarian would have sent out a letter to every parent rejoicing the the good act but it was beautiful Melania...and Melania symbolizes the cheerleader she hated from high school..
The MSM fawned and gushed over the act, of course.
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Just read that Hannity has offered NFL coaches, players, etc... protesting the anthem an entire hour on his show to actually have a conversation. Said if an hour isn't enough that he'll host a two hour townhall.

Wonder how many will take him up on his offer? I'm of the opinion that it will be slim to none. Having a conversation, trying to actually solve problems takes effort, and most of all, the desire. I wouldn't be surprised if half of those who are kneeling are only doing so because of mob mentality and slogans. They don't care to have a conversation. They're perfectly contempt with playing the oppressed victim, and virtue signaling for the social justice warriors.

Going on Hannity's show is a sure way to have an open, honest, civil conversation about something - if you're a whacko right winger.
Going on Hannity's show is a sure way to have an open, honest, civil conversation about something - if you're a whacko right winger.
[laughing] Not really. I'm not a huge fan but it's obvious you've never watched. Hannity isn't like Tucker. He's *not* going to debate them, question their beliefs and make it uncomfortable. He's offering them a national platform to actually have a conversation about why they're actually protesting.

*Edited to add 'not'.
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Read this miserable POS librarian's response to the first lady sending her school books.
Dear Mrs. Trump,

Thank you for the ten Dr. Seuss titles that you sent my school library in recognition of this year’s National Read a Book Day. (Sent second-day air, no less! That must have been expensive.) I’m proud that you recognized my school as something special. It truly is. Our beautiful and diverse student body is made up of children from all over the world; from different socioeconomic statuses; with a spectrum of gender expressions and identities; with a range of abilities; and of varied racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds.

included her twitter handle, I see. She's regretting that about now, my guess.....
the vast majority of players kneeling would not have had anywhere near as prosperous or enjoyable lives if they lived outside of the USA.
I just picked out this piece of your rant, some of it which I agree. But I see you and others make the point above which I find totally tone deaf.

The same could have likely have been said for blacks 50 years ago. Does that mean that the civil rights movement was unwarranted or unnecessary?
I just picked out this piece of your rant, some of it which I agree. But I see you and others make the point above which I find totally tone deaf.

The same could have likely have been said for blacks 50 years ago. Does that mean that the civil rights movement was unwarranted or unnecessary?

I know you are a part of NAMBLA. Hopefully NAMBLA has evolved for racial equality in the kids that your organization molest.

I just picked out this piece of your rant, some of it which I agree. But I see you and others make the point above which I find totally tone deaf.

The same could have likely have been said for blacks 50 years ago. Does that mean that the civil rights movement was unwarranted or unnecessary?
Comparing players kneeling to the civil rights movement, is an insult to the civil rights movement.
hahaha, as if they don't realize that once it's on the internet that it stays on the internet.

No wonder liberal media is a literal shit show

Not only that... these tolerant folk who are supposed to be well... tolerant. Yet they love telling everyone what's best, even if it's just how you order your steak.

Your opinion is well done steak is the best?

Well I say that's the worst possible way. Fact.

Can't even have a steak without some of these people telling you why it's wrong.
I just said that to my wife haha. She was stoked on Dr. Seuss in 2015!
Also, 'These books are racist.' out of one side of her mouth.

Then, 'My school is white and privileged, so give these books to a black and underprivileged school instead.' out of the other side of her mouth.

The moral of her virtue signaling? Send racist books to underprivileged black kids.
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