How will they rule ??!

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megyn Kelly has her own daytime talk show now. You should youtube it. Talk about cringe haha. She is an epic failure

Lots of fake conservatives out there, which are just blonde bimbos-Toni Laren?

You have to be incredibly good looking or be a liberal to have a mainstream gig it seems
Just read that Hannity has offered NFL coaches, players, etc... protesting the anthem an entire hour on his show to actually have a conversation. Said if an hour isn't enough that he'll host a two hour townhall.

Wonder how many will take him up on his offer? I'm of the opinion that it will be slim to none. Having a conversation, trying to actually solve problems takes effort, and most of all, the desire. I wouldn't be surprised if half of those who are kneeling are only doing so because of mob mentality and slogans. They don't care to have a conversation. They're perfectly contempt with playing the oppressed victim, and virtue signaling for the social justice warriors.
And there are many other problems in this country that the POTUS should worry about yet he worries about a few NFL players taking a knee to protest what they see as injustice.
Agree. He should focus on blacks murdering whites at 12x the rate of the other way around. Talk about the ultimate racism.
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Adam Silver changes tone and now expects them to stand.
Shameful that he doesn't want players to exercise their constitutional free speech rights so the rest of us can see where each player truly "stands". Chicken sheet he is.

Or he's only about $$$. Oh, really?

Hopefully the resident lefties here will condemn this viewpoint of "expectation" & thus exploitation. Must be wrong, right?.
[laughing] So the vast majority of Packers fans basically told Rodgers to stick it up his ass?

Just read that the fans refused to lock arms in solidarity with the protestors but instead put their hands over their hearts or saluted. If that wasn't embarrassing enough for the protestors, after the anthem, the crowd erupted in chants of 'USA!'
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[laughing] So the vast majority of Packers fans basically told Rodgers to stick it up his ass?

Just read that the fans refused to lock arms in solidarity with the protestors but instead put their hands over their hearts or saluted. If that wasn't embarrassing enough for the protestors, after the anthem, the crowd erupted in chants of 'USA!'
lol, NFL players are the enemy now?
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No idiot. Falsely protesting the national anthem as a means of saying they were only after exposing racial inequality is the enemy. Meanwhile trying to convince everyday hardworking Americans that they weren't disrespecting the anthem.

Yeah, so I respect women totally but maybe I should tell my father in law as I smack his daughter at the next family gathering, but man I hope he would understand it isn't me being disrespectful because she spends ALOT of money.

Too violent? Ok maybe I'll sit on my ass and demand she fetch me a plate that's peaceful.
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lol, NFL players are the enemy now?

nope. you and your kind is still the enemy to our democracy. history has proved time and time again that you don't want to be on the wrong side of the fight against a bunch of freedom and country loving patriotic s.o.b.s like us when shit hits the fan. but you please keep doing you.
lol, NFL players are the enemy now?

Who said that... besides you, just now, and the media? Let me guess -- you also think the fans who are opposed to the protest/kneeling are insensitive racists?

P.S. If you haven't noticed, the flag, anthem and country are the enemy, not the other way around.
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