How will they rule ??!

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Really hope there was no General named Dr.Seuss from the civil war.

In fairness, I don't think anyone is actually "pissed" at the national anthem.
Watched a Finnish cop show on TV last night: one of the cops quoted a stat that Somalis make up 2% of the Finnish population but are responsible for 12x the violent crime stats of native Finns.

Blackhawk Down should have warned any country about importing Somalis. Absolute worst of the absolute worst Muslims.
No, if you are tired of him then you aren't smart enough to realize he is right. That is a you thing not a Rand Paul problem.
Demanding perfection is not right. I like Rand a lot as I do feel he is one of the few that is honest in DC, but my way or the highway does not work in DC. I almost expect him to tank tax reform because of one thing he doesn't like.
Some people really make bad career choices.

Imagine if she just stayed at Fox: accept Trump and toe the line a little...her looks alone would have kept in a prime time slot.

Maybe not as bad as Pitino (imagine if he stayed at UK: he'd be talked about as the GOAT... multiple titles, Olympic coach instead of K... but I digress).

"The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizational hierarchies, such as that of a corporation, is for every employee to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach the levels of their respective incompetence."
Demanding perfection is not right. I like Rand a lot as I do feel he is one of the few that is honest in DC, but my way or the highway does not work in DC. I almost expect him to tank tax reform because of one thing he doesn't like.

Comparing healthcare, in which he generally doesn't want the govt involved in, to "policy" is off.

Something as complicated as national healthcare only works a few ways, and it isn't something to do, fix, fix, fix, fix, fix, fix

Picking up what I'm laying down?

muslims are the worst. if liberals cared about women's rights 1/10s as much as they say they would be going crazy trying to stop this madness.

Spot on. They could care less. Their goal for years has been to combine every single type of minority (race, LGBT, religion, etc) combined with the "females are held back" propaganda to gain a large base and take complete control.

They act as if they care but it's clear they don't. They want as many immigrants (illegal is fine with them) and Muslims (radical or moderate, they care not) in this country as possible. They know in a matter of years our country will look like Europe. And when the feminists, the LGBT, and people in general are begging for some thing to be done, we'll all get told "don't go outside."

If they cared, they'd agree to a 6 month travel ban to figure out a better way to vet people. If they cared they'd be more focused on Europe and explaining how to prevent it from happening. But they're FOS.
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Demanding perfection is not right. I like Rand a lot as I do feel he is one of the few that is honest in DC, but my way or the highway does not work in DC. I almost expect him to tank tax reform because of one thing he doesn't like.

Speaking of tax reform, there are parts of the proposal that are attractive:

1. Estate tax is the most unfair tax of them all, for two reasons, first, the money taxed has already been taxed once when it was earned. Second, it penalizes investors and successful people, especially those that are thrifty and live well beneath their means all their lives, instead of blowing all their money.

2. Reduce corp tax rate to something manageable, so that US companies won't play shell games off shore with their earnings

3. Reduce deductions to two (charity and mortgage), but raise the standard deduction to $24K

4. Simplify the tax rates

Big problem, obviously, is how to pay for the tax cuts, given our deficits are large and most think unsustainable long term. I don't fully buy the "cut taxes and the economy will automatically grow" argument. But I will wait to see what the Paddock thinks first . . .
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What about the ratings drop and decline in tickets sales? Did the Russians stop watching football?

Dude, nothing is ever their fault. There's always an excuse. They never lose. They just get "cheated."

Ratings and ticket sales are never down because people are rejecting it, it's only 100 percent to do with cost cutting. No influence of anything to do with leftist BS. Ghostbusters and SJW stuff doesn't flop because people are sick of it, it's because of sexism.

Liberals didn't lose
Russia cheated

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Head line says '3 local men'...hahah

Read the names of those indicted....

I've been saying this forever. Ann Coulter's rule of thumb is always correct. If it's white, mention the race immediately and play up the racial narrative. If they're another race, say "teens," "youths," "suspect," "local man," "x-year old man," or something like that.
Speaking of tax reform, there are parts of the proposal that are attractive:

1. Estate tax is the most unfair tax of them all, for two reasons, first, the money taxed has already been taxed once when it was earned. Second, it penalizes investors and successful people, especially those that are thrifty and live well beneath their means all their lives, instead of blowing all their money.

2. Reduce corp tax rate to something manageable, so that US companies won't play shell games off shore with their earnings

3. Reduce deductions to two (charity and mortgage), but raise the standard deduction to $24K

4. Simplify the tax rates

Big problem, obviously, is how to pay for the tax cuts, given our deficits are large and most think unsustainable long term. I don't fully buy the "cut taxes and the economy will automatically grow" argument. But I will wait to see what the Paddock thinks first . . .
I think its mostly a good bill. Not perfect, but it would absolutely benefit most Americans, and you can't really ask for more than that.

It also ends the stupid death tax.
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Dude, nothing is ever their fault. There's always an excuse. They never lose. They just get "cheated."

Ratings and ticket sales are never down because people are rejecting it, it's only 100 percent to do with cost cutting. No influence of anything to do with leftist BS. Ghostbusters and SJW stuff doesn't flop because people are sick of it, it's because of sexism.

Liberals didn't lose
Russia cheated

Everybody knows you can't fix the problem until you admit there is a problem... and they won't even admit their problems.
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No, if you are tired of him then you aren't smart enough to realize he is right. That is a you thing not a Rand Paul problem.
Great, he's right & we get more Obamacare. So that's right???

You & Rand deserve each other. F'd up that is.
Comparing players kneeling to the civil rights movement, is an insult to the civil rights movement.
Why am I not surprised that an analogy would fly over your head?

Oh yeah, you're one of those who think that the players are actually protesting the flag...and think that Rosa Parks was protesting public transportation.
Tom Price has resigned. Good.
When Hill whined about the hypocrisy of Price doing this, she didn't say it was wrong, just that Pubs are doing what she did when they complained about her; i.e., she was just as entitled as Price - and has no clue or doesn't give an ish or both that it's wrong. Thank God Almighty she never got in office.
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Why am I not surprised that an analogy would fly over your head?

Oh yeah, you're one of those who think that the players are actually protesting the flag...and think that Rosa Parks was protesting public transportation.
Why am I not surprised that you're being an idiot again?

If they are not protesting against the flag and anthem, then why are they doing their protests while the flag is out, and the anthem is being played?

Can't wait to see your spin on this one.
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It would be great if the resist crowd would extend their kneeling to protest Trump. That way, wherever he goes, people will be kneeling.


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Great, he's right & we get more Obamacare. So that's right???

You & Rand deserve each other. F'd up that is.

Yes more obamacare works because it's failing. Just step aside and let it run off the cliff. The original plan was Obama was smooth enough to to get it and Hiliary would come in behind him and get single payer........haha now our govt is going to be out of the healthcare business by the time trumps first term is over.

I'm ok with the tax plan, but if I have to listen to the media say it doesn't help middle America because they can't see how it does or plan on Americans being too stupid to see how it does I'll puke.

Seriously I can't remember a more biased media.
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