How will they rule ??!

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Roy Moore is a terrible candidate and I wouldn't be surprised if the senate election in Alabama went blue.

Edit to add: Luther strange was equally as bad and trump supporting him was one of the first things I wasn't sure why he did.
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DitecTV has received so many complaints to cancel NFL Sunday Ticket, they have now put out a statement/memo offering full refunds. All you have to do is let them know you're wanting to cancel becaus of the protests, and no questions are asked.
DitecTV has received so many complaints to cancel NFL Sunday Ticket, they have now put out a statement/memo offering full refunds. All you have to do is let them know you're wanting to cancel becaus of the protests, and no questions are asked.

Where did you see that?
DitecTV has received so many complaints to cancel NFL Sunday Ticket, they have now put out a statement/memo offering full refunds. All you have to do is let them know you're wanting to cancel becaus of the protests, and no questions are asked.

Anyone dumb enough to be paying for that package is just that, dumb. So many free ways to watch football.
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So, my kids were watching the old 1943 Disney version of Chicken Little with the Foxy Loxy character this morning before school.

I just so happened to look up at the scene where the fox decides he needs to use intelligence to accomplish his goal against the chickens. HE whips out a book of psychology. First thing it says, "To influence the masses, aim first at the least intelligent."

Later, the same book advises, "Undermine the faith of the masses in their leaders."

Neato. That's Hitler.
So far this year there have been 164 blacks fatally shot by police.
So far this year there have been 326 whites fatally shot by police.
32 of the 490 killed were unarmed, per the washington post.
So what are you implying? That it's not a problem?

And I guess you missed the "tip of the iceberg" reference.
You should read the observations of a white mother and how differently her black adopted children are treated in public vs her white children. I'd link it for you but realize that you're not interested in trying to understand anything.
So what are you implying? That it's not a problem?

And I guess you missed the "tip of the iceberg" reference.
You should read the observations of a white mother and how differently her black adopted children are treated in public vs her white children. I'd link it for you but realize that you're not interested in trying to understand anything.
Anecdotes are the new science...
Give them credit for the strategy of fixing the "fact checking" business

The Associated Press announced Monday it was unveiling a new fact-checking operation, led by former HuffPost editor Karen Mahabir.

"The Associated Press is joining with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to expand its fact-checking efforts and ability to debunk misinformation," the wire service announced.
Give them credit for the strategy of fixing the "fact checking" business

The Associated Press announced Monday it was unveiling a new fact-checking operation, led by former HuffPost editor Karen Mahabir.

"The Associated Press is joining with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to expand its fact-checking efforts and ability to debunk misinformation," the wire service announced.


Not as gold as the recent/current Facebook quest in conjunction with Congress, to stamp out FAKE NEWS and RESTORE DEMOCRACY!!!!

Good lord, not even talking National Enquirer. FACEBOOK! The single most trashiest shit in the e-world! Congress is partnering with them to help the election process! And nobody gives a shit!!! It's mad.

Lol the ACLU. Bastion of non bias.

But even getting over that, it's pretty easy to refute the facts they are using.

Right off the bat, one of the main statistics they use is those serving life without parole. Blacks make up around 56%. Now, when you compare that to the murder rate(and lee in mind, this just calculates those murders that are solved) that number is not out of line.

Why would a group of people who commit somewhere around 50+% of murders be sentenced to life without parole around a 56% rate? Why is that something to be outraged about?

Please, we can talk all day about crap like this but if we don't talk honestly no one will get anywhere. I've asked almost everyone who talks about supposed blacks bein slaughtered or oppressed to answer this question and I have never received a reply.

In all honesty, no bs. Just want an honest response.
Lol the ACLU. Bastion of non bias.

But even getting over that, it's pretty easy to refute the facts they are using.

Right off the bat, one of the main statistics they use is those serving life without parole. Blacks make up around 56%. Now, when you compare that to the murder rate(and lee in mind, this just calculates those murders that are solved) that number is not out of line.

Why would a group of people who commit somewhere around 50+% of murders be sentenced to life without parole around a 56% rate? Why is that something to be outraged about?

Please, we can talk all day about crap like this but if we don't talk honestly no one will get anywhere. I've asked almost everyone who talks about supposed blacks bein slaughtered or oppressed to answer this question and I have never received a reply.

In all honesty, no bs. Just want an honest response.

And on top of all this, you add in a liberal city like Chicago, where black on black crime is constant, it's no wonder the numbers are so high.

It's at it's worst in city's who's leaders are supposed to be making a positive difference for them. Odd.
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So, my kids were watching the old 1943 Disney version of Chicken Little with the Foxy Loxy character this morning before school.

I just so happened to look up at the scene where the fox decides he needs to use intelligence to accomplish his goal against the chickens. HE whips out a book of psychology. First thing it says, "To influence the masses, aim first at the least intelligent."

Later, the same book advises, "Undermine the faith of the masses in their leaders."

Neato. That's Hitler.

Disney was an anti Semite right? Not shocked he slipped Nazi shit into his stuff.