I've seen it pal. Pretty lame compared to BLM protests.
Keith Olbermann gave it 5 stars on Yelp
I mean, yeah, they are. Yokels. Hillbillys. Bumpkins. Hayseeds. Like I already said, nothing wrong with it. It's just the truth. Quit acting like Aholes and maybe it won't be seen as a pejorative.
All those red areas have plenty of land and not so many people. Compared to the blue areas. Colorful county maps don't say anything about the size of the MAGA movement in American society.
Here is the SAD state of where we are though, these people commit all sorts of crimes with the first one being in the country illegally. They do all sorts of damage to the public, whether taking housing, tax dollars, or continue with other crimes that have been documented in the thread. And the only thing they get arrested for is eating a pet. And that is where Americans draw the line? Dam we've become soft as a nation...I tell ya man, what a time to be alive... the reality these completely ignorant ingrate fools have foisted upon us.
Ok of all the Trump lies parroted on here this is probably the dumbest. Trump only cares about himself and money. And you want me to believe he’s cool with losing money? You expect me to believe he’s doing this because he loves his country? His brand is worth EXPONENTIALLY more than it ever was as the host of the apprentice. He now has half the country brainwashed and buying his shitty shoes, fake Bibles, NFT cards, and let’s not forget those MAGA hats. His name carries more weight now than ever and his brand couldn’t be bigger. But yeah let’s take him at his word that he’s losing billions of dollars. Poor guy.He lost nearly a billion while serving as POTUS between 2016-2020. Meanwhile, all the other politicians are taking in tens of millions above their salary every year while in office, but you are bent because a private citizen made money. Makes sense
Ok of all the Trump lies parroted on here this is probably the dumbest. Trump only cares about himself and money. And you want me to believe he’s cool with losing money? You expect me to believe he’s doing this because he loves his country? His brand is worth EXPONENTIALLY more than it ever was as the host of the apprentice. He now has half the country brainwashed and buying his shitty shoes, fake Bibles, NFT cards, and let’s not forget those MAGA hats. His name carries more weight now than ever and his brand couldn’t be bigger. But yeah let’s take him at his word that he’s losing billions of dollars. Poor guy.
Ok of all the Trump lies parroted on here this is probably the dumbest. Trump only cares about himself and money. And you want me to believe he’s cool with losing money? You expect me to believe he’s doing this because he loves his country? His brand is worth EXPONENTIALLY more than it ever was as the host of the apprentice. He now has half the country brainwashed and buying his shitty shoes, fake Bibles, NFT cards, and let’s not forget those MAGA hats. His name carries more weight now than ever and his brand couldn’t be bigger. But yeah let’s take him at his word that he’s losing billions of dollars. Poor guy.
California passes ON AVERAGE 800-1,000 new laws each year. That is not a typo or an exagerration. That's the truth so it's laughable that a state that is completely ran by Democrats that are left to their own devices to blame someone else for achieving everything they want with zero political pushback from the state.haha
Microsoft does the same thing when commenting on any of their stories.
The Democrats are the party of mediocrity.
The poor cannot help themselves or they already wouldn't be poor. So what do you do with them?
Trump is still parroting the issues he was bringing up 30-40 years ago as a concerned citizen who happened to have a popularity that got him on TV regularly.Would love to hear what positions Trump has flip flopped on. Do list them.
She's a New Deal/Fair Deal/Great Society liberalWhy do you support Harris?
Damn... you're eaten up by it aren't you. LOL I mean WOW. You're really something else. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
You should be in a museum.
The evidence for that was so convincing,Biden and his son were taking millions in peddling foreign influence (even with foreign adversaries) while VP and President so STHU. 🤡
I remember for a day or two after the 6th there was a video posted on twitter by Philadelphia Antifa (or something like that) of smashing in the windows of the Capital/people crawling inside....and they were taking responsibility for it. Said it was their people posing as Trump supporters. After another day or two that video (and Twitter account I believe) was nowhere to be found and I haven't seen that video since.And most of those weren't actual Trump supporters, but people posing as such.
The evidence for that was so convincing,