How will they rule ??!

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incentivizes more to
Not if in this deal DACA ends for good, Raise Act gets passed, e-verify implemented, massive border security, funding for the wall etc...

Border crossings are already down almost 70% just because of Trump's threats. Add in all of the above, and the only message illegals will continue to get is don't come here illegally or you will be deported.
First of all the wall is not being built right now. They're renovating parts of the existing fence.

Building it is a process. They can't slap it up in a day. They're doing way more than just renovating existing parts. It most certainly is in the process of being built. Just a couple weeks ago they accepted the bid of several more contractors on top of the ones already accepted and waived land regulations/environmental rules so prototypes can begin being built in San Diego.
Why should Dreamers be subject to deportation when they've committed no crime? It's f-ed up to think they deserve that.
Same reason as those who have been waiting to become citizens legally. If you give the dreamers amnesty and or citizenship, you are being even more unfair to those who have tried to do it legally. Now, if you make sure that these dreamers can prove themselves by passing an English exam, American history exam, sign an oath of allegiance with a harsh punishment for those caught later conspiring against this country, and proof of employment and not living off of the taxpayer, I could get behind them staying. Otherwise, kick them out.
I don't think that;'s the plan for Dreamers. But they would be able to qualify for citizenship down the road. No problem with that here - THEY did nothing wrong.

Now their parents can be allowed to stay w/o access to citizenship.
Parents must pay a stiff fine or jail time for committing a crime. Don't like that, kick them out.
Not if in this deal DACA ends for good, Raise Act gets passed, e-verify implemented, massive border security, funding for the wall etc...

Border crossings are already down almost 70% just because of Trump's threats. Add in all of the above, and the only message illegals will continue to get is don't come here illegally or you will be deported.

How does legalizing illegal aliens act as a deterrent?
If this deal turns out to have the raise act and 12 billion dollars for a fence, I will come back an admit I was wron

This might make you feel better. I posted a story about the Freedom Caucus writing their own DACA bill a few days ago. Now, come to find out, they're working very closely with Trump.

Pelosi, Schumer and Democrats aren't writing this bill, and their 'deal' means absolutely nothing when it's time to vote. Again, they purposely put that shit out and you, among many others, fell for it.

Mark Meadows: Freedom Caucus is working 'very closely' with White House to write DACA legislation

WASHINGTON — Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., the chairman of the hardline House Freedom Caucus, says conservatives should not be concerned about reports President Trump has struck an immigration deal with Democrats, because the Freedom Caucus is taking the lead in drafting the bill.

“We’re working very closely with the administration and conservative members of Congress … on how to address this (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) issue," Meadows said in an interview with USA TODAY. “We’re coming up with legislative proposals that we believe would get a lot of conservative support”

“There is no agreement,” Ryan told reporters Thursday. Ryan said that he had received a call from the president and chief of staff Thursday morning to recount the dinner the night before: “It was a discussion and not an agreement or negotiation.”
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How does legalizing illegal aliens act as a deterrent?
You're continuing to act like they've already been granted citizenship. You're huffing and puffing about a hypothetical based of off some bullshit Pelosi and Schumer put out. Sack up, dude.

And if Trump's threats deterred almost 70%, then how are his threats on top of everything I listed not going to continue to deter more?
You're continuing to act like they've already been granted citizenship. You're huffing and puffing about a hypothetical based of off some bullshit Pelosi and Schumer put out. Sack up, dude.

And if Trump's threats deterred almost 70%, then how are his threats on top of everything I listed not going to continue to deter more?

We're arguing over semantics
You're continuing to act like they've already been granted citizenship. You're huffing and puffing about a hypothetical based of off some bullshit Pelosi and Schumer put out. Sack up, dude.

And if Trump's threats deterred almost 70%, then how are his threats on top of everything I listed not going to continue to deter more?
You're continuing to act like they've already been granted citizenship. You're huffing and puffing about a hypothetical based of off some bullshit Pelosi and Schumer put out. Sack up, dude.

And if Trump's threats deterred almost 70%, then how are his threats on top of everything I listed not going to continue to deter more?

I hope you're right. I respect your opinion. Godspeed.
I hope you're right.

Believe me, I do too. If what Pelosi and Schumer said is true and they're somehow able to pull off the votes to pass it, then Trump signs, I'll be right there with you. I'm just not ready to take them two at the word and turn my back on Trump, especially when everything else coming out is contrary to what they said.

Also, I've made it very clear, on numerous occasions, that I haven't completely agreed with the Freedom Caucus' since Trump's election. But one thing I do know for a fact, if they're taking the lead and are responsible for writing the DACA bill, then it's going to be the most conservative resolution.
President Trump now supports DACA and higher taxes. Soon he will support single payer, no wall and Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State.
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I don't think that;'s the plan for Dreamers. But they would be able to qualify for citizenship down the road. No problem with that here - THEY did nothing wrong.

Now their parents can be allowed to stay w/o access to citizenship.

It does nothing but encourage an endless wave of lawbreakers. That's why they should go.
President Trump now supports DACA and higher taxes.

Is this sarcasm? If not, where is this coming from? Just because he's not publicly gung ho about rounding all 800K of them up and deporting them doesn't mean he supports citizenship/amnesty.

As for the taxes, he specifically said he wants to give everyone a tax break, but if it takes keeping the 1% where they are or even raising their taxes a little to give small business and the middle class the huge tax breaks they deserve, then that's an option. Are you part of the 1%?
Ha ha.

Minimum wage hikes causing restaurant hygiene concerns in Seattle. Not only is the lower class suffering and making less annually than before because employers are cutting hours, but they're also cutting corners to save even more money, resulting in a major increase in health code violations.
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Minimum wage hikes causing restaurant hygiene concerns in Seattle. Not only is the lower class suffering and making less annually than before because employers are cutting hours, but they're also cutting corners to save even more money, resulting in a major increase in health code violations.
But bernie said
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Russiagate- FAILED

Nazigate - FAILED

Now they are trying to divide up Trumps base because none of their other attacks worked.

Be smart. Do not fall for the bait. Its another trap.

That's what this is all about.
A black guy during Q&A talking about how he considers himself a left leaning liberal who is open minded to all views, so, like tonight, he also went to hear Milo speak just to hear what he had to say. Said an Antifa member tried to set him on fire that night and called him a Nazi.

Since, for the last eight months, he's become even more open minded and involved in right wing issues and started to hang around, and has been accepted like a brother, some even opening up their homes to him, by the Berkeley MAGA crew, but still considers himself a left leaning liberal.

In line for the Shapiro speech tonight he, again, was called a Nazi, Facist fellow liberals for no reason other than being open minded and advocating for free speech. Ended with basically saying he's now starting to question what liberalism actually is in this day and age, and that he's grappling with how he should approach the hate he's receiving from those on the left, not the right.
I think the Berkeley Mayor got the memo. The police were jacked tonight. Watch as one of the protesters aggressively sticks his hand in a girls face. They swarm his has, take him to the ground and arrest him.

A black guy during Q&A talking about how he considers himself a left leaning liberal who is open minded to all views, so, like tonight, he also went to hear Milo speak just to hear what he had to say. Said an Antifa member tried to set him on fire that night and called him a Nazi.

Since, for the last eight months, he's become even more open minded and involved in right wing issues and started to hang around, and has been accepted like a brother, some even opening up their homes to him, by the Berkeley MAGA crew, but still considers himself a left leaning liberal.

In line for the Shapiro speech tonight he, again, was called a Nazi, Facist fellow liberals for no reason other than being open minded and advocating for free speech. Ended with basically saying he's now starting to question what liberalism actually is in this day and age, and that he's grappling with how he should approach the hate he's receiving from those on the left, not the right.
Turns out this guy has a pretty popular Youtube channel. Here's him speaking about his experience at Berkeley and with Trump supporters.

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