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I just called the Washington Post and told them I was an anonymous white house official who had inside knowledge of Trump's plans to gas the Mexicans. DACA is all about getting them on a list. He can't be trusted.

Look for an article tomorrow, and complete opposition to DACA from the Dems by mid afternoon.
What does that say for "his agenda" if it could be conceivably be done by either side?

If what you claim is true then it just goes further to prove that his real agenda is only to put his name on things. Doesn't really care what it looks like.

What does it say about you petty immature preteen acting imbeciles fighting tooth and nail against an agenda that could actually benefit all Americans? lol you idiots are fighting against things you would support if you slapped obummer on it.
Can you define "tax reform"?

I ask because I see this going down the same rat hole as "repeal and replace". Trump has made statements all over the map with regards to both.


Taxreform is the process of changing the way taxes are collected or managed by the government. Tax reformers have different goals. Some seek to reduce the level of taxation of all people by the government. Some seek to make the tax system more progressive or less progressive. Others seek to simplify the tax system and make the system more understandable or more accountable.

What other brain busters you got for me?
They are already here and going no where. They are a larger % of population than blacks.

It's about not letting illegals in, not Mexicans.
Good news for the DNC is that 2nd generation latinos vote 71% their way (vs 64% for 1st generation) so their populist entitlement appeal will be helped.
... there's also the possibility he actually wants to help the middle class, which he stated over and over.
Don't they all say that?

Orrrrrr its a moderate approach by someone thats as close to independent as we may ever see again.
I applaud that being the case if it comes to fruition. But is that what the conservatives that have cursed everything to do with the Democratic party signed up for when they supported Trump?
They are already here and going no where. They are a larger % of population than blacks.

It's about not letting illegals in, not Mexicans.

Not true! The legal people who have ancestors who are from Mexico are a larger population than black folk. The Mexicans I refer to, are the illegal immigrants from Mexico.

Taxreform is the process of changing the way taxes are collected or managed by the government. Tax reformers have different goals. Some seek to reduce the level of taxation of all people by the government. Some seek to make the tax system more progressive or less progressive. Others seek to simplify the tax system and make the system more understandable or more accountable.

What other brain busters you got for me?
Thanks for making my point. You admit that simply taking about "tax reform" means little...or means whatever the person hearing the words wants it to be.
Thanks for making my point. You admit that simply taking about "tax reform" means little...or means whatever the person hearing the words wants it to be.

Trump says the rich are not getting the tax breaks they think they are getting

Fuzz: "WTF- I love tax breaks for the rich now!"
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Don't they all say that?

I applaud that being the case if it comes to fruition. But is that what the conservatives that have cursed everything to do with the Democratic party signed up for when they supported Trump?
We knew 2 years ago that Trump wasn't a conservative. Its been stated ad nauseam that hes mostly an independent. Where have you been?

But his overall agenda is the best America has seen in decades, which is why many conservatives supported him.
What does it say about you petty immature preteen acting imbeciles fighting tooth and nail against an agenda that could actually benefit all Americans? lol you idiots are fighting against things you would support if you slapped obummer on it.

Or those slurping at the Trump trough that opposed everything with "obummer" slapped on it but willing to embrace it with a different name?

I think I've pointed out time and time again that there is no agenda other than putting the Trump name on some legislation. How anyone could determine who that hypothetical legislation and agenda would benefit is beyond me since nobody knows what it is.

The only people I've heard fighting today are the conservative lap dogs who are upset with Trump for supposedly supporting DACA and working with Chuck and Nancy.
Thanks for making my point. You admit that simply taking about "tax reform" means little...or means whatever the person hearing the words wants it to be.

You asked me to define tax reform. So that certainly doesn't make your point. Next time, maybe ask a better question.
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Or those slurping at the Trump trough that opposed everything with "obummer" slapped on it but willing to embrace it with a different name?

I think I've pointed out time and time again that there is no agenda other than putting the Trump name on some legislation. How anyone could determine who that hypothetical legislation and agenda would benefit is beyond me since nobody knows what it is.

The only people I've heard fighting today are the conservative lap dogs who are upset with Trump for supposedly supporting DACA and working with Chuck and Nancy.

How many times are you going to have to be told that trump supporters aren't necessarily republican and/or conservative?

Until you learn this basic premise, you will continue to be a complete buffoon.
We knew 2 years ago that Trump wasn't a conservative. Its been stated ad nauseam that hes mostly an independent. Where have you been?

But his overall agenda is the best America has seen in decades, which is why many conservatives supported him.
There's that word again..."agenda". I laugh because you have no clue as to what it means.
You asked me to define tax reform. So that certainly doesn't make your point. Next time, maybe ask a better question.
I believe I prefaced the question with the statement that it was going down the same rat-hole as "repeal and replace". Words that people use over and over but had no consistent meaning. I mean the tax codes changes most every year so one could say that we do tax reform every year. I just find it hard to believe that is what most people are visioning when they broach the subject.
How many times are you going to have to be told that trump supporters aren't necessarily republican and/or conservative?

Until you learn this basic premise, you will continue to be a complete buffoon.
Yes, but I know that on THIS board that you and the rest of the circle-jerk crowd all self identify yourselves as "conservatives" and have been the resident Trump slurpers. A complete buffoon could see that is the case.
If you don't live under a rock, you know what Trump means by tax reform. Lowering taxes.

There are infinity ways to do that.

Considering we don't have a raving leftist lunatic as POTUS, we're optimistic they'll get something done that benefits America.

You keep calling for specifics like a moron. He's the executive. Congress writes the laws. You have a dipshit like Paul Ryan who falls in love with a border adjustments tax and throws a wrench into everything. But the specifics will be coming, and we'll judge accordingly.

We're optimistic and waiting on specifics, based on his promises.

The difference between me and you is I'll call Trump out if his "tax reform" is bullshit. We still haven't heard a single criticism of Obamacare from the Dems even though "it needs to be fixed" and every single promise Obama made about it was a lie.
Yes, but I know that on THIS board that you and the rest of the circle-jerk crowd all self identify yourselves as "conservatives" and have been the resident Trump slurpers. A complete buffoon could see that is the case.

Oh the irony.....
The difference between me and you is I'll call Trump out if his "tax reform" is bullshit. We still haven't heard a single criticism of Obamacare from the Dems even though "it needs to be fixed"

Bill, I have said countless times that Obamacare was of bad design and guaranteed to fail. Asking private insurance companies to accept the risk of a large segment of otherwise uninsurable people is asinine.
There are only 2 fixes that will work over the long term... universal care/single payer or a 100% private pay system which would require scraping Medicare/Medicaid. Anything in between those two is simply kicking the can down the road. One of those two is a political impossibility, the other is the lesser of two evils.
Don't they all say that?

I applaud that being the case if it comes to fruition. But is that what the conservatives that have cursed everything to do with the Democratic party signed up for when they supported Trump?

Conservatives and republicans arent necessarily the same. Just to clear that up.

Trump was always a moderate. Thats how he took the midwest. The far left are the ones sold this false bill of goods that he was some hate mongering racist uber conservative

This is what I have been thinking while reading through the last couple pages of embarrassing chicken little posts. Where is this 'deal ' everyone is freaking out about? They had dinner and discussed options. Absolutely nothing was agreed to. Yeah, sure, Pelosi and Schumer pitched amnesty/citizenship and no wall. Would you expect anything less from those two? But just because they pitched it, doesn't mean that Trump agreed to it.

Trump has made it very clear today that amnesty/citizenship isn't being considered, and that the wall/massive border security is the priority or all deals are off. Not to mention, for everyone freaking out, did they suddenly forget how the government works? D's can't just cut a deal, wave a magic wand, and make it law. Whatever anyone decides on, R's or D's, still has to be held to a vote, then signed into law by Trump.
This is what I have been thinking while reading through the last couple pages of embarrassing chicken little posts. Where is this 'deal ' everyone is freaking out about? They had dinner and discussed options. Absolutely nothing was agreed to. Yeah, sure, Pelosi and Schumer pitched amnesty/citizenship and no wall. Would you expect anything less from those two? But just because they pitched it, doesn't mean that Trump agreed to it.

Trump has made it very clear today that amnesty/citizenship isn't being considered, and that the wall/massive border security is the priority or all deals are off. Not to mention, for everyone freaking out, did they suddenly forget how the government works? D's can't just cut a deal, wave a magic wand, and make it law. Whatever anyone decides on, R's or D's, still has to be held to a vote, then signed into law by Trump.
The chicken littles are all over twitter. A lot from people I used to like. Cernovich, Coulter (actually called for Trump to be impeached over it)

People are losing it over something that didn't even happen. Its madness. Crazy the amount of misinformation that gets spread every time Trump does anything or does nothing, even from people who claim to back him.

Trump could come out and claim hes cured cancer and people would be claiming he didn't actually say it. Never seen anything like it.

Shut the f*** up and let him do his damn job. For the love of god... Sick of this shit and it happens all the time.
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hahaha, typical


That dude is a f*cking fag. He's never really been on the train, imo. He's a leech, taking advantage to further his career and cash in. He made that perfectly clear when acted the same way he is today over Trump simply having dinner with Romney. From that day on I've regarded him as a fake in it for the clicks.
The chicken littles are all over twitter. A lot from people I used to like. Cernovich, Coulter (actually called for Trump to be impeached over it)

People are losing it over something that didn't even happen. Its madness. Crazy the amount of misinformation that gets spread every time Trump does anything or does nothing, even from people who claim to back him.

Trump could come out and claim hes cured cancer and people would be claiming he didn't actually say it. Never seen anything like it.

Shut the f*** up and let him do his damn job. For the love of god... Sick of this shit and it happens all the time.

What's the difference between legalization and amnesty?
That dude is a f*cking fag. He's never really been on the train, imo. He's a leech, taking advantage to further his career and cash in. He made that perfectly clear when acted the same way he is today over Trump simply having dinner with Romney. From that day on I've regarded him as a fake in it for the clicks.
He's another Alex Jones type IMO.
I'm just curious, but what would you suggest Trump do?
By the way, allowing them to stay and continue to work =/= citizenship with the rights of an American citizen. Big difference. I can deal with them staying and carrying on with their lives. I draw the line at giving them citizenship, allowing them to vote, etc...

Rescind DACA and let the laws that are already on the books deal with the problem.

That sounds good in theory, and it would be my first choice, but you have to be realistic. You do realize that it changes nothing? Trump could do that tomorrow and guess what? None of those people go anywhere. They simply go back into the shadows living among the rest of the illegals. Expecting them to all be caught and deported is dreaming.

Also, their liberal universities won't kick them out of school, nor will their liberal bosses fire them. Those people are here to live, learn and work, regardless. If that's the case, then shouldn't Trump at least use that to his advantage and get something for it?