How will they rule ??!

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Well, after the over-the-top overreaction to the FakeNews yesterday morning, the majority of right-wing Twitter feeds have absolutely ZERO room to ever refer to anybody else as a triggered snowflake. Several of them showed their true, cowardly colors yesterday by flipping shit, turning tail and calling for upheaval aginst the Trump admin based on nothing but bad info. Stefan Molyneux being the most disappointing. Those guys turned directly into children. Several posters here did the same, whipping out hair-triggered six shooters when the first thing failed to go their way.

Yesterday was pretty eye-opening on more than one front. Unstable folks abound.

Yup, just an accident. Shit happens, just got pretty lucky you could hear him so clearly.

For the record Trump may very well like Schumer personally, I don't doubt that at all. In fact his account of the private meeting prolly wasn't far off in his eyes.


Hot mic? Do y'all really think we're this dumb? And Screwduke is :100points: correct about this being the next avenue, get the base to hate him.......prolly the least likely thing to happen on this earth.

I said it a thousand times here during the better take this dude out with your best shot because if you don't, and they've failed more times than the Washington Generals, you're just making the guy stronger.
Yesterday was the biggest, collective kneejerk reaction to bad info that I've ever witnessed.

I did not realize it would be that GD easy to get into the heads of Trump supporters... but they sure as shit did.

Weak as ****ing water.

I think it's because too many people are what I call team cheerleaders. These are the people who vote straight Repub every ticket.

The fact that Trump had the audacity to even talk to Schumer and Pelosi was enough to make them see red... Or blue in this case. Trump is supposed to be a republican and is supposed to tell every liberal to shove it. Even if the establishment won't work with him.

Not a fan of the political team cheerleader.
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Minimum wage hikes causing restaurant hygiene concerns in Seattle. Not only is the lower class suffering and making less annually than before because employers are cutting hours, but they're also cutting corners to save even more money, resulting in a major increase in health code violations.

But but but they are making 15 bucks an hour, don't take away the Liberals feel good moment
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I think it's because too many people are what I call team cheerleaders. These are the people who vote straight Repub ever ticket.

The fact that Trump had the audacity to even talk to Schumer and Pelosi was enough to make them see red... Or blue in this case. Trump is supposed to be a republican and is supposed to tell every liberal to shove it. Even if the establishment won't work with him.

Not a fan of the political team cheerleader.


Bunch of team R cheerleaders here on the Catpaw
Yesterday was the biggest, collective kneejerk reaction to bad info that I've ever witnessed.

I did not realize it would be that GD easy to get into the heads of Trump supporters... but they sure as shit did.

Weak as ****ing water.

Exactly. If those ball less republican wimps in DC can't lead and get shit done, then I don't give a f@@k if Trump makes a deal with Dems or the devil. Just Git'R'Done. Also I didn't give a shit about a wall, just keep the illegals out.
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I don't have a problem with anybody questioning Trump, but if Pelosi and Schumer told me the sky was blue, I would look up just to check.

The DACA deal was a lie pushed by the MSM, Chuck and Nancy to try to divide Trumps base. Some people sadly took the bait. Oh well, I just know I didn't. I didn't even believe it when it was first announced tbh. I think its better to wait for the Trump WH to say something before believing anything else. If we learned anything from the last 8 years, its that knee jerk reactions are often wrong.
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The wall is meaningless. It's symbolic. It always has been. It will have a negligible impact on illegal immigration.

Granting illegal aliens amnesty just shows them they can continue to invade the United States, and will be granted amnesty in the future once we hit another critical mass of illegal aliens who garner a little bit of sympathy.

They'll find a way around/over/under/through the wall.

Exactly.....only the naive and stupid actually believe a wall would end illegal immigration. You'll need a stronger deterrent to keep non-white illegals out.
I doubt anyone thinks a wall will stop 100% of illegal immigration, there will always be some sort of way to get in (though much harder), but it will stop a hell of a lot of it. Just look at the countries that do have walls, they have almost no illegal immigration, and its mostly because of their wall.
Exactly.....only the naive and stupid actually believe a wall would end illegal immigration. You'll need a stronger deterrent to keep non-white illegals out.

It will stop **some** dirtbags from bringing in huge shipments of narcotics. Will force them to take other avenues instead of a bundle strapped to their back. Could save a life of someone you hold dear. Might even force the next Isis member to take a chance at a border crossing.
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It will stop **some** dirtbags from bringing in huge shipments of narcotics. Will force them to take other avenues instead of a bundle strapped to their back. Could save a life of someone you hold dear. Might even force the next Isis member to take a chance at a border crossing.

We need to secure the border. Even more important however is to remove any and all benefits for coming here. Thats how we truly stop illegal immigration.

No govt benefits whatsoever

Immediate deportation. No judges, no questions asked.

No citizenship for any child born to an illegal parent

Severe penalties for anyone hiring illegals.

Do those things, and the problem solves itself
NO MORE MOOSLEM Immigrants!!

I doubt the validity of that statement.
I believe it was Netanyahu who stated that their wall has all but stopped illegal immigration over in that country.

I agree that a wall will not 100% stop every illegal, and its silly to say it would, but it would help put a stop to a hell of a lot of it. Hell, Trumps threat of a wall has illegal immigration down almost 80%. Imagine how much less it'll be if it actually gets built.
I believe it was Netanyahu who stated that their wall has all but stopped illegal immigration over in that country.

I agree that a wall will not 100% stop every illegal, and its silly to say it would, but it would help put a stop to a hell of a lot of it. Hell, Trumps threat of a wall has illegal immigration down almost 80%. Imagine how much less it'll be if it actually gets built.

I'd say the rockets and armed guards probably do more than the wall does.

That takes funding, and an intent and focus on stopping illegal immigration. A wall in and of itself does nothing.

Actual legislation, that would take a true bipartisan effort in the future to reverse, would do far more than a wall would ever do. If legislation can prevent amnesty or a path to a vote for illegal trespassers, we'll be far better off than having a wall people can go around/under/over/through once the next administration stops securing it.
I'd say the rockets and armed guards probably do more than the wall does.

That takes funding, and an intent and focus on stopping illegal immigration. A wall in and of itself does nothing.

Actual legislation, that would take a true bipartisan effort in the future to reverse, would do far more than a wall would ever do. If legislation can prevent amnesty or a path to a vote for illegal trespassers, we'll be far better off than having a wall people can go around/under/over/through once the next administration stops securing it.

I'm cool with rockets too.
hahaha, the beat down next election is coming up. I bet the left wing will be even angrier next election. Maybe they need to stop doing this kinda stuff.

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**** that POS Stefan Molyneux. Did you read any of the shit that fool put out yetsreday before he was made to be a complete overeating fool. I unfollowed that cuck.

Man I just posted it here because of the article and subject matter it was pointing to, it wasn't an endorsement of stefan or any of his personal views. I post alot of tweets and articles on here usually because they interest me or I find some comedic value in it. I have posted tweets and stories from liberal writers and publications and conservative...I clearly lean conservative on a lot of issues but I look through alot of accounts just to find something interesting.

For instance, I posted the video of Shumer getting 'caught' talking about trump on the hot mic. I didn't give my view point on the matter, didn't say whether i thought it was accidental or on purpose. I thought people here would be interested the video was going around on twitter and the news so i posted it.

Yup, just an accident. Shit happens, just got pretty lucky you could hear him so clearly.

For the record Trump may very well like Schumer personally, I don't doubt that at all. In fact his account of the private meeting prolly wasn't far off in his eyes.


Hot mic? Do y'all really think we're this dumb? And Screwduke is :100points: correct about this being the next avenue, get the base to hate him.......prolly the least likely thing to happen on this earth.

I said it a thousand times here during the better take this dude out with your best shot because if you don't, and they've failed more times than the Washington Generals, you're just making the guy stronger.
Whoops, guess I should have read through before I posted. You said it much better than I did.
Russiagate- FAILED

Nazigate - FAILED

Now they are trying to divide up Trumps base because none of their other attacks worked.

Be smart. Do not fall for the bait. Its another trap.

That's what this is all about.
how has 'russiagate' failed? Moehler is just getting started and he's doing exactly what I thought he would do...follow the money. You think it's a coincidence that Trump refuses to release his tax returns? I don't think anything could turn nut huggers like yourself against Trump, but those who voted for him because they hated Hillary will have their allegiance tested when the findings come out and show just how much of this Russiagate is true.

Nazigate? Why not naziwall? No one is shocked that Trump supporters love them some Nazis. I mean alt-right. Gotta use the latest wordspeak dictionary approved by golden shower boy.

But what ever will you do if Trump supports amnesty for dreamers?