How will they rule ??!

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So almost exactly what Trump said? No amnesty/citizenship, but trying to figure out a way that they can stay and work.
I guess. You gotta wonder what he told those dipshits last night that warranted an immediate press release.
By the way, allowing them to stay and continue to work =/= citizenship with the rights of an American citizen. Big difference. I can deal with them staying and carrying on with their lives. I draw the line at giving them citizenship, allowing them to vote, etc...

That sounds good in theory, and it would be my first choice, but you have to be realistic. You do realize that it changes nothing? Trump could do that tomorrow and guess what? None of those people go anywhere. They simply go back into the shadows living among the rest of the illegals. Expected them to all be caught and deported is dreaming.

Also, their liberal universities won't kick them out of school, nor will their liberal bosses fire them. Those people are here to live, learn and work, regardless. If that's the case, then shouldn't Trump at least use that to his advantage and get something for it?

Giving the dacas free college tuition is a huge fu, slap in the face to every american who ever worked their asses off to send their child to college.
The more illegal aliens are allowed to break our immigration laws, the more our privelege of being american citizens is devalued.
I guess. You gotta wonder what he told those dipshits last night that warranted an immediate press release.
You're talking about Pelosi and Schumer. He could have told them to shove their citizenship and no wall up their asses and it wouldn't have changed what they put out.

Again, I'll bring this up. Regardless of what Trump told them or what they think is going to happen, whatever anyone decides still has to pass the House and Senate. Rs might be a tad incompetent, but they still have control. A full citizenship/no border security bill is doa.
By the way, allowing them to stay and continue to work =/= citizenship with the rights of an American citizen. Big difference. I can deal with them staying and carrying on with their lives. I draw the line at giving them citizenship, allowing them to vote, etc...

Also I assumed you were right wing maybe I was wrong about that, because you're using the same immigration arguments as leftists now.

That sounds good in theory, and it would be my first choice, but you have to be realistic. You do realize that it changes nothing? Trump could do that tomorrow and guess what? None of those people go anywhere. They simply go back into the shadows living among the rest of the illegals. Expecting them to all be caught and deported is dreaming.

Also, their liberal universities won't kick them out of school, nor will their liberal bosses fire them. Those people are here to live, learn and work, regardless. If that's the case, then shouldn't Trump at least use that to his advantage and get something for it?

Obama couldn't even get congress to pass a law legalizing these individuals. He had to write an illegal executive order to protect them from our immigration laws.

If Trump gets what he wants, he will have done more for illegal aliens than Obama. Think about that for a second.

It will go down as one of the greatest political betrayals of all time.
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You're talking about Pelosi and Schumer. He could have told them to shove their citizenship and no wall up their asses and it wouldn't have changed what they put out.

Again, I'll bring this up. Regardless of what Trump told them or what they think is going to happen, whatever anyone decides still has to pass the House and Senate. Rs might be a tad incompetent, but they still have control. A full citizenship/no border security bill is doa.
True, which is why it is weird to see so many absolutes today. I am cool with him lying to them for the fun of it.
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Giving the dacas free college tuition is a huge fu, slap in the face to every american who ever worked their asses off to send their child to college.
The more illegal aliens are allowed to break our immigration laws, the more our privelege of being american citizens is devalued.
I agree, and so does Trump. That's why he has ended it going forward. Not too much he can do about those that have already received their degrees or had tuition paid for. I mean, unless you expect him to rescind their degrees and force them to pay the tuition back.
There are stores closing early in Berkley because Ben Shapiro is speaking there. And barricades. And extra security. And counseling for students. For Ben Shapiro.

Dude is a Nazi, facist, racist pig if there ever was one!
Obama couldn't even get congress to pass a law legalizing these individuals. He had to write an illegal executive order to protect them from our immigration laws.
Again, no one is offering them citizenship. Just want to make that clear.

You're proving the point I've been making. At the end of the day it's going to be held to a vote. If legalization didn't get passed under Obama, then why are you now 1000% sure it's going to get passed under Trump? So excuse me if I found the outrage preconceived and a tad fake.

Not to mention, if by some miracle it does pass, and they send Trump a bill for citizenship/no Raise Act, wall, massive border security, you do realize that Trump doesn't have to sign it, don't you?

Also I assumed you were right wing maybe I was wrong about that, because you're using the same immigration arguments as leftists now.

Schumer and Pelosi can't make laws out of thin air. Regardless of what they're feeding to the media to make Trump look bad and fracture his base (you obviously fell for it), Trump says the opposite, so why you're questioning where I stand, you're taking Schumer's and Pelosi's word over Trump's. Maybe it's yourself you were wrong about.
That dude is a f*cking fag. He's never really been on the train, imo. He's a leech, taking advantage to further his career and cash in. He made that perfectly clear when acted the same way he is today over Trump simply having dinner with Romney. From that day on I've regarded him as a fake in it for the clicks.

A lot of people tried to make money and a name for themselves simply because it was trendy and conservatives were going toward Trump.
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There are stores closing early in Berkley because Ben Shapiro is speaking there. And barricades. And extra security. And counseling for students. For Ben Shapiro.

Earlier news report this evening said counseling would be available for students and teachers if they felt "traumatized" by having such a controversial speaker on campus.
How can a so-called "institution of higher learning" admit to having such immature fragile brained students and faculty? damn.
Chelsea Manning is now a Fellow at Harvard. Because they are brilliant and evolved of course.

I always wanted to know how dumbass celebs and activists types like this get accepted into the most difficult Ivy League schools.
No path to citizenship that doesn't involve leaving the country and getting in line behind all of the people who've been using the proper legal channels.

You should not get priority over law abiding immigrants simply because you've been trespassing since you were a teenager.

We grant amnesty now to illegal aliens, we'll just have a continuous flood of more illegal aliens who know they will get de facto amnesty the next time a Democrat is in the White House, or actual amnesty once the Dems have Congress.

There has to be some rule of law in this country.

Reagan granted amnesty to some of them back in 86. That fixed everything. I don't understand how there could be a problem now. [eyeroll]
Agree 100%. They've been moving towards this goal for awhile now. They are now working on taking away powerful nations identities (anything they were founded on) and blending them into a global like atmosphere.

These people in power care for nothing more than getting more power. It's the only explanation for people like Angela Merkle, Obama, our own Congress, etc. How do you stop that outside of a revolution?

The Bible talks about an NWO coming about. It's clear to see it's shaping up. It's just a matter of time at this point. With the craziest type of thinkers infiltrating office, Hollywood, schools and all types of media it will eventually become the way majority of people think. All we can do is fight it the best we can and hope our kid don't get caught up in the BS being spewed.

As much as the left hates Christianity. they will be totally smashed when the reality of revelations comes to fruition and they are all kneeling. GIG!
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What does that say for "his agenda" if it could be conceivably be done by either side?

If what you claim is true then it just goes further to prove that his real agenda is only to put his name on things. Doesn't really care what it looks like.
Stupid take as normal. It means his love for the country and not partisan politics makes him the perfect pick. Prepared to do the right thing no matter what. You are really, really bad at this.
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Again, no one is offering them citizenship. Just want to make that clear.

You're proving the point I've been making. At the end of the day it's going to be held to a vote. If legalization didn't get passed under Obama, then why are you now 1000% sure it's going to get passed under Trump? So excuse me if I found the outrage preconceived and a tad fake.

Not to mention, if by some miracle it does pass, and they send Trump a bill for citizenship/no Raise Act, wall, massive border security, you do realize that Trump doesn't have to sign it, don't you?

Schumer and Pelosi can't make laws out of thin air. Regardless of what they're feeding to the media to make Trump look bad and fracture his base (you obviously fell for it), Trump says the opposite, so why you're questioning where I stand, you're taking Schumer's and Pelosi's word over Trump's. Maybe it's yourself you were wrong about.

I'm going by his tweets this morning, that what he wants to do is legalize the dreamers for tough new border policies, but not a wall.

He's trying to make a deal, where in which the democrats in congress along with some spineless Republicans pass legislation legalizing dreamers. Then at that point he will sign the legislation.

The Wall will come later is what he said, am I missing something?
What's the difference between legalization and amnesty?
If you committed a crime, nothing.

If you didn't commit a crime, then legalization fixes the state of being illegal & being subject to deportation for committing a crime.

Since Dreamers didn't commit a crime - they were incapable of it as minors just following the directions of their parents to come into the USA - it's a big & right deal.

You have a problem with that?
I'm going by his tweets this morning, that what he wants to do is legalize the dreamers for tough new border policies, but not a wall. Am I missing something?

These are his tweets from this morning. He denies making a deal for citizenship and he also doubles down on the wall. He also even reminds everyone that whatever is agreed upon is still subject to a vote.

On top that, this afternoon, he looked directly into a camera and said that amnesty/citizenship is not being considered, the wall/massive border security is a priority and if it doesn't get done, then nothing gets done. So, yeah, you are missing something.

By the way, allowing them to stay and continue to work =/= citizenship with the rights of an American citizen. Big difference. I can deal with them staying and carrying on with their lives. I draw the line at giving them citizenship, allowing them to vote, etc..
I don't think that;'s the plan for Dreamers. But they would be able to qualify for citizenship down the road. No problem with that here - THEY did nothing wrong.

Now their parents can be allowed to stay w/o access to citizenship.
Giving the dacas free college tuition is a huge fu, slap in the face to every american who ever worked their asses off to send their child to college.
The more illegal aliens are allowed to break our immigration laws, the more our privelege of being american citizens is devalued.
You're conflating two things. Dreamers didn't break any immigration law - too young to have done so.
There are stores closing early in Berkley because Ben Shapiro is speaking there. And barricades. And extra security. And counseling for students. For Ben Shapiro.
Everyone would be better off if those stores stayed closed permanently.
Earlier news report this evening said counseling would be available for students and teachers if they felt "traumatized" by having such a controversial speaker on campus.
How can a so-called "institution of higher learning" admit to having such immature fragile brained students and faculty? damn.
They are not taught a world education. They are taught what professors want them to know. Censorship is the watch word for higher learning.
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These are his tweets from this morning. He denies making a deal for citizenship and he also doubles down on the wall. He also even reminds everyone that whatever is agreed upon is still subject to a vote.

On top that, this afternoon, he looked directly into a camera and said that amnesty/citizenship is not being considered, the wall/massive border security is a priority and if it doesn't get done, then nothing gets done. So, yeah, you are missing something.

First of all the wall is not being built right now. They're renovating parts of the existing fence.

If this deal turns out to have the raise act and 12 billion dollars for a fence, I will come back an admit I was wrong.

Do you really believe that if they pass legislation legalizing dreamers, that the democrats will come back and support funding for a wall in a separate piece of legislation?