How will they rule ??!

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how has 'russiagate' failed? Moehler is just getting started and he's doing exactly what I thought he would do...follow the money. You think it's a coincidence that Trump refuses to release his tax returns? I don't think anything could turn nut huggers like yourself against Trump, but those who voted for him because they hated Hillary will have their allegiance tested when the findings come out and show just how much of this Russiagate is true.

Nazigate? Why not naziwall? No one is shocked that Trump supporters love them some Nazis. I mean alt-right. Gotta use the latest wordspeak dictionary approved by golden shower boy.

But what ever will you do if Trump supports amnesty for dreamers?

Who is Moehler?
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I'm fine with doing away with the electoral college as long as there are some other changes to go along with it. For example...

You must own property or a profitable business to be able to vote.

If you receive government assistance, you relinquish your right to vote.

If you are not a legal US citizen for a minimum of two years, you cannot vote.

If you do not have an ID, you cannot vote.

If the dems want to get fundamental, let's do it.
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how has 'russiagate' failed? Moehler is just getting started and he's doing exactly what I thought he would do...follow the money. You think it's a coincidence that Trump refuses to release his tax returns? I don't think anything could turn nut huggers like yourself against Trump, but those who voted for him because they hated Hillary will have their allegiance tested when the findings come out and show just how much of this Russiagate is true.

Nazigate? Why not naziwall? No one is shocked that Trump supporters love them some Nazis. I mean alt-right. Gotta use the latest wordspeak dictionary approved by golden shower boy.

But what ever will you do if Trump supports amnesty for dreamers?
I'm fine with doing away with the electoral college as long as there are some other changes to go along with it. For example...

You must own property or a profitable business to be able to vote.

If you receive government assistance, you relinquish your right to vote.

If you are not a legal US citizen for a minimum of two years, you cannot vote.

If you do not have an ID, you cannot vote.

If the dems want to get fundamental, let's do it.

Still not good enough. Dems will still try to rig the elections. Dems are the biggest cheating POSs in human history. Truly awful people
Anyone want to meet in St. Louis tonight for some drinks?


Go to the light Willy
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Heard President Trump say that if he doesn't get what he wants now then he will get it next time. No sir it is now or never. Don't give an inch without getting everything you want now.
Yeah, she said straight out last night on madcow that the electoral college should be done away with.

And i believe many people agree with her simply because they don't know how it works, or why it was created into the constitution. admittedly, being a bad student, i never understood it either for many years, until i took the time to read and educate myself about it.
Of course Manning would say he was shunned at Harvard because he dresses like a woman. No dude, it's because you betrayed our country for fun and profit.
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Yeah, she said straight out last night on madcow that the electoral college should be done away with.

And i believe many people agree with her simply because they don't know how it works, or why it was created into the constitution. admittedly, being a bad student, i never understood it either for many years, until i took the time to read and educate myself about it.

No way should we do away with the electoral college. It is the only reason that candidates even bother to stop in small states like Kentucky. Otherwise, all you would have to do is campaign in NY and Texas and Florida and California. Sort of what Hillary actually did. Worked just great for her. :weary:

I have heard of proposals where you get one electoral vote for each congressional district that you carry, plus 2 more for winning the state. That does make some sense to me and would encourage more general campaigning rather than just in the 5 or 6 "battleground" states. But I also seem to remember (I could be wrong here) that someone looked at the last dozen or so presidential elections and that system would not have changed a single outcome.
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Semantics. It doesn't change the fact that they are in the united states illegally, and their presence here is a result of our immigration laws being violated.
Which is why they, not their parents, should be legalized by Congress. They did not violate any laws, immigration or otherwise. Too young to have done so.
Same reason as those who have been waiting to become citizens legally. If you give the dreamers amnesty and or citizenship, you are being even more unfair to those who have tried to do it legally. Now, if you make sure that these dreamers can prove themselves by passing an English exam, American history exam, sign an oath of allegiance with a harsh punishment for those caught later conspiring against this country, and proof of employment and not living off of the taxpayer, I could get behind them staying. Otherwise, kick them out.
Legalizing those brought here as children has zero impact on those trying to immigrate legally, including the fairness of it. The latter have the mental capacity to make an informed decision. Dreamers did not. Go after the Dreamers' parents all you like. Fine with that.

How people can't see that Dreamers being here is no fault of there's & thus that they should not be punished - and deporting them would be punishment - escapes me. It's really sick/warped to punish them.
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If a parent robs a bank, the children do not get to benefit from the result.

Same thing here. One cannot benefit from illegal behavior.
Ridiculous. What benefit are the kids gaining? They made no choice. They were dropped into a situation & just exist/are.

And where you sending them? How do they even know where they came from? And what country would take them?
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how has 'russiagate' failed? Moehler is just getting started and he's doing exactly what I thought he would do...follow the money. You think it's a coincidence that Trump refuses to release his tax returns? I don't think anything could turn nut huggers like yourself against Trump, but those who voted for him because they hated Hillary will have their allegiance tested when the findings come out and show just how much of this Russiagate is true.

Nazigate? Why not naziwall? No one is shocked that Trump supporters love them some Nazis. I mean alt-right. Gotta use the latest wordspeak dictionary approved by golden shower boy.

But what ever will you do if Trump supports amnesty for dreamers?

You are full blown retard.