How will they rule ??!

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How sad is the Republican Party that Trump works with Dems because these mother effers can't help pass an agenda?

This is a crucial point.

Trump cant drive the nail in the dem coffin because the gop is too busy undermining him. If they were on board, the dems wouldve already been toast. Since they arent, he is forced to concede items to get anything accomplished.

It was pretty clear during the election the gop would rather see hillary win than trump. Its crystal clear now. They know trump success endangers the very political system theyre abusing.
Thank you brother. I'm willing to fly over there just to be guy number 100,001

Don't expect a high five from her boyfriend, the story said he isn't thrilled that his girl wants to bang a hundred thousand you will get an angry glare from him...well as angry as a cuck's glare can get, it will look more like mild disappointment then anger.
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Don't expect a high five from her boyfriend, the story said he isn't thrilled that his girl wants to bang a hundred thousand you will get an angry glare from him...well as angry as a cuck's glare can get, it will look more like mild disappointment then anger.
For every 1m medicare recipients we lose $1B to waste and fraud. I guess it could be worse (VA).
Trump put his faith in the Republicans to push through his agenda, and after all the incompetence and infighting, they got nothing done. Now, he's crossed the aisle and is working hand-in-hand with Democrats to get things done. Trump has to be holding this over the head of Ryan and McConnell, saying, "look, I can get things done with or without you. If you want to come to the table and work with me again, fine, we'll do that, but you need to get your ducks in a row and stop jerking me and the public around. If not, well, I'm sure the Democrats have some ideas about health care reform and tax reform that might be agreeable to me."

I think it's pretty shrewd, gives Trump leverage with the obstinate Republicans who are blocking health care reform by making unreasonable demands and the Republican leadership in general, while Trump scores points for the bipartisan initiative and getting the wheels turning.
I hope he has some master plan because he's done if he caves on this. His base will abandon him and Dems know it.

2020 will be what we tried to avoid in 2016. It's incredible that within 24 hours, there's a huge reason to start losing hope. Democrats are pure evil. Republicans are corrupt. If we can't put a major dent for decades worth of illegal immigration then we are done as a country. The next Democrat will change every EO Trump has done, create more regulation, disperse more illegal scum to red states and obliterate this nation.

This country is the last stand for western civilization. No one else is going to do anything about it. Do we really want to experience what the left has in store for us? Massive Muslim and Mexican migration? Continued hostility toward whites promoted by media and Democrats? Destroying the economy as the government grows larger?

People laugh about the NWO being some conspiracy theory. Um. that's not a conspiracy theory. That's a goal..

Agree 100%. They've been moving towards this goal for awhile now. They are now working on taking away powerful nations identities (anything they were founded on) and blending them into a global like atmosphere.

These people in power care for nothing more than getting more power. It's the only explanation for people like Angela Merkle, Obama, our own Congress, etc. How do you stop that outside of a revolution?

The Bible talks about an NWO coming about. It's clear to see it's shaping up. It's just a matter of time at this point. With the craziest type of thinkers infiltrating office, Hollywood, schools and all types of media it will eventually become the way majority of people think. All we can do is fight it the best we can and hope our kids don't get caught up in the BS being spewed.
Trump put his faith in the Republicans to push through his agenda, and after all the incompetence and infighting, they got nothing done. Now, he's crossed the aisle and is working hand-in-hand with Democrats to get things done. Trump has to be holding this over the head of Ryan and McConnell, saying, "look, I can get things done with or without you. If you want to come to the table and work with me again, fine, we'll do that, but you need to get your ducks in a row and stop jerking me and the public around. If not, well, I'm sure the Democrats have some ideas about health care reform and tax reform that might be agreeable to me."

I think it's pretty shrewd, gives Trump leverage with the obstinate Republicans who are blocking health care reform by making unreasonable demands and the Republican leadership in general, while Trump scores points for the bipartisan initiative and getting the wheels turning.

What does that say for "his agenda" if it could be conceivably be done by either side?

If what you claim is true then it just goes further to prove that his real agenda is only to put his name on things. Doesn't really care what it looks like.
What does that say for "his agenda" if it could be conceivably be done by either side?

If what you claim is true then it just goes further to prove that his real agenda is only to put his name on things. Doesn't really care what it looks like.

... there's also the possibility he actually wants to help the middle class, which he stated over and over.
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I don't want a GD wall if the Mexicans are already inside it? Jeez.
Yes, but that ain't Trumps fault. He has to play the shitty hands hes been dealt. If the pathetic GOP won't work with him, what's he supposed to do? Kissing Mitch and Pauls ass for 8 months did nothing for him.
What does that say for "his agenda" if it could be conceivably be done by either side?

If what you claim is true then it just goes further to prove that his real agenda is only to put his name on things. Doesn't really care what it looks like.

Orrrrrr its a moderate approach by someone thats as close to independent as we may ever see again.
What does that say for "his agenda" if it could be conceivably be done by either side?

If what you claim is true then it just goes further to prove that his real agenda is only to put his name on things. Doesn't really care what it looks like.
What does it say for "your agenda" if you think it can't? We act like D's and R's are diametrically opposed, but we are still in agreement on a great majority of matters.

He can play both sides, push through debt ceiling and immigration reform with Democrats, then turn around and get the Republicans to come together (when they see they are getting shut out) on health care reform and tax reform.
Man, what kind of awful people collaborate and cooperate with a white supremacist, racist nazi????

Liberals should be ashamed of their party leaders. Seems like the republicans are the only ones with enough principles to oppose a white racist nazi.
What does it say for "your agenda" if you think it can't? We act like D's and R's are diametrically opposed, but we are still in agreement on a great majority of matters.

He can play both sides, push through debt ceiling and immigration reform with Democrats, then turn around and get the Republicans to come together (when they see they are getting shut out) on health care reform and tax reform.

I actually applaud Trump for reaching across the aisle and compromising on the debt ceiling and DACA. Wish Congress could do the same, then maybe they would get something positive done instead of sitting on their GD asses between elections taking cheap shots at one another.
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Maybe Literally Hitler Trump is actually playing 4D chess.

He isn't building a wall to keep the Mexicans out. He's building one to keep them in so it will be easier to round them up and throw them in ovens.

Omg you gotta tell the Press about this.