How will they rule ??!

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In her latest tantrum, Hillary tells NPR she lost because young woman voted for sanders. All because their male dominating their lives made them...
"We all have to live with the consequences of our decisions"?????

That's f#cking rich.

I guess that's the thing about being on the left. You're surrounded in this giant bubble away from any accountability, where you're always the victim and it's always someone else's fault. Media acts like your PR firm and hides and excuses any lies or wrongdoing. You probably start to feel invincible.

The arrogance is astounding. This woman aways has so much disdain for regular people. She's the opposite of Trump in that department.
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hillary dealing with the dumb masses who wouldn't or didn't vote for her...'head bowed in contrition' haha

I suspect that might not be telling the truth about that little anecdote. It just doesn't sound plausible, for several reasons. Besides, she has been known to tell a tall tale. Remember her story about being under sniper fire in Bosnia? That one is only of dozens, but it's my favorite. Absolutely hilarious.
Clinton Foundation has dried up, she doesn't have a job, they took a lot of money from a lot of rich people thinking she was going to be Prez. They have nothing left to offer "the Clintons". She needs excuses as to why she lost. This just looks desperate and pathetic on her part. I love it. The more she talks, the worse she looks and the better it looks for the rest of the country that she didn't win.

it's like it is not even real life anymore. he got arrested for that shit over there.

In her latest tantrum, Hillary tells NPR she lost because young woman voted for sanders. All because their male dominating their lives made them...

Aw yes, whites. You know why the left hates us? We're the hardest to control, really. No other group is chastized by the left because they go along but a good portion of us won't go along with their agenda.
It's hard to believe what happened is a thing. This is such a weird time.
SCOTUS upholds parts of travel ban????

Activist groups sued again. Went shopping for a liberal federal judge willing to abuse his/her power, circumvent the law, and try to overrule SCOTUS even after SCOTUS spoke on it a couple months ago, making it very clear only immediate family members could be admitted until they visited it again in October and made a final ruling.

This time they were bitching and moaning about refugees. Claiming that those who had already been promised a spot should still be allowed to be admitted. SCOTUS unanimously blocked the federal judge's injunction, ruling that nothing changes from their first statement.

Without comment, the court unanimously blocked a federal appeals court ruling from last week that would have exempted refugees who have a contractual commitment from resettlement organizations from the travel ban while the justices consider its legality. The ruling could impact roughly 24,000 people.
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"Find entire parts of your campus ... that don't need to be there," Bevin said in a speech to a higher education conference. "Either physically as programs, degrees that you're offering, buildings that ... shouldn't be there because you're maintaining something that's not an asset of any value, that's not helping to produce that 21st century educated workforce."

^ Limosine Left is not going to like that.
"Find entire parts of your campus ... that don't need to be there," Bevin said in a speech to a higher education conference. "Either physically as programs, degrees that you're offering, buildings that ... shouldn't be there because you're maintaining something that's not an asset of any value, that's not helping to produce that 21st century educated workforce."

^ Limosine Left is not going to like that.
Good for him. Spot on. Every business that survives and thrives thinks like this, not sure why college (and govt in general) is exempt...
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[laughing] First peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, then banana peels, now pumpkin spice...

Pumpkin Spice Lattes fund 'white supremacy' in Trump White House, according to feminist group

"Pumpkin spice just doesn't taste as good when you add a shot of racism," a feminist leader explained as the fall flavor began to pop up in coffee shops around the country. This is a shockingly weird claim, but it shouldn't be surprising.

In an editorial published last month, we wrote about the Left's effort to broaden the boundaries of concepts such as white supremacy and racism in a way that impugns the conduct of well-meaning people. Now, a feminist nonprofit is running a campaign to convince festive imbibers of Pumpkin Spice Lattes they're unknowingly boosting the cause of white supremacy.
Some random alt left/right troll tweet vs Trump's tweets is 2 totally different things. "Hey look what dumbtouch that nobody heard of tweeted" for 10 posts in a row sucks and it is not an original shitpost thought or intelligent discussion that most come here for. Shitposter in Chief is on his own level and I have said plenty of times he should never stop.
Then don't ****ing click or read them, genius.

The preferred method of conveying info thru Tweets is a widely accepted form of comm here. Has been for several years now. I'm not into monitoring my posting just to create another safe space for your butthurt.

Same goes for the Canadian. Grow some ****ing skin, both of you.
I guess that's the thing about being on the left. You're surrounded in this giant bubble away from any accountability, where you're always the victim and it's always someone else's fault. Media acts like your PR firm and hides and excuses any lies or wrongdoing. You probably start to feel invincible.

The arrogance is astounding. This woman aways has so much disdain for regular people. She's the opposite of Trump in that department.
How much fun would it have been on election night, when Hillary knew that she had lost. To have laughed right in her face
Does anyone know of Hillary is coming to the south for her book tour?

It's my life goal to get her and POTUS to sign my copy of newsweeks madam president.

Could be worth millions one day.

I'm going to follow you in line dressed as a UPS man and have her sign for delivery of four Haitian children.

She'll probably have Huma kill me when she finds out I don't actually have her slaves.
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And every time Bevin, or anybody, talks about cutting public universities funds limo left all cries in unison "he doesn't care about education!!!!". Since 2008 - well before Bevin - state has cut 200million from university funds. Not a lot, tbh. And since then we have seen universities *explode* with students, real estate, buildings, grants, etc etc. So, cut more , imo. They are doing just fine. Well, some branches of the universities are doing just fine.
Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses, contractors say

Security at the State Department's Benghazi compound was so dire that another contractor was brought in to clean up the mess just two weeks before the 2012 terror attack – and was later pressured to keep quiet by a government bureaucrat under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to two men from the American security company.
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Haha, i've seen muslim women at the beach in s c, in the water, in full garb, in 90deg weather, while their male companions wear normal swim trunks. i can't imagine them having a good time with all that soaking wet clothing clinging to them.
I had to chuckle as i drank my cold beer and inspected all the hot bikinis, with my eyes of course.
And every time Bevin, or anybody, talks about cutting public universities funds limo left all cries in unison "he doesn't care about education!!!!". Since 2008 - well before Bevin - state has cut 200million from university funds. Not a lot, tbh. And since then we have seen universities *explode* with students, real estate, buildings, grants, etc etc. So, cut more , imo. They are doing just fine. Well, some branches of the universities are doing just fine.
There are so many worthless college degrees out there. University Studies, English, Black History, Native American Studies, Comedic Arts, Environmental Studies, German Polka History(made that one up). No money to be made from those degrees, but still college loans to pay off.
Haha, i've seen muslim women at the beach in s c, in the water, in full garb, in 90deg weather, while their male companions wear normal swim trunks. i can't imagine them having a good time with all that soaking wet clothing clinging to them.
I had to chuckle as i drank my cold beer and inspected all the hot bikinis, with my eyes of course.

But theyre supported en masse by the same group whos 110 all in on womens rights.

There are so many worthless college degrees out there. University Studies, English, Black History, Native American Studies, Comedic Arts, Environmental Studies, German Polka History(made that one up). No money to be made from those degrees, but still college loans to pay off.

Had you not stated you made that up, I would have believed it. That's the point in time we are at.
There are so many worthless college degrees out there. University Studies, English, Black History, Native American Studies, Comedic Arts, Environmental Studies, German Polka History(made that one up). No money to be made from those degrees, but still college loans to pay off.

I thought it hilarious that Jones tweeted that Bevin was a hypocrite because he has a degree in east asia studies.

Bevin is incredibly successful, if hes nothing else. I dont think laughing at any of his career choices is the best move.
EXCLUSIVE: DWS IT Guy Was Banned From House After Trying To Hide Secret Server

'It Was A Breach' -- Awans Allegedly Funneled Dems' Data to Secret Server, Falsified Evidence To Cover It Up

A secret server is behind the Capitol Police’s decision to ban a former IT aide to Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz from the House network.

Now-indicted former congressional IT aide Imran Awan allegedly routed data from numerous House Democrats to a secret server. Police grew suspicious and requested a copy of the server early this year, but they were provided with an elaborate falsified image designed to hide the massive violations. The falsified image is what ultimately triggered their ban from the House network Feb. 2, according to a senior House official with direct knowledge of the investigation.

The secret server was connected to the House Democratic Caucus, an organization chaired by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra. Police informed Becerra that the server was the subject of an investigation and requested a copy of it. Authorities considered the false image they received to be interference in a criminal investigation, the senior official said.

Data was also backed up to Dropbox in huge quantities, the official said. Congressional offices are prohibited from using Dropbox, so an unofficial account was used, meaning Awan could have still had access to the data even though he was banned from the congressional network.

Awan had access to all emails and office computer files of 45 members of Congress who are listed below. Fear among members that Awan could release embarrassing information if they cooperated with prosecutors could explain why the Democrats have refused to acknowledge the cybersecurity breach publicly or criticize the suspects.

Each House member’s data is supposed to be stored on his own server, but Imran moved files to a computer that was only supposed to hold the files of the administrative office of the Democratic Caucus, the senior official said.

In the spring of 2016, House administrators became aware that the Awans were allegedly falsifying purchase orders. They followed the trail and found that the misconduct extended to a major cybersecurity breach.

On Jan. 24, 2017, Becerra vacated his congressional seat to become California’s attorney general. “He wanted to wipe his server, and we brought to his attention it was under investigation. The light-off was we asked for an image of the server, and they deliberately turned over a fake server,” the senior official said.

“They were using the House Democratic Caucus as their central service warehouse … It was a breach. The data was completely out of [the members’] possession. Does it mean it was sold to the Russians? I don’t know,” the senior official said.

“For members to say their data was not compromised is simply inaccurate. They had access to all the data including all emails. Imran Awan is the walking example of an insider threat, a criminal actor who had access to everything,” the senior official said.

Despite Democrats’ acute awareness of the importance of cybersecurity after the Democratic National Committee’s emails appeared on Wikileaks in July 2016, the employing members have gone to great lengths to avoid condemning Awan or have said nothing about whether they checked their office data’s security following the breach.