How will they rule ??!

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Just a reminder that 5 years ago the Obama administration lied and covered up a terrorist attack by blaming it on a YouTube video. Then sent Susan Rice to the Sunday shows to peddle the lie.

There were a ton of awful stuff the Obama administration did and this might've been the worst.

And put the scapegoat in jail.

Knowing all the while it was a full blown lie.

Last reported, that guy was in a homeless shelter trying to get back on his feet.

I also wanted to look at when she received the mail considering the game was Labor Day weekend. The mail wouldn't have even ran until Tuesday the 5th. The tweet is on the 7th. Random that there's no date on the stamp.

So many red flags. Cursive handwriting
No date stamped
Similarities in the two documents
The fact that so many race hoaxes occur
That her husband is on the hot seat and it's a ploy to play victim.
The crease of the letter shows it's bigger than the envelope

Plus a lot women in interracial marriages like to feel as if they're pioneers for being so "progressive." The truth is whites don't care enough to do this especially in a sport that's like 75 percent black. Not enough racism from whitey to fulfill the demand for it so they create it.
Yeah, saw another tweet asking who in the hell in Houston had time to mail off a dry letter, lol.
WVLK reporting a Cynthiana, Ky man SHOT a KU helicopter TWICE while hovering over his property

Kansas gayhawk chopper? don't blame him.
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sarah wrote this to miami pd in reply:

thought this was a good reply to her from some guy

I saw a white girl from Massachusetts complaining about the looting videos being "unnecessary." Sarah here and some other morons on that thread are honestly arguing that it's okay to steal and should be ignored.

Hey, no wonder they love the idea of socialism.
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Ease up on the pedo thing fellas. I was on my WORK laptop several years ago in front of the TV and I overheard the South Park episode about NAMBLA. I wasn't even listening to the context, but I googled or directly entered (can't remember) and clicked enter.

"Holy Sh!t! Delete, turn off the computer, oh God no!" :grimace:[sick]:scream:

So I'm pretty sure I'm on some watch list now, and this probably isn't helping my IP address search with you guys referencing this sort of stuff.

*Wayne gets an IM chat*

FBI sting agent: I'm 13 and have some wine coolers and love wiffle ball, want to come over?

Meanwhile this guy is waiting over here like,
Mrs Sumlin doubling down. Interesting to see how this turns out:

She's a liar. I have no doubts that she's a liar. The stamp is only one of the bogus things about the letter. The size of the letter, the fold and the handwriting all point to her being a liar.

But of course the comments on there are, "You're so strong. You're so classy. We stand with you against this letter." How many times have we fallen for the race-baiter hoax crap?
I googled "white looters" and this is one of the results, none of which showed white looters:

I don't like to hear alex jones on the radio, but this video isn't bad.
Looks like Hannity will be moving to 9
PM and Laura Ingraham will host a show at 10PM on Fox.

Tucker-Hannity-Ingraham is a good 3 hour line up IMO. Don't watch Fox much but I'll definitely tune in a little more at nights with Ingrahams show.
So Kaepernick is donating money to law breakers to go protest rather than donate money to homeless, or sick, or disadvantaged inner city youths, or anyone basically that might actually need it. What a POS. Not surprising though. He is a converted Muslim anti-American activist like that POS girl friend of his now.
So Kaepernick is donating money to law breakers to go protest rather than donate money to homeless, or sick, or disadvantaged inner city youths, or anyone basically that might actually need it. What a POS. Not surprising though. He is a converted Muslim anti-American activist like that POS girl friend of his now.
There are a lot of people in Texas and Florida who could use some of that money hes giving to illegals.
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I'm a longtime lurker on this thread and I thought I would post something that happened today and get a little input. My daughter is an 8th grader at a public middle school in Louisville. Today in history class she told me her teacher was discussing 9/11 and he made the comment that it was only a big deal because a bunch of white people died. Now this teacher happens to be white also so he must be a SJW idiot.
When I heard her tell me what he said I about lost my mind. Of course I told her not to listen to anymore of the crap he spews in class like this.
I'm just wondering how most on here would handle the situation. My first instinct is to go talk to the principal tomorrow about getting this clown fired. But my daughter is worried about any possible blowback because this teacher is somewhat popular because he's also an assistant football coach. She's only 13 so I'm worried about making the rest of her school year difficult if I say anything.
I'm a longtime lurker on this thread and I thought I would post something that happened today and get a little input. My daughter is an 8th grader at a public middle school in Louisville. Today in history class she told me her teacher was discussing 9/11 and he made the comment that it was only a big deal because a bunch of white people died. Now this teacher happens to be white also so he must be a SJW idiot.
When I heard her tell me what he said I about lost my mind. Of course I told her not to listen to anymore of the crap he spews in class like this.
I'm just wondering how most on here would handle the situation. My first instinct is to go talk to the principal tomorrow about getting this clown fired. But my daughter is worried about any possible blowback because this teacher is somewhat popular because he's also an assistant football coach. She's only 13 so I'm worried about making the rest of her school year difficult if I say anything.
Don't have kids but if I did and that happened, I'd go to the principals office. A nutcase racist like that should not be teaching kids.