How will they rule ??!

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Kid Rock is supposedly releasing a major statement at midnight. We will see what it will be.

Whatever it is I hope it triggers the left and establishment

People! Pay NO attention to the garbage the extreme left is trying to create! (and by the way, **** the extreme left and the extreme right!)

They are trying to use the old confederate flag BS, etc. to stir the pot, when we all know none of this would be going on if I were not thinking of running for office. Pretty funny how scared I have them all and their only agenda is to try and label people / me racist who do not agree or cower to them!! No one had a word to say when we sold out the 6 shows at LCA back in January! My track record in Detroit and Michigan speaks for itself, and I would dare anyone talking trash to put theirs up against mine. I am also a homeowner and taxpayer in the city of Detroit, so suck on that too!

I am the bonified KING OF DETROIT LOVE and it makes me smile down deep that you haters know that! Your jealousy is merely a reflection of disgust for your own failures and lack of positive ideas for our city.

I am however very disappointed that none of the people, businesses or charities I have so diligently supported in Detroit have had anything to say about all these unfounded attacks from these handful of jackasses and The Detroit Free Press. So for the unforeseen future I will focus my philanthropy efforts on other organizations besides the ones I have supported in the past. I would however employ that NAN go ahead and make up these losses since they claim to be so good for Detroit and do not want me opening the arena and generating tons of jobs and tax dollars for the city and people I LOVE... IDIOTS! ….. (Has Al Sharpton even paid his back taxes yet?)

P.S. Sam Riddle is a piece of shit criminal and prime example of a lot that is and has been wrong with Detroit. Sam, you suck and you know it! (If anyone does not know who he is, please Google him!)

P.P.S. To be clear - **** ANYONE who takes a knee or sits during our national anthem! Pretty sure if Russell Wilson or Tom Brady were doing it they would have no problem finding a job playing for any team they wanted in the NFL! So cut the bullshit!

P.P.P.S. Just saw this latest fake news piece…
The idiot that posted it is such a bad reporter that he/she did not even check to see if this was my Twitter (which it is NOT!) - of course the press will report on everything else I have said here except this fake news. Unreal. (and these are the types of stories that can not be taken back in this day and age because they go viral so quickly and the damage is done before the corrections can be made.)

P.P.P.P.S. On a positive note, I can’t wait to rock everyone's socks off at LCA the next few weeks! We have been beyond working hard and have something we think all in attendance will enjoy (as long as you don’t mind a few f-bombs here and there! lol).

There is so much to be thankful for and so many positive things going on in and around our city / state that we need not let these handful of jerks sway that in any way.

I know I should probably not even have posted anything about these bottom feeders but I will always stand up for myself, my family, my friends, my fans, my city, my state, my country and the good in human nature!


God bless

-Kid Rock
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Is this some ploy to keep him employed? I don't follow her motive, although I completely believe it's a fake. Never seen a man with handwriting like that. All it's missing are little hearts to dot the I's.

He's on the hot seat and his team just blew a 34-point lead. It was an attempt to make him a victim and distract from the loss.

His wife 100 percent did it and we will never hear about it again. I'm sorry but white people aren't going to write a letter, put a return address on it and mail some racist threatening letter. That just doesn't happen. Just like whites aren't vandayzing black churches or threatening people.

Hell, why wouldn't they just do it under a fake account on social media? Ha. It's bogus. She wrote it and the media eats it up and asks no questions about it.
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  1. Sumlin's wife wrote that letter - or at the least had a friend write it, and she's going to get caught as the police are now investigating. She's a white SJW so of course she did something stupid. Kind of attractive though.
  2. Bannon crushed on 60 Minutes last night. Called Rose out for doing that "Everybody's an immigrant except for Native Americans" crap.
  3. Irma was a dud, but I don't think it was a conspiracy. Problem now is that some people are going to think they can chill when the next one hits.
I also wanted to look at when she received the mail considering the game was Labor Day weekend. The mail wouldn't have even ran until Tuesday the 5th. The tweet is on the 7th. Random that there's no date on the stamp.

So many red flags. Cursive handwriting
No date stamped
Similarities in the two documents
The fact that so many race hoaxes occur
That her husband is on the hot seat and it's a ploy to play victim.
The crease of the letter shows it's bigger than the envelope

Plus a lot women in interracial marriages like to feel as if they're pioneers for being so "progressive." The truth is whites don't care enough to do this especially in a sport that's like 75 percent black. Not enough racism from whitey to fulfill the demand for it so they create it.
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Irma was a dud, but I don't think it was a conspiracy. Problem now is that some people are going to think they can chill when the next one hits.

Not sure about every where else, but it was where I'm at (St. Augustine/Jacksonville) just 10 or so miles from a mandatory evacuation zone.

Just your typical tropical storm/low category hurricane. 60mph winds, property damage, minor (major in low areas) flooding, downed trees/power lines, power outages, etc... High tide is coming and will do a little more damage, though.

Only thing really affecting me is minor stuff; loss of power, debris, a little standing water. Bored, no power, thinking about busting out the chainsaw and going to help the neighborhood out with downed trees.
Not sure about every where else, but it was where I'm at (St. Augustine/Jacksonville) just 10 or so miles from a mandatory evacuation zone.

Just your typical tropical storm/low category hurricane. 60mph winds, property damage, minor (major in low areas) flooding, downed trees/power lines, power outages, etc... High tide is coming and will do a little more damage, though.

Only thing really affecting me is minor stuff; loss of power, debris, a little standing water. Bored, no power, thinking about busting out the chainsaw and going to help the neighborhood out with downed trees.
Weather channel and CNN really disappointed.
Also agree about Irma. Seemed the whole time the weather folks were having trouble with its exact path and seems it really lost its main horsepower when it hit Cuba. Still a strong storm though.
Super hot take: The looters, while bad, will pale in comparison to the stores that would have unloaded that merchandise on the side and then claimed storm damage to collect an insurance check. #TeamLoot
I also wanted to look at when she received the mail considering the game was Labor Day weekend. The mail wouldn't have even ran until Tuesday the 5th. The tweet is on the 7th. Random that there's no date on the stamp.

So many red flags. Cursive handwriting
No date stamped
Similarities in the two documents
The fact that so many race hoaxes occur
That her husband is on the hot seat and it's a ploy to play victim.

Plus a lot women in interracial marriages like to feel as if they're pioneers for being so "progressive." The truth is whites don't care enough to do this especially in a sport that's like 75 percent black. Not enough racism from whitey to fulfill the demand for it so they create it.

I have no doubt that Sumlin probably got some actual BS, but this letter is clearly fake.

@PhattyJ4UK when you pointed out the "S" in Kevin's name vs hers it made it obvious. She wrote the letter.
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Not sure why anyone is saying irma was a dud.

Maybe comparing just the flooding to Harvey?
Harvey just sat in one spot which is why the flooding was so bad.

The keys are destroyed. Jacksonville is currently beginning to get flooded. Irma wasn't a dud at all. It was a typical hurricane that moved over an area. The keys won't be the same for decades. We have yet to see the brunt of damage.
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There was a time there when it was 185 mph and looked to hit Miami dead on; that would have been atypical and really something else.
Jacksonville is currently beginning to get flooded

Only in certain areas near the St Johns river, and that's because of a perfect set of circumstances. The storm didn't drop that amount of rain here to cause that type of flooding. Matter of fact, the water near the beaches and along the coast has actually started to recede.

It's getting worse near the St Johns right now for three reasons -- Jacksonville received a record breaking storm surge, pushing lots of water inland that got trapped, the tide is coming in (2pm), and the St Johns flows to the north, bringing all of the water dumped on Orlando, etc... to Jacksonville.
So, just wondering. If a store owner decided to remain in his place of business and was armed, would it be illegal if he shot a looter that broke into his store?

I remember getting lost in San Antonio several years ago. We were in a less than desirable neighborhood with bars on all the windows. I'll never forget the wording painted on one of the buildings, "$10,000 reward for anyone shooting and killing anyone attempting to rob this store".

It's psychological trauma, so is homosexuality regardless what people don't want t admit.

"I think my attraction to young boys came from what my mother did to me"


"I think my attraction to young men came from what that paedophile did to me"

That is not bigoted, that is reality; maybe one day society will become mature, sophisticated and intelligent enough to admit and tackle for the better of those affected and everyone else.
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Ease up on the pedo thing fellas. I was on my WORK laptop several years ago in front of the TV and I overheard the South Park episode about NAMBLA. I wasn't even listening to the context, but I googled or directly entered (can't remember) and clicked enter.

"Holy Sh!t! Delete, turn off the computer, oh God no!" :grimace:[sick]:scream:

So I'm pretty sure I'm on some watch list now, and this probably isn't helping my IP address search with you guys referencing this sort of stuff.
Ease up on the pedo thing fellas. I was on my WORK laptop several years ago in front of the TV and I overheard the South Park episode about NAMBLA. I wasn't even listening to the context, but I googled or directly entered (can't remember) and clicked enter.

"Holy Sh!t! Delete, turn off the computer, oh God no!" :grimace:[sick]:scream:

So I'm pretty sure I'm on some watch list now, and this probably isn't helping my IP address search with you guys referencing this sort of stuff.
@cardkilla still has internet access so you should be good

this is where we are headed
Just a reminder that 5 years ago the Obama administration lied and covered up a terrorist attack by blaming it on a YouTube video. Then sent Susan Rice to the Sunday shows to peddle the lie.

There were a ton of awful stuff the Obama administration did and this might've been the worst.
Just a reminder that 5 years ago the Obama administration lied and covered up a terrorist attack by blaming it on a YouTube video. Then sent Susan Rice to the Sunday shows to peddle the lie.

There were a ton of awful stuff the Obama administration did and this might've been the worst.

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