How will they rule ??!

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Also, look at where the letter is creased. That piece of paper folded only once, in the middle, is bigger than the envelope.


No way your standard racist redneck would have used the correct form of "you're" either.

Next thing we will hear is that Sumlin isn't even married.
Look at all of that diversity. How can you not shake your head watching this? I like how it's not allowed to be discussed but I didn't see any John, Juan or Li Yu types in these videos.

— Nine people were arrested Sunday afternoon and accused of looting on West Sunrise Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale. Television news footage showed people clambering in and out of a jagged hole in a shattered window, snatching sneakers and clothing from a sportswear store. A block away, they pilfered took what they could from a pawn shop, police said.

Two other cockroaches were caught breaking into a house. One was shot but not properly, he's in the hospital.
Reminds me of this... None of which should be open to debate.

What we are seeing today is the repercussions of an Obama presidency, changing America (remember how much he wanted to do that?) from a nation that majority of people identified as American and turned it into identity politics for the Democratic Party. There's no going back for them now. They're too far in.

They've made a stand for thugs, people in this country illegally, and at times they nearly go as far as justifying and defending violence/terrorism. They completely stopped using common sense and logic around 6 years ago and I doubt the party ever will again.
I agree with the thoughts above re: Bannon. Rose is a smug prick. Bannon did about as good as you can possibly do on 60 minutes.

There seemed to be points in time where it was more of a Charlie Rose monologue as opposed to an interview.

The only thing I wish Bannon would have really driven home is to point out the intentional conflation by the media and left of illegal aliens, and immigrants who follow the proper legal channels. No one has a problem with immigrants who follow the proper legal channels to come to this country. It's the ones who disregard the laws of the United States from day 1 who we have a problem with as law abiding citizens.

I knew this was a hoax. I'm conditioned to it now since they pull this crap all the time.

Notice the women's handwriting and the fact that there's no date on the stamp? Libs and many blacks are so desperate to act like it's 1960.
Is this some ploy to keep him employed? I don't follow her motive, although I completely believe it's a fake. Never seen a man with handwriting like that. All it's missing are little hearts to dot the I's.
Interesting to see if this is all just swept under the rug now. No blowback at all
Yeah, I don't see how. She's in Texas, after all... Furthermore, that would piss me off as a random black person; Using a racist mentality premise to fake more racism?

I just don't understand her endgame. Why risk faking a hate crime if you're of such a visible position with so much to lose... and if overzealous, generic social justice isn't the driving force, how does she think racism could/would affect his current or future position as a coach? It's just weird.

Another bored coach's wife with a Xanax script and a lot of free time is my bet.