How will they rule ??!

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I'm a longtime lurker on this thread and I thought I would post something that happened today and get a little input. My daughter is an 8th grader at a public middle school in Louisville. Today in history class she told me her teacher was discussing 9/11 and he made the comment that it was only a big deal because a bunch of white people died. Now this teacher happens to be white also so he must be a SJW idiot.
When I heard her tell me what he said I about lost my mind. Of course I told her not to listen to anymore of the crap he spews in class like this.
I'm just wondering how most on here would handle the situation. My first instinct is to go talk to the principal tomorrow about getting this clown fired. But my daughter is worried about any possible blowback because this teacher is somewhat popular because he's also an assistant football coach. She's only 13 so I'm worried about making the rest of her school year difficult if I say anything.

Id definitely complain and try to take it public
I'm a longtime lurker on this thread and I thought I would post something that happened today and get a little input. My daughter is an 8th grader at a public middle school in Louisville. Today in history class she told me her teacher was discussing 9/11 and he made the comment that it was only a big deal because a bunch of white people died. Now this teacher happens to be white also so he must be a SJW idiot.
When I heard her tell me what he said I about lost my mind. Of course I told her not to listen to anymore of the crap he spews in class like this.
I'm just wondering how most on here would handle the situation. My first instinct is to go talk to the principal tomorrow about getting this clown fired. But my daughter is worried about any possible blowback because this teacher is somewhat popular because he's also an assistant football coach. She's only 13 so I'm worried about making the rest of her school year difficult if I say anything.

Lol is this real?

I would imagine he would be fired ASAP if you told the right person about that.
Crazy how anti American leftists are. And they are open about it.
Yes and, once they get their way, they will not be able to be open about it. That is the irony. However, some of us on here and a lot more in this country will not let that happen. You are welcome Fuzz, Cardkilla, Jameslee, and you others who are still practicing Obama's terrorist agenda of changing America.
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Id definitely complain and try to take it public
I'm fully aware that most colleges and universities in this country promote the kind stupidity this teacher is spreading. I just didn't think it was prevalent in public schools among kids this young. I'm just curious as to whether this is considered acceptable in most schools today and if raising a stink about it would do any good.
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Well that's crazy man. Teacher should be fired, but I certainly understand why you are hesistant to say something. My school district was shady as heck and I don't believe they would side with a student in a situation like yours. I think they would deny it and do whatever to keep it hush hush.

Story today in the news about a teacher who kicked two boys out of class because they had "make America great again" shirts, she said it was a white supremacist slogan. She was fired that day on the spot. Principal cited some rule teachers at public institution cannot talk politics, or something. Idk...but this was all on cellphone video which makes the situation a bit different. If your daughter had this on camera that would put the school in a tough spot.
I'm fully aware that most colleges and universities in this country promote the kind stupidity this teacher is spreading. I just didn't think it was prevalent in public schools among kids this young. I'm just curious as to whether this is considered acceptable in most schools today and if raising a stink about it would do any good.
Your daughter's life and how it would affect her is more important. I would weigh the probable blow back against the reality of the lack of punishment that would happen to him. You would probably have to gauge other parents reactions before acting.
I'm a longtime lurker on this thread and I thought I would post something that happened today and get a little input. My daughter is an 8th grader at a public middle school in Louisville. Today in history class she told me her teacher was discussing 9/11 and he made the comment that it was only a big deal because a bunch of white people died. Now this teacher happens to be white also so he must be a SJW idiot.
When I heard her tell me what he said I about lost my mind. Of course I told her not to listen to anymore of the crap he spews in class like this.
I'm just wondering how most on here would handle the situation. My first instinct is to go talk to the principal tomorrow about getting this clown fired. But my daughter is worried about any possible blowback because this teacher is somewhat popular because he's also an assistant football coach. She's only 13 so I'm worried about making the rest of her school year difficult if I say anything.
teacher's name?
Investigation into Clinton lawyers accused of deleting emails is ordered
How many investigations is it going to take before we realize it is only smoke and mirrors to appease the masses into thinking they are doing what we elected them to do. Who has been fired and or going to jail yet? If they lost their jobs they are immediately placed in another that is just as good if not better. Taking one for the team gets rewarded in Washington.
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his crazy now but i did crack up when he said i wanted to find the most meaningless thing i could come to
Ease up on the pedo thing fellas. I was on my WORK laptop several years ago in front of the TV and I overheard the South Park episode about NAMBLA. I wasn't even listening to the context, but I googled or directly entered (can't remember) and clicked enter.

"Holy Sh!t! Delete, turn off the computer, oh God no!" :grimace:[sick]:scream:

So I'm pretty sure I'm on some watch list now, and this probably isn't helping my IP address search with you guys referencing this sort of stuff.

Likely story.

What does :pizza::pizza::pizza: mean to you?
Watching 102 minutes that changed America again. Must watch it every year, must not ever forget. The bad people of this world are now in this country poisoning weak minded Americans. The left is proof of that. They are the new terrorist threat we must fight.
So Kaepernick is donating money to law breakers to go protest rather than donate money to homeless, or sick, or disadvantaged inner city youths, or anyone basically that might actually need it. What a POS. Not surprising though. He is a converted Muslim anti-American activist like that POS girl friend of his now.
He has been very outspoken about police shootings. Does anyone know if he has addressed the Justine Damond shooting? That was a bad one, a really bad one, the worst and most unjustified one ever, or at least tied for it. Has Colin weighed in on this yet?
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I'm a longtime lurker on this thread and I thought I would post something that happened today and get a little input. My daughter is an 8th grader at a public middle school in Louisville. Today in history class she told me her teacher was discussing 9/11 and he made the comment that it was only a big deal because a bunch of white people died. Now this teacher happens to be white also so he must be a SJW idiot.
When I heard her tell me what he said I about lost my mind. Of course I told her not to listen to anymore of the crap he spews in class like this.
I'm just wondering how most on here would handle the situation. My first instinct is to go talk to the principal tomorrow about getting this clown fired. But my daughter is worried about any possible blowback because this teacher is somewhat popular because he's also an assistant football coach. She's only 13 so I'm worried about making the rest of her school year difficult if I say anything.

I certainly understand your anger over this and also your hesitance to raise the issue out of concern that it might affect your daughter. If possible, maybe you could call the principal anonymously and discuss it. See what he says. Also, I would keep a documented record of this shit. If it continues, it will help your case against this POS. Hell, the way things are going in this country, I wouldn't be surprised if the principal is a SJW too!

If you can afford it, home school or send her to a private school. We pulled my daughter out and home schooled for 3.5 years and sent her back the freshman year of high school. She was way ahead academically. Actually skipped a grade. Tested high enough to skip two. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

1) pretty telling that no one in the whole line of responses thinks theres anything wrong with this story of a 17 and 24 year old (the fact theyre gay is not relevant).

2) they all laughed so hard they nearly fell out of their echo chamber at this sick burn......which was an older man dated a young yet of age adult
I certainly understand your anger over this and also your hesitance to raise the issue out of concern that it might affect your daughter. If possible, maybe you could call the principal anonymously and discuss it. See what he says. Also, I would keep a documented record of this shit. If it continues, it will help your case against this POS. Hell, the way things are going in this country, I wouldn't be surprised if the principal is a SJW too!

If you can afford it, home school or send her to a private school. We pulled my daughter out and home schooled for 3.5 years and sent her back the freshman year of high school. She was way ahead academically. Actually skipped a grade. Tested high enough to skip two. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
Aside of the moral repugnancy from the teacher, it is also a rather foolish statement. This happened in New York City. I'd imagine that the victim toll was fairly diverse.
Worst MNF crew ever? I'd almost rather be still at home without power. Beth Mowins play-by-play, Rex Ryan color commentator and this guy on the sidelines...

I'm a longtime lurker on this thread and I thought I would post something that happened today and get a little input. My daughter is an 8th grader at a public middle school in Louisville. Today in history class she told me her teacher was discussing 9/11 and he made the comment that it was only a big deal because a bunch of white people died. Now this teacher happens to be white also so he must be a SJW idiot.
When I heard her tell me what he said I about lost my mind. Of course I told her not to listen to anymore of the crap he spews in class like this.
I'm just wondering how most on here would handle the situation. My first instinct is to go talk to the principal tomorrow about getting this clown fired. But my daughter is worried about any possible blowback because this teacher is somewhat popular because he's also an assistant football coach. She's only 13 so I'm worried about making the rest of her school year difficult if I say anything.

Doesn't matter about blowback. The school has a right to know about this idiot. I mean going after his job might be harsh and he might not of put it just like your 13 year old said either, but I'm not meaning to say she is lying at all.

I'd talk to the principal and demand a return call to let you the parent know what actions are taken or at least get the teachers side which will usually draw at least a few random questions for fellow students in the class.
I certainly understand your anger over this and also your hesitance to raise the issue out of concern that it might affect your daughter. If possible, maybe you could call the principal anonymously and discuss it. See what he says. Also, I would keep a documented record of this shit. If it continues, it will help your case against this POS. Hell, the way things are going in this country, I wouldn't be surprised if the principal is a SJW too!

If you can afford it, home school or send her to a private school. We pulled my daughter out and home schooled for 3.5 years and sent her back the freshman year of high school. She was way ahead academically. Actually skipped a grade. Tested high enough to skip two. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

Really? My wife wants to do this but she lacks patience. She is crazy smart with reading/literature etc and I'm all numbers/science so we think we could but are scared to do it.

Just sick of the kids doing nonsense while other kids struggle to catch up......then my kids get bored and get in trouble. We ask the teacher why in their agendas and all she says is our kids talk too much while the other are still working. Ok so then we check their class work and it's all right with no corrections and homework is done in class.

So my kids are bad because the school isn't challenging them.
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I swear this is absolutely the truth. There's certainly no reason for my 13yr old daughter to make up something like this.

I would send my daughter back, with a wel thought out question and a recorder to hopefully catch a similar comment.

Question something like this "mr. Douche canoe, you said yesterday that 9/11 only mattered because white people died, but i, as a BLM activist saw where 13 black first responders died, so I'm confused. Please elaborate your position from yesterday."

And then hopefully you got him by the ovaries.
I certainly understand your anger over this and also your hesitance to raise the issue out of concern that it might affect your daughter. If possible, maybe you could call the principal anonymously and discuss it. See what he says. Also, I would keep a documented record of this shit. If it continues, it will help your case against this POS. Hell, the way things are going in this country, I wouldn't be surprised if the principal is a SJW too!

If you can afford it, home school or send her to a private school. We pulled my daughter out and home schooled for 3.5 years and sent her back the freshman year of high school. She was way ahead academically. Actually skipped a grade. Tested high enough to skip two. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
I'm divorced so home schooling is probably not an option. Ive talked to my ex about this and she's wanted to move to Bullitt Co so this will probably speed that up. I'm pretty sure the school system there will be a big improvement over the joke that is most of JCPS.
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Really? My wife wants to do this but she lacks patience. She is crazy smart with reading/literature etc and I'm all numbers/science so we think we could but are scared to do it.

Just sick of the kids doing nonsense while other kids struggle to catch up......then my kids get bored and get in trouble. We ask the teacher why in their agendas and all she says is our kids talk too much while the other are still working. Ok so then we check their class work and it's all right with no corrections and homework is done in class.

So my kids are bad because the school isn't challenging them.

That's the reason we pulled my daughter. The slow kids drag the class down and the smarter kids get bored and don't learn anything. Plus, the teachers suck and the time spent actually teaching is minimal. My wife volunteered and helped out at the school for several years and saw it all first hand. This was about 16 years ago. It's probably worse now with all this SJW bullshit.

We used several sources for teaching materials, but mainly Abeka, which is a Christian homeschool academy. They even had videos for your kid to watch. They feel like they are part of a class of very intelligent peers. We supplemented the science because they watered it down a bit with creationism, but overall, it really helped my daughter a lot. My stay at home wife gets most of the credit.

Now my daughter is having her own kids and she is planning to homeschool for at least the elementary years.
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I'm a longtime lurker on this thread and I thought I would post something that happened today and get a little input. My daughter is an 8th grader at a public middle school in Louisville. Today in history class she told me her teacher was discussing 9/11 and he made the comment that it was only a big deal because a bunch of white people died. Now this teacher happens to be white also so he must be a SJW idiot.
When I heard her tell me what he said I about lost my mind. Of course I told her not to listen to anymore of the crap he spews in class like this.
I'm just wondering how most on here would handle the situation. My first instinct is to go talk to the principal tomorrow about getting this clown fired. But my daughter is worried about any possible blowback because this teacher is somewhat popular because he's also an assistant football coach. She's only 13 so I'm worried about making the rest of her school year difficult if I say anything.

Who's the teacher?
I'm divorced so home schooling is probably not an option. Ive talked to my ex about this and she's wanted to move to Bullitt Co so this will probably speed that up. I'm pretty sure the school system there will be a big improvement over the joke that is most of JCPS.

I wish you the best. This crap makes me furious.
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As long as you don't live anywhere near Dixie Hwy then this teacher won't be a problem for you.

You never know with the way these clowns bus these days. Ha

My daughter came home last year and told me Trump hates brown people. I asked her who told her that. She said the kids at school. SMH.
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You never know with the way these clowns bus these days. Ha

My daughter came home last year and told me Trump hates brown people. I asked her who told her that. She said the kids at school. SMH.

My son came home from school last year and asked if I was voting for the nice lady or the mean man. I asked who told him that and he said one of the teachers and then a few kids said Trump only likes white boys.

It's sad you have to talk politically to a child not even in 3rd grade.