How will they rule ??!

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One of my stupid-ass Lefty friends posted on Facebook that Floridians and Texans sort of deserved the recent hurricanes because they live in states that voted for Trump. That's a terrible thing to say, of course, but the comedy is that this guy lives in Ohio. So, if we get some terrible tornado here, does that mean that he deserved it, too? Ohio did vote for Trump. By his logic, he's just as guilty as the entire population of Florida and Texas, including the liberals that didn't vote for Trump,
Aren't their a lot of illegals in these states as well? Wildfires in California also may be because of the same thing. Illegals are causing these disasters because they are in too large of numbers sucking up all of the air.
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MM open up his place to all of the homeless in LA yet?
Not sure, but the idea of opening up Mar-a-Lago, and that many people agreeing, is hilarious because it's on an island. More than likely, it, and anyone there, is going to be swamped. You'd basically be feeding people to the storm.

Keeping in mind they're expecting upwards of 15 - 20 foot storm surges and that Palm Beach is already under a flash flood warning, expecting major flooding, here's what Mar-a-Lago would look like if the sea level rises just 10 feet.


For comparison...

Aren't their a lot of illegals in these states as well? Wildfires in California also may be because of the same thing. Illegals are causing these disasters because they are in too large of numbers sucking up all of the air.
Touching beaners loading up the Cali air with flammable greenhouse gas methane.
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I knew this was a hoax. I'm conditioned to it now since they pull this crap all the time.

Notice the women's handwriting and the fact that there's no date on the stamp? Libs and many blacks are so desperate to act like it's 1960.
The wife makes an "S" in classic cursive on the document. The "S" on the envelope is just an upper case printed S.

False again stupid Canadian..

Not that any of this matters, but Kevin Sumlin is signed the same. Her name is different.

As shown clearly on the fn picture that everybody can see.

It's all fake, imo.
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False again stupid Canadian..

Not that any of this matters, but Kevin Sumlin is signed the same. Her name is different.

As shown clearly on the fn picture that everybody can see.

It's all fake, imo.
He's an immigrant Mash, you should be nice to him. It's the law.
Also, look at where the letter is creased. That piece of paper folded only once, in the middle, is bigger than the envelope.

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The signature on the document was signed in greedy cursive, the one on the envelope was guilty cursive. Slightly different, but similar enough to dispel doubt.
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I would be more sympathetic to Mexicans here in the US if they really wanted to make America better and not just themselves. If I immigrated legally to New Zealand, I would not suck off of the government teet. Or try to change it to another America.

Funny how it's only a few of our founding premises that these jackasses want us to remember.
And Henrietta, the first black female Colonel would have OK'd Crowfoot, a gay Asian and SnapperJoe, a black man with the highest IQ in the military, to perform a sex change operation on him. Head nurse would be HotBits, a gay Mexican and half the nurses would be male of at least 12 different genders.

The mess hall would serve only vegan meals and the jeeps would be electric powered. The whole show would take place in Bakersfield where the fight was fierce to keep white nationalists from invading California and spreading their message of common sense and decency.
This 60 minute interview with Bannon is infuriating. The smugness of Charlie Rose is infuriating.

When pushed on diversity, i nearly stood up and applauded when Bannon emphatically said he grew up in a desegregated neighborhood, went to a desegregated school, and didnt want lectured by "limousine liberals" about diversity.