How will they rule ??!

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Identity politics is beautiful.

No matter who the Dems place as the nominee after running another fraudulent primary, they're going to piss off one of the races/ethnicities/fake genders/sexual orientations/pedophiles, etc. they need to exploit. Can't count on a bunch of mutually exclusive groups to come together for a common cause, because you'll have to make competing promises of handouts and favors.
Yeah and if you give too much to one, the other will complain and there is not enough to go around if you eliminate the conservative pot. Plus, BLM is not fond of LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ. Then, factor in NOW who would rather pleasure them selves then allow any man to touch them and BLM would soon be in trouble with them. It is just a matter of time. People with cancer that lose their hair will be attacked by Antifa even though they are part of the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ. The gases are building up, are vile, and will explode soon.
Anyone interested in discussing a hypothetical and having a change of pace?

Hypothetical scenario

What if Mitt Romney had defeated Obama in 2012? What would have happened? What would have changed? And would he have lost to Hillary in 2016?

Is it better that we got two terms of Obama in order to give us Trump (I think so)?
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Were (just off the to of my head) the three incredibly detrimental long lasting travesties of Obamacare, Sotomayor and Kagan worth what at this point? Gorsuch?

It is far to early to be throwing out hypotheticals of whether or not the failure (for the United States) of Obama was worth it to get Trump.

If he destroys the establishment and deep state, gets another SCOTUS appointment and passes some actual policy we can talk.
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I heard Anne Coulter discussing immigration (fantastic person to listen to on this issue) and the topic of Minnesota and Somalis came up and she discussed how certain organizations worked to get these nuts there and the gangs that followed.

In just a few decades, Minnesota has gone from approximately 99 percent German,Dutch, Finish, Danish and Polish to 20 percent African immigrant including an estimated 100,000 Somalis. May I remind you of how many of them have been recruited by ISIS and have recruited others to join?

Can someone explain to me why it's so important to have so much immigration every single year? Why can't we have a pause? Why from these specific areas and not western established nations? I know the answer to that but I want to heat the BS pitch made to try and convince the American people to be on board with this.

Why wouldn't you want someone from say, Australia or Britain who can speak English, has some money and can be productive? Why would you opt for a third world person who can't speak the language, can't get a job, has no education and is going to suck off the tax payers for years and may even include ties to terrorists overseas?

It's replacement population for government/global elites. That's it.
"Some would say the Indian culture was and would have..." Sigh

What was Indian/Native American culture? Which tribe are you talking about cause there is a naive and romanticized view of Indians that so many suffer from...there were tribes that were noble and generous but there were also tribes that deserved to be called savages. That would kill babies and would scalp women, that would take slaves of the vanquished (much is said of the white man taking slaves but slavery has existed all throughout human history on the different continents and among the different races) . Much is said of how some european country treated some groups south of our current border. But it is rarely mentioned how some of the people the europeans encountered were sacrificing infants and children to their dark gods and had sick and disgusting lusts for blood. We don't like using words like superior or better but come on, does anybody with more than 17 functioning brain cells not think the cultures that came to the 'new world' were better and more civilized then many they encountered? But lest I be accused of making some of the same generalizations as others...there were indian tribes no longer with us that were very dignified and it is a loss to humanity their spirituality/their unique views are nothing more than a memory. But mankind was going to stretch out his legs. As travel became easier, as man learned to navigate the seas there was going to be the proverbial clash of civilizations, clash of different was inevitable.

I understand the white race has proved itself incredibly sinful: his avarice and ambition and lust for power and selfishness make him a son of a bitch. But the other races have shown the same sins and depravities...the sins aren't unique to any race or group. The white dominated countries have produced some great nations, with freedom and opportunities unique in this world. I think looking at history, taking stock of as much as we can consider, the world became a better place because off the growth and example of what became the USA.

As I said, some would say that the Indian, or other culture is as good as ours. I'm not hung up on Indians, just using them as an example. It's a matter of taste. All cultures have problems and ours is certainly no exception. We have our own groups that deserve to be called savages. As for sacrificing the American culture certainly can't take a position of superiority as we've murdered, what...60 or so million babies in the name of what's convenient?
America is the best nation that has existed on the face of this earth. However, I'm not going to say we are superior as a people to anyone. We have faults just like everyone else.
As I said, some would say that the Indian, or other culture is as good as ours. I'm not hung up on Indians, just using them as an example. It's a matter of taste. All cultures have problems and ours is certainly no exception. We have our own groups that deserve to be called savages. As for sacrificing the American culture certainly can't take a position of superiority as we've murdered, what...60 or so million babies in the name of what's convenient?
America is the best nation that has existed on the face of this earth. However, I'm not going to say we are superior as a people to anyone. We have faults just like everyone else.

I'll say that American culture is by far superior to many cultures. It's not even close. Western values are easily better than the crap overseas. Don't mistaken leftism/Marxism as western ideals.
I'll say that American culture is by far superior to many cultures. It's not even close. Western values are easily better than the crap overseas. Don't mistaken leftism/Marxism as western ideals.

Form of government and culture are not the same . Agree that leftism and marxism are crap. Democracy is superior to most and may be the best form of government humans are capable of. Other cultures have components that, IMO, are better than ours i.e. the value of the family and extended family by some of the most remote tribes in the jungles; importance of religion ( IMO, muslims priority on their religion is appropriate, unfortunately their faith is placed on a religion that is false). Too bad we don't prioritize Christianity they way muslims prioritize islam. What are our western values? What they were when I was growing up is certainly different from what we have today...and not for the better.
People have the same make up all over the world. They all have the capacity to be better, it is only education and upbringing that has a lot to do with their overall behavior. When you brainwash, manipulate, and make everyone believe something is normal, it becomes the norm. Couple that with promises to give them whatever they need if they comply and you have a recipe for unforced slavery. The left everywhere in the world knows this and have used this mindset to hold power in most regions of the world. Capitalism and freedom flies in the face of this form of governing and the socialist of the world do not and have never liked it. We are not better, just blessed and lucky enough to have the road paved for a better way. Only now, we need to stop the Marxist and socialist who are trying to take us down including many on the left in this country who want us to be like everyone else. Remember, One World Government.
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There is an ad that says boys that play with dolls make better husband's. To who, dudes? The feminization of boys needs to stop.
They probably forgot to include "to their gay partners", or perhaps they are talking about G. I. Joe action figures, WWE action figures, etc.... and said dolls instead. Boys that play with masculine toys (guns, trucks, action figures) make better men and husbands to women.
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They probably forgot to include "to their gay partners", or perhaps they are talking about G. I. Joe action figures, WWE action figures, etc.... and said dolls instead. Boys that play with masculine toys (guns, trucks, action figures) make better men and husbands to women.

The guy in the ad that had played with dolls did not have any GI Joe's.
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You gotta read this morons thread.

Did you see me comment on his stuff on Twitter? This guy is insane. I mean, he needs to be put in a straightjacket.

You wanna see how stupid and crazy Michael Ian Black is (other than his twitter), go back and watch his first debate with Steven Crowder. I'm convinced Hollywood is nothing more than people with mental issues, addiction problems and very troubled people.

I do enjoy that we apparently don't believe in science while this group of nuts believe you can change your biological sex. They also act like some crazy pagan religion you'd see a thousand years ago. "Don't upset the sun god or he shall send rain."

That's how they treat climate change. They seem to believe Americans and Trump caused hurricanes and that hurricanes never occurred before. Basically, eveything is affirmation of climate change to them no matter what.
You gotta read this morons thread.

My hate for leftists like this is enormous. Nothing is worse than a moron who thinks he's intelligent and then surrounds himself with other idiots to confirm his stupidity as being correct.

Every single reply on that thread goes the same way it always does- Gay, transsexuals, cucks and feminists chime in with a bunch of emojis and insults and just total delusion.