How will they rule ??!

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You're very ill-informed. A person must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible, lawfully-present non-citizen to qualify for SNAP benefits.

So you assume fraud doesn't take place? They may be meant only for US citizens but you're kidding yourself if you don't think any illegal immigrants receive SNAP benefits.

Next you'll tell me voter fraud doesn't happen because the rules say it can't.
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I fly every week, so every now and then something stupid happens and I get a full pat down. I wish I had the guts to say, "whoa, buddy, I'm now identifying as a woman and request an female officer for this search". My fear is that they would look at my driver's license, tell me I'm a dude, and then not let me fly.
Trump cozying up to Pelosi and Schumer is SO Trump. The guy has been much closer to being a democrat than a republican for his whole life, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he kept doing this to stick it to establishment republicans.

There are a LOT of very disenchanted centrist democrats out there who are fed up with gender identification BS, Antifa, Islam apologists, etc. Trump could win the 2020 election in a landslide if he gets a subset of that group on board.
Because they don't have a better option that won't make things worse for a large number of people. If they had a better option you would have heard about it long ago.

I remind you that most insurers are losing money with the Obamacare plans. If they weren't then they would all be fighting to get into that market space.
I might add that eliminating the insurance mandate will only cause premiums to further spike. Insurance works by spreading risks. The hard truth is that a large percentage of Obamacare policy holders are sicker than average. By allowing people to opt out only serves to concentrate the risks.


People who cant afford a car dont feel better just because there is a mercedes dealer nextdoor.

If you cant afford it, its the same net effect as it not existing.
How is my life a liability for a health care provider? Be specific. Please, only facts.

As I said, you must be retarded. There is such a clear distinct difference between (a) a state requiring a vehicle be insured in order to be licensed to operate on a public roadway and (b) the federal government requiring you buy something as a condition of being alive, that it really is hard to talk to someone who can't understand the concept.

Not sure how much clearer one can be.
  1. If you walk in or are taken into an ER and require care the medical provider is obligated by law to provide you care.
  2. If you are found in need of care an emergency vehicle will be dispatched to retrieve and deliver you to caregiving facility. See #1

People who cant afford a car dont feel better just because there is a mercedes dealer nextdoor.

If you cant afford it, its the same net effect as it not existing.
Except you cannot show up at the Mercedes dealership in need of a car and they be obligated to provide you a car.
Healthcare providers are obligated to provide care.
So you assume fraud doesn't take place? They may be meant only for US citizens but you're kidding yourself if you don't think any illegal immigrants receive SNAP benefits.

Next you'll tell me voter fraud doesn't happen because the rules say it can't.
Of course fraud exists but the cost of that fraud is a small fraction of the total cost.
FYI, most illegal immigrants prefer to keep a pretty low profile and stay under the radar. Registering to receive benefits puts you on the radar. Makes you subject to being investigated by state social service that are tasked with administering the program.
Trump cozying up to Pelosi and Schumer is SO Trump. The guy has been much closer to being a democrat than a republican for his whole life, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he kept doing this to stick it to establishment republicans.

There are a LOT of very disenchanted centrist democrats out there who are fed up with gender identification BS, Antifa, Islam apologists, etc. Trump could win the 2020 election in a landslide if he gets a subset of that group on board.

Whats so unique about Trump is he has no past dealings with either party, he owes no one for past political votes. This gives him the freedom to curry votes from both sides of the aisle to move an agenda forward.
Whats so unique about Trump is he has no past dealings with either party, he owes no one for past political votes. This gives him the freedom to curry votes from both sides of the aisle to move an agenda forward.

Yep. Once I got over the bluster and looked at his presidency objectively, it started clicking for me. He's exactly what we needed right now.
Yep. Once I got over the bluster and looked at his presidency objectively, it started clicking for me. He's exactly what we needed right now.

Pre Obama, I imagine a good chunk of the left would have loved Trump. But many have lost their minds and eat up identity politics.
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Not sure how much clearer one can be.
  1. If you walk in or are taken into an ER and require care the medical provider is obligated by law to provide you care.
  2. If you are found in need of care an emergency vehicle will be dispatched to retrieve and deliver you to caregiving facility. See #1

You really, really are missing the point.

So, hospitals are required, as a condition of receiving payments from the federal government, to provide emergency care.

I, as a condition of having my vehicle licensed to operate on a public roadway, have to insure that vehicle.

And you think both those scenarios are in any way shape or form similar to the federal government requiring you to buy a product because you are alive?

Are you really incapable of understanding the distinction?
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So now you're a constitutional law expert [roll] I guess you will next cite the Constitutional challenges and judicial rulings proving your point?

Excuse me. Presidents do have the power of Executive Order. Perhaps you have heard of them. The current POTUS has signed quite a few.
Keep in mind Fuzz has stated that EOs are not law. Fuzz is far from a constitutional law expert, and has no right to say someone else isn't.
I think it should be noted that the WH as a whole seems to have dramatically improved how its operating since Kelly was hired as COS.

I think Prebius was an even bigger problem than we realized.
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Strawman. We are talking about cost of insurance, not healthcare.
Surely you aren't that dense?
The cost of insurance is the cost of healthcare + administrative costs + profit.
I happen to work for a health insurance company. In 2016 we collected $16.7B in revenues (premiums) and paid out $15.1B in claims... so if we did all worked for free premiums would still be 90+% of their current rate.
Of course fraud exists but the cost of that fraud is a small fraction of the total cost.
FYI, most illegal immigrants prefer to keep a pretty low profile and stay under the radar. Registering to receive benefits puts you on the radar. Makes you subject to being investigated by state social service that are tasked with administering the program.

So you admit that criminals are receiving benefits that they shouldn't be receiving
The "similarities" are entirely irrelevant.

You could withhold $1,000 payment because you bargained for services that weren't provided.

You could withhold $1,000 because you're a welch who lost a bet.

Sure, they're similar in the fact you withheld payment. However, the differences are the important part. One of those scenarios makes you a clown who should be embarrassed to show his face around here. The other is acceptable.
'Aussie scum': Cyclist pushed to ground in shocking road rage attack by driver.

A cyclist has become the victim of a shocking road rage attack with a Lebanese man calling him "Aussie scum" before pushing him to the ground.

The incident was filmed by the 23-year-old cyclist on a mobile phone in Summer Hill, in Sydney's inner west, at 7.30am on Wednesday.

The start of the footage shows a bike on the road with a crushed rear wheel and Milad Ayoub, 45, getting out of a white ute.

"I'm Lebanese, mate," he says to the cyclist before appearing to force him to the ground....


At least he's no Quaker.
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Surely you aren't that dense?
The cost of insurance is the cost of healthcare + administrative costs + profit.
I happen to work for a health insurance company. In 2016 we collected $16.7B in revenues (premiums) and paid out $15.1B in claims... so if we did all worked for free premiums would still be 90+% of their current rate.

I won't argue with you there. I don't work directly for a payer but my clients are all payers - there isn't much profit in that game, but there is a lot of waste in the 2 bolded items.
'Aussie scum': Cyclist pushed to ground in shocking road rage attack by driver.

A cyclist has become the victim of a shocking road rage attack with a Lebanese man calling him "Aussie scum" before pushing him to the ground.

The incident was filmed by the 23-year-old cyclist on a mobile phone in Summer Hill, in Sydney's inner west, at 7.30am on Wednesday.

The start of the footage shows a bike on the road with a crushed rear wheel and Milad Ayoub, 45, getting out of a white ute.

"I'm Lebanese, mate," he says to the cyclist before appearing to force him to the ground....


At least he's no Quaker.

"I'm gonna follow you home and I'm gonna fvck your wife" is solid trash talk.
According to that, it sounds like the Freedom Caucus are willing to tank Trump's entire agenda to further their own agenda. What's that saying? Who needs enemies when...

Are they the new never Trumpers? Is this why Trump is suddenly ready to deal with D's? Are they the R's he's annoyed with?

“You have this perfect storm of a very condensed legislative calendar, a number of quote unquote must-pass vehicles — from the debt ceiling to storm relief — and they’re in the enviable position of having everything to gain and nothing to lose.”

“He showed the Freedom Caucus that he doesn’t have to cater to them and won’t cater to them when it comes to the debt ceiling and how it all plays out."

“They weren’t elected to run the country and they can’t be going on suicide missions. Yet they continue to do that because a lot of them live in silos, these echo chambers where they can have their own way.”

Still, should conservative lawmakers ultimately turn their ire on their party’s leadership and rebel against Ryan, they could further imperil Trump’s stalled legislative goals.

“I can’t imagine anything more counterproductive to Republicans’ shared vision of conservative reform."

Hell yes. Ryan has no business in poltics a

I agree, but at what cost? Read above.
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According to that, it sounds like the Freedom Caucus are willing to tank Trump's entire agenda to further their own agenda. What's that saying? Who needs enemies when...

Are they the new never Trumpers? Is this why Trump is suddenly ready to deal with D's? Are they the R's he's annoyed with?

(1) It's the Washington Post

(2) Would you rather have the freedom caucus tanking Trump's agenda to push for more conservative fiscal policies or Paul Ryan tanking Trump's agenda because he thinks it's going to help his chance of occupying the White House?

I choose the freedom caucus. Paul Ryan can **** himself.
I fly every week, so every now and then something stupid happens and I get a full pat down. I wish I had the guts to say, "whoa, buddy, I'm now identifying as a woman and request an female officer for this search". My fear is that they would look at my driver's license, tell me I'm a dude, and then not let me fly.
Go for it then call me and we'll sue their asses... either way it goes we've got a lawsuit :grimace:
Would you rather have the freedom caucus tanking Trump's agenda to push for more conservative fiscal policies or Paul Ryan tanking Trump's agenda because he thinks it's going to help his chance of occupying the White House?

Neither. Piss on both of them. I've been NPA all my life for a reason. America, nor I voted for the Freedom Caucus or Ryan for president. Their personal agendas are irrelevant to me. I'd rather have them all get their heads out of their asses, get behind the president, do their damn jobs, and help further not the Freedom Caucus' agenda/policies, not Ryan's agenda/policies, but the agenda/policies that the American people voted for, Trump's.

Instead, they're all infighting like a bunch of bitches, expecting Trump to cater to them, willing to sabotage him for their own selfish reasons. No wonder Trump is cutting deals with the D's. The entire party is incompetent and can't govern for shit. Been losers for so long, they only know how to be the party of no. Total amateur hour. As far as I'm concerned, they all can go f*ck themselves. I choose Trump.
I won't argue with you there. I don't work directly for a payer but my clients are all payers - there isn't much profit in that game, but there is a lot of waste in the 2 bolded items.
But, but, but they are all private companies and we're told that they are much more efficient than government.

Here is a universal truth. The cost of healthcare will expand to consume every dollar available. That is what capitalist do. That is the goal of capitalism. Those who want to maintain private healthcare, be prepared to have every last penny available taken because the laws of supply and demand don't apply to basic healthcare. The demand is constant and not dependent upon price. Let me know about the next person who decides rather than to seek a doctor's care decides to strap a couple of 2x4s on their leg to splint a broken femur.

To the idiot who claimed this was about the cost of insurance not healthcare...the cost of insurance is a direct derivative of the cost of the thing being insured and the risk being assumed.
Neither. Piss on both of them. I've been NPA all my life for a reason. America, nor I voted for the Freedom Caucus or Ryan for president. Their personal agendas are irrelevant to me. I'd rather have them all get their heads out of their asses, get behind the president, do their damn jobs, and help further not the Freedom Caucus' agenda/policies, not Ryan's agenda/policies, but the agenda/policies that the American people voted for, Trump's.

Instead, they're all infighting like a bunch of bitches, expecting Trump to cater to them, willing to sabotage him for their own selfish reasons. No wonder Trump is cutting deals with the D's. The entire party is incompetent and can't govern for shit. Been losers for so long, they only know how to be the party of no. Total amateur hour. As far as I'm concerned, they all can go f*ck themselves. I choose Trump.
Except more people voted against Trump than for him.
But, but, but they are all private companies and we're told that they are much more efficient than government.

Here is a universal truth. The cost of healthcare will expand to consume every dollar available. That is what capitalist do. That is the goal of capitalism. Those who want to maintain private healthcare, be prepared to have every last penny available taken because the laws of supply and demand don't apply to basic healthcare. The demand is constant and not dependent upon price. Let me know about the next person who decides rather than to seek a doctor's care decides to strap a couple of 2x4s on their leg to splint a broken femur.

To the idiot who claimed this was about the cost of insurance not healthcare...the cost of insurance is a direct derivative of the cost of the thing being insured and the risk being assumed.

"Laws of supply and demand don't apply"..."Demand is constant"

Completely forgets the law of supply and demands includes a supply component when explaining how the law of supply and demand doesn't apply.

I'm sure part 2 in his lesson on the failures of capitalism will be to explain how the government involvement in the system has proven capitalism doesn't work.