How will they rule ??!

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If she makes $13 an hour and owes $4000 at tax time then she is doing something completely wrong or going to the wrong tax man lol

I'm on my phone. Hit the 4 instead of the 2 (big thumbs lol) None of this started until Obamacare was implemented though. She used to get back some money.


If she makes $13 an hour and owes $4000 at tax time then she is doing something completely wrong or going to the wrong tax man lol
Yeah, if she's making $13/hr and works some overtime she may earn $30K. Assuming she is single and has zero other deductions other than the individual deduction that would leave her with a $2488 tax bill. Is she having nothing withheld?
Yeah, if she's making $13/hr and works some overtime she may earn $30K. Assuming she is single and has zero other deductions other than the individual deduction that would leave her with a $2488 tax bill. Is she having nothing withheld?

Nothing withheld. Works on salary for a chiropractor. Not single though. My dad was a farmer his whole life but is on disability now. He has an issue in his spine making it near impossible for him to stand too long or lift much.
Kentucky Obamacare premiums to go up 41% (blue area) or 56% (redish area) next year!!! Why the heck did 3 republicans and all the dems in the senate vote to save this P.O.S.? "Affordable Care Act"- [roll]


No one voted to save the ACA. You dolts just do not understand that by voting against a fix the CONSERVATIVES voted to let it implode on its own!

It's really not hard folks! Make them out to be awful idiots, but the bottom line is they got it right.
She's screwed, like most people are who are working middle class or low income jobs. She makes around 13 dollars an hour. The only difference in her and others who don't qualify for subsidies are the ish hits the fan sooner rather than later. Owing $4,000 during tax season doesn't exactly make it much better.

Sounds like she would save a ton of money to pay the fine.

Or maybe switch to the highest deductible possible.
Sounds like she would save a ton of money to pay the fine.

Or maybe switch to the highest deductible possible.

I agree about saving money and paying the fine. If I were in their shoes that's what I would do... But I'm 30 and in good health. My dad is in his 60's and had a quadruple bypass a year ago, so naturally they don't want to be without insurance.
I'm not following. All they did was settle on the debt ceiling increase and funds for Harvey relief. R's wanted six months, they settled on three months. So, according to the source, three months is giving away the store?

I'd say Trump got exactly what he wanted and did exactly what he intended to do. Give a sign of bipartisanship, a willingness to work across the aisle, to get his foot in the door with Democrats in red states, gearing up for tax reform. Notice who was by his side backing his tax plan, cheering him on, when he gave his tax reform speech yesterday?
That GOP source was probably a loser in the GOP establishment.
Nothing withheld. Works on salary for a chiropractor. Not single though. My dad was a farmer his whole life but is on disability now. He has an issue in his spine making it near impossible for him to stand too long or lift much.
Sorry to hear about your dad. I can only assume that they are too young for Medicare...but your parents are exactly the people that Obamacare was put in place to protect. You dad has a pre-existing condition. Nobody would insure him to care for his spinal issues were it not for the pre-existing condition mandate.

You should advise your mom to have something withheld for tax time. A little hurt now or a big hurt later... plus she is very likely paying an underpayment penalty adding more to her tax bill.
I hate when complete imbeciles who shouldn't have the right to live are protected and shown mercy with their name blocked off.

Why conservatives do this is beyond me considering the left will dox private citizens over memes on a message board or if they play golf somewhere.
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So, everyone that committed a crime in the past should be given amnesty going forward and we should only punish those committing crimes going forward, got it.
fyi, a minor child brought here by a parent isn't committing a crime. The parent is, the child is not.
fyi, a minor child brought here by a parent isn't committing a crime. The parent is, the child is not.

That may be, but it doesn't mean the child gets the same protection under the law as a citizen. He/she (i'm sure fuzz is mad i'm only using two genders and not the 100 he believes in) is still a person who doesn't have the legal status of a citizen and thus our representatives must decide what to do with them. This is the purview of Congress and the last president, who had no affinity for our constitution, went way to far when he decided the decision was his to make.
I agree about saving money and paying the fine. If I were in their shoes that's what I would do... But I'm 30 and in good health. My dad is in his 60's and had a quadruple bypass a year ago, so naturally they don't want to be without insurance.
If you were "in their shoes" you would be in your 60's with a bad back and just having had a quadruple bypass. That would likely change your POV.
If they hadn't had insurance there would have been no quadruple bypass. Without that bypass probably pretty likely your dad would no longer be with us. Are those premiums worth his life or not?

Again, the reason that premiums are what they are is because the Obamacare risk pool consists of many people like your dad and not enough people like yourself.
Sorry to hear about your dad. I can only assume that they are too young for Medicare...but your parents are exactly the people that Obamacare was put in place to protect. You dad has a pre-existing condition. Nobody would insure him to care for his spinal issues were it not for the pre-existing condition mandate.

You should advise your mom to have something withheld for tax time. A little hurt now or a big hurt later... plus she is very likely paying an underpayment penalty adding more to her tax bill.

Thanks. Appreciate that. Apparently he was born with it. Not much they can do at this point.

I don't have a problem with people like my dad being covered. People with real issues. But I know far too many people not working because they choose not to. They are just plain lazy. Yet they get a roof over their head, food stamps, and are covered at 0 cost to them... while others are busting their ass to make ends meet and have to help pay for that kind of crap.

When it comes to medical issues, hospitals and insurance companies screw us all. Did you know that on average, it costs the hospital less then a dollar to pay for an IV bag... yet they charge $137 for one? That's insane. Surely we can all agree that's robbery?
Democrats will accuse this sheriff of profiling & discrimination against child molesters,
Especially rgarnold, Fuzz, and Cardkilla, they have already been turned away and are looking for some place else to exploit children.
If you were "in their shoes" you would be in your 60's with a bad back and just having had a quadruple bypass. That would likely change your POV.
If they hadn't had insurance there would have been no quadruple bypass. Without that bypass probably pretty likely your dad would no longer be with us. Are those premiums worth his life or not?

Again, the reason that premiums are what they are is because the Obamacare risk pool consists of many people like your dad and not enough people like yourself.

Well, I stated "But I'm 30 and in good health". I just meant if I, as I currently am, were in their shoes, I'd take the penalty.

But if you were let's say 30 years old or younger and in perfect health, why would you pay for an insurance premium that cost much more than just taking a penalty? Other than being at risk of a major sickness or accident there isn't much incentive to do so.
You aren't obligated to carry insurance to fix your car but you are obligated to carry insurance to compensate someone else if you cause an accident. Why should you be able to expect care from a provider if you have no means to compensate that provider for that care?:popcorn:

If you can't understand the difference between a state government requiring insurance as a condition of licensing a motor vehicle to operate on a public highway vs the federal government requiring you to buy something because you're alive, then you quite literally are retarded.

The stupidity of that argument has been pointed out every time someone has made it, yet you keep repeating it like something is different this time.
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List the mandates you would eliminate.
A mandated coverage costs $0 if it isn't used.

It's only idiotic if providers weren't obligated to provide care to those who come in their doors.

Tell me, are you obligated to have auto insurance if you drive a car?
You do understand why you are obligated to do so? Right?

You aren't obligated to carry insurance to fix your car but you are obligated to carry insurance to compensate someone else if you cause an accident. Why should you be able to expect care from a provider if you have no means to compensate that provider for that care?:popcorn:

Lol what.

A. The government is not requiring me to drive. It's a choice.

Can you not see the difference.

B. Where have I argued that we should provide free health care to those that aren't covered? I'm perfectly fine with booting people out that can't pay. Call me heartless, I don't care.

Now if given the choice, I would provide for those who truly can't help it but Medicare initially started off costing a lot less and a lot smaller percentage of the budget. There are obviously many many leeches working the system.

You can argue all you want that big brother is right in forcing you to buy something. I'll never ever agree with your stance.
Thanks. Appreciate that. Apparently he was born with it. Not much they can do at this point.

I don't have a problem with people like my dad being covered. People with real issues. But I know far too many people not working because they choose not to. They are just plain lazy. Yet they get a roof over their head, food stamps, and are covered at 0 cost to them... while others are busting their ass to make ends meet and have to help pay for that kind of crap.

When it comes to medical issues, hospitals and insurance companies screw us all. Did you know that on average, it costs the hospital less then a dollar to pay for an IV bag... yet they charge $137 for one? That's insane. Surely we can all agree that's robbery?

When you pay for a bag of IV fluid you aren't just paying for the bag itself. You are paying for the space you occupy while a RN administers that IV, for the physician who ordered the IV, the pharmacist that filled the script, the liability incurred for sticking that needle in your arm... and the fact that while the hospital may bill $137 for that bag, it will be 95 on the beaches of Antarctica before the hospital actually receives $137 for that billing.
From many they will receive $0 as the patient has no resources to pay. Those who are insured, there is most likely a discounted agreed upon billing rate between the provider and insurance company.

Insurance companies are simply the middle man. Again I drive home the point that insurance companies are losing money on their Obamacare plans meaning that they are paying out more in provider reimbursements than they are taking in from premiums. If they were making money they would all be wanting into the market place.

Hospitals are closing all over the country, especially in rural areas because between those uninsured who cannot pay and negotiated insured provider reimbursements...they are losing money.

People like your dad being covered are what drive insurance rates up! My wife just finished cancer treatments...she is driving up rates!
Where do you think the burden for the cost of this care should lie?
Lol what.

A. The government is not requiring me to drive. It's a choice.

Can you not see the difference.

B. Where have I argued that we should provide free health care to those that aren't covered? I'm perfectly fine with booting people out that can't pay. Call me heartless, I don't care.

Now if given the choice, I would provide for those who truly can't help it but Medicare initially started off costing a lot less and a lot smaller percentage of the budget. There are obviously many many leeches working the system.

You can argue all you want that big brother is right in forcing you to buy something. I'll never ever agree with your stance.
So let's agree that if you're insured you get a microchip or a bracelet to wear that tells EMS that if you are in an accident or have a stroke whether or not to bother hauling you to the ER. Otherwise just toss you aside like roadkill and let the buzzards take care of your carcass.
If you can't understand the difference between a state government requiring insurance as a condition of licensing a motor vehicle to operate on a public highway vs the federal government requiring you to buy something because you're alive, then you quite literally are retarded.

The stupidity of that argument has been pointed out every time someone has made it, yet you keep repeating it like something is different this time.

If you are alive and become sick or injured, you become a liability to whatever provider you are presented to and expected to offer you care.

The fact that you don't see that your simple existence isn't a potential liability to others shows exactly how idiotic and/or intellectually dishonest you are.
When you pay for a bag of IV fluid you aren't just paying for the bag itself. You are paying for the space you occupy while a RN administers that IV, for the physician who ordered the IV, the pharmacist that filled the script, the liability incurred for sticking that needle in your arm... and the fact that while the hospital may bill $137 for that bag, it will be 95 on the beaches of Antarctica before the hospital actually receives $137 for that billing.
From many they will receive $0 as the patient has no resources to pay. Those who are insured, there is most likely a discounted agreed upon billing rate between the provider and insurance company.

Insurance companies are simply the middle man. Again I drive home the point that insurance companies are losing money on their Obamacare plans meaning that they are paying out more in provider reimbursements than they are taking in from premiums. If they were making money they would all be wanting into the market place.

Hospitals are closing all over the country, especially in rural areas because between those uninsured who cannot pay and negotiated insured provider reimbursements...they are losing money.

People like your dad being covered are what drive insurance rates up! My wife just finished cancer treatments...she is driving up rates!
Where do you think the burden for the cost of this care should lie?

It is my understanding, through the chargemaster book, that they charge $137 for just the bag. Not counting the fluid inside. Not counting the RN. It's become absurdly overpriced. If what I heard was wrong, it's wrong. But neither of us are head of a medical facility (I assume?) so it'd be hard to make a definitive statement about being right.

I agree that they won't always see that money back because people either can't afford to pay or simply choose not to because they'd rather buy cigarettes.

The biggest issue in my opinion is people who aren't citizens partaking in our healthcare system. It's not enough that they get paid money through their nose in government programs for food, housing, children etc. but they also have all their medical visits covered as well. It's bad enough covering lazy Americans. That drives up costs as well. But covering illegals who aren't being taxed, making money under the table and being taken care of by the government and taxpayers... talk about driving costs through the roof.
If you are alive and become sick or injured, you become a liability to whatever provider you are presented to and expected to offer you care.

The fact that you don't see that your simple existence isn't a potential liability to others shows exactly how idiotic and/or intellectually dishonest you are.

What in the hell are you even rambling about?

If I become sick or injured I don't have to do a damn thing. In fact, I haven't been to the doctor or hospital (knock on wood) in over a decade.

I do however want to drive a car on public roadways. The state requires me to purchase liability insurance as a condition of licensing that vehicle to operate on those roadways.
What in the hell are you even rambling about?

If I become sick or injured I don't have to do a damn thing. In fact, I haven't been to the doctor or hospital (knock on wood) in over a decade.

I do however want to drive a car on public roadways. The state requires me to purchase liability insurance as a condition of licensing that vehicle to operate on those roadways.
Bill, what happens if you or anyone is walking down the street and has a heart attack, stroke or simply trips over their own feet and goes down breaking a hip?
Why don't you just try to fully and logically explain your position rather than posing dumb hypothetical?

It may boggle your feeble mind, but I can think of an endless number of scenarios to respond to your stupid hypothetical, none of which result in whatever the hell gotcha moment you're going for.
It is my understanding, through the chargemaster book, that they charge $137 for just the bag. Not counting the fluid inside. Not counting the RN. It's become absurdly overpriced. If what I heard was wrong, it's wrong. But neither of us are head of a medical facility (I assume?) so it'd be hard to make a definitive statement about being right.

I agree that they won't always see that money back because people either can't afford to pay or simply choose not to because they'd rather buy cigarettes.

The biggest issue in my opinion is people who aren't citizens partaking in our healthcare system. It's not enough that they get paid money through their nose in government programs for food, housing, children etc. but they also have all their medical visits covered as well. It's bad enough covering lazy Americans. That drives up costs as well. But covering illegals who aren't being taxed, making money under the table and being taken care of by the government and taxpayers... talk about driving costs through the roof.
You're very ill-informed. A person must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible, lawfully-present non-citizen to qualify for SNAP benefits.
Why don't you just try to fully and logically explain your position rather than posing dumb hypothetical?

It may boggle your feeble mind, but I can think of an endless number of scenarios to respond to your stupid hypothetical, none of which result in whatever the hell gotcha moment you're going for.
The fact that you don't understand that your life is a potential liability for some healthcare provider tells me that logic ain't your strong suite.
You choose to drive therefore you accept the imposing of a liability mandate for driving.
You choose to live ...
What part of this do you not understand?
The fact that you don't understand that your life is a potential liability for some healthcare provider tells me that logic ain't your strong suite.
You choose to drive therefore you accept the imposing of a liability mandate for driving.
You choose to live ...
What part of this do you not understand?

How is my life a liability for a health care provider? Be specific. Please, only facts.

As I said, you must be retarded. There is such a clear distinct difference between (a) a state requiring a vehicle be insured in order to be licensed to operate on a public roadway and (b) the federal government requiring you buy something as a condition of being alive, that it really is hard to talk to someone who can't understand the concept.
How is my life a liability for a health care provider? Be specific. Please, only facts.

As I said, you must be retarded. There is such a clear distinct difference between (a) a state requiring a vehicle be insured in order to be licensed to operate on a public roadway and (b) the federal government requiring you buy something as a condition of being alive, that it really is hard to talk to someone who can't understand the concept.
To add, uninsured motorist rate is about the same as rate of those not carrying health insurance, regardless.
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