How will they rule ??!

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It's amazing, isn't it? How Trump who, as president, took an oath and is duty bound to follow the Constitution, respect the separation of power by enforcing the laws as Congress has written/passed them, not as he wants them to be, did exactly that and is considered the bad guy.

Yet, the president who took that same oath, abused his power, acted against the Constitution, ignored the separation of power by writing an EO that purposely ran counter to and usurped federal law written/passed by Congress, resulting in 800K people being in the position they're in today, is considered the good guy.
Curious how what Obama did is any different than what Reagan, Bush I or Eisenhower did to shield certain segments of immigrants from deportation?

LOL at Obama acting like an Emporer...who is bullying companies, states, etc to get their way now? Threatening Alaska because they didn't vote his way.

If it was so unconstitutional why wasn't there a halt to it by any court?

Because during obama America had no borders and everyone wanted to just be cool with the first black guy president. It was t until the last year or two until people started waking up to what was going on and by then it was too late.

That's what happen when your leader worries more about the world than his country.
You're nuts. The kids did nothing wrong & shouldn't be punished for nothing. Want to punish someone? First punish the politicians that let them stay here. If you won't do that, you got nothing but your own anger.

Yes, the kids are here illegally & Congress are dumb asses for not fixing that.

Or do you prefer sending the kids - even if some are now 35 - to their parents' country over legalizing them here? BTW, were I the supposed receiving country, I'd want documentation that the kids even originated in my country. Where you going to get that?
Legalize only the ones we want to keep.
Because during obama America had no borders and everyone wanted to just be cool with the first black guy president. It was t until the last year or two until people started waking up to what was going on and by then it was too late.

That's what happen when your leader worries more about the world than his country.
Obama's lawyer who worked on writing DACA explains why. States sued and killed DAPA and DACA expansion. DAPA was the same thing as DACA but for the parents. His reason no one sued DACA is because out of sympathy for the kids. That has all changed. It was 10 sueing, but now two more states have joined, so 12 in total. Once it reaches the courts, it will suffer the same fate as DAPA.

Trump did them a favor by allowing recipients to continue to serve out their two years, giving Congress six months and putting pressure on them to pass legislation, because if nothing was done, a judge would have eventually ended it immediately and ordered all recipients subject to deportation. They really owe him a thank you.

It's amazing, isn't it? How Trump who, as president, took an oath and is duty bound to follow the Constitution, respect the separation of power by enforcing the laws as Congress has written/passed them, not as he wants them to be, did exactly that and is considered the bad guy.

Yet, the president who took that same oath, abused his power, acted against the Constitution, ignored the separation of power by writing an EO that purposely ran counter to and usurped federal law written/passed by Congress, resulting in 800K people being in the position they're in today, is considered the good guy.

Well put. Stealing for an argument elsewhere.
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It's not my fault I'm offered outrageously expensive, shitty health insurance, and when I refuse it I'm forced to pay a 'tax'. Since Congress can't figure it out, does that give Trump the right to wave his magic pen and repeal it, Constitution and separation of power be damned?

Following the Constitution and respecting the separation of power isn't a dictatorship, it's America's Constitutional Federal Republic. What Obama did, ignoring the separation of power, usurping the Constitution and taking it upon himself to write law is an example of a dictatorship. So, in realty, those defending DACA are the ones justifying a dictatorship.

Again, neither did I, yet I'm still punished with Obamacare. That's the way she blows. Just because Congress can't get its shit together, and because I don't like the outcome, doesn't give Trump the right to act like a dictator, as Obama did with DACA, and take it upon himself to write his own law repealing Obamacare.

I wish my kid was in daca when at uk. i wouldn't have needed to work so much overtime to pay for a silly out of state tuition.

Imagine the outrage if that was mentioned about a black player.

Anyways, I saw this and have heard this guy speak before. It's his theory on the "angry black man" personality we so often see.

This is just speculation on my part as I have no data to cite for evidence necessarily but you'll often notice two things about the 'black power' and BLM activist types. They have no father in the picture, which is the case for about 74 percent of black children. And/or they're mixed. Colin Kaepernick, Obama, Jesse Williams, etc all mixed, all dismiss any white part of themselves and I think it's out of insecurity and a feeling of not belonging.

Kaepernick and Obama were both raised by whites. Kaepernick's biological parents were two different races but raised and given everything by a white family. Obama, black father abandons him, he's raised by white mother and white grandparents and also had a step father from Indonesia, I believe.

So again, these activists rarely come from a nuclear family of the same race. It's either a single-mother household or they're mixed.
Only to morons who do not care about this country and would rather lie, cheat or steal to further the leftest agenda. congrats rgarnold, you qualify as one of these morons. You must be proud.
Nice job on completely whiffing on my comment.
So are you denying Trump's self-contradictions?
If so, are you a liar or a moron?
What does that have anything to do with respecting the Constitution? Are you really this clueless? What makes DACA unconstitutional is the way it came about.

Congress voted on the Dreamer Act and voted it down. That should have been the end of it. The president doesn't have the power to then write law that usurps federal law just because he disagrees with Congress' decision.

Obama acting like an emperor, taking it upon himself to write and enforce law, Congress be damned, is what makes DACA unconstitutional.
So now you're a constitutional law expert [roll] I guess you will next cite the Constitutional challenges and judicial rulings proving your point?

Excuse me. Presidents do have the power of Executive Order. Perhaps you have heard of them. The current POTUS has signed quite a few.
So now you're a constitutional law expert [roll] I guess you will next cite the Constitutional challenges and judicial rulings proving your point?

Excuse me. Presidents do have the power of Executive Order. Perhaps you have heard of them. The current POTUS has signed quite a few.

Executive order has its limits as we have seen with Trump's travel ban. Obama admitted that he did not have the power to de facto make people citizens which DACA does. That has to come through congress.
Kentucky Obamacare premiums to go up 41% (blue area) or 56% (redish area) next year!!! Why the heck did 3 republicans and all the dems in the senate vote to save this P.O.S.? "Affordable Care Act"- [roll]

Because they don't have a better option that won't make things worse for a large number of people. If they had a better option you would have heard about it long ago.

I remind you that most insurers are losing money with the Obamacare plans. If they weren't then they would all be fighting to get into that market space.
I might add that eliminating the insurance mandate will only cause premiums to further spike. Insurance works by spreading risks. The hard truth is that a large percentage of Obamacare policy holders are sicker than average. By allowing people to opt out only serves to concentrate the risks.
Because they don't have a better option that won't make things worse for a large number of people. If they had a better option you would have heard about it long ago.

I remind you that most insurers are losing money with the Obamacare plans. If they weren't then they would all be fighting to get into that market space.
I might add that eliminating the insurance mandate will only cause premiums to further spike. Insurance works by spreading risks. The hard truth is that a large percentage of Obamacare policy holders are sicker than average. By allowing people to opt out only serves to concentrate the risks.

The government could mandate a lot of things that would lessen costs, but I don't see you out pimping for them to mandate that all citizens house 4 homeless folks.

Do you understand how idiotic you sound arguing for government to penalize people for not buying something?
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I guess you will next cite the Constitutional challenges and judicial rulings proving your point?

I already have, in numerous posts. They obviously went over your head.

Excuse me. Presidents do have the power of Executive Order.

Yes, they do, but they cannot create new law. There are already immigration laws on the books that have been passed through Congress. A president doesn't not have the power to usurp those laws through EO.

By your logic, even though Obamacare is law of the land, Trump is within his constitutional power to bypass Congress and write an EO repealing it. No, sorry, that's not the way it works.
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Kentucky Obamacare premiums to go up 41% (blue area) or 56% (redish area) next year!!! Why the heck did 3 republicans and all the dems in the senate vote to save this P.O.S.? "Affordable Care Act"- [roll]


My mom currently pays $575 a month for insurance. Well, actually she pays $180 and the government covers the rest... but then takes that out of the tax return, which ends up making it no return at all and instead owing money.

So according to the above, her premium will go up to nearly $900 a month. What a phucking joke. And I'm sure she's paying for about 37 things she'll never use... like sex change coverage.
My mom currently pays $575 a month for insurance. Well, actually she pays $180 and the government covers the rest... but then takes that out of the tax return, which ends up making it no return at all and instead owing money.

So according to the above, her premium will go up to nearly $900 a month. What a phucking joke. And I'm sure she's paying for about 37 things she'll never use... like sex change coverage.

A lot of middle class people don't qualify for large subsidies like your mother obviously does. Those people are going to be screwed.
A lot of middle class people don't qualify for large subsidies like your mother obviously does. Those people are going to be screwed.

She's screwed, like most people are who are working middle class or low income jobs. She makes around 13 dollars an hour. The only difference in her and others who don't qualify for subsidies are the ish hits the fan sooner rather than later. Owing $4,000 during tax season doesn't exactly make it much better.
She's screwed, like most people are who are working middle class or low income jobs. She makes around 13 dollars an hour. The only difference in her and others who don't qualify for subsidies are the ish hits the fan sooner rather than later. Owing $4,000 during tax season doesn't exactly make it much better.
If she makes $13 an hour and owes $4000 at tax time then she is doing something completely wrong or going to the wrong tax man lol
The government could mandate a lot of things that would lessen costs, but I don't see you out pimping for them to mandate that all citizens house 4 homeless folks.

Do you understand how idiotic you sound arguing for government to penalize people for not buying something?
List the mandates you would eliminate.
A mandated coverage costs $0 if it isn't used.

It's only idiotic if providers weren't obligated to provide care to those who come in their doors.

Tell me, are you obligated to have auto insurance if you drive a car?
You do understand why you are obligated to do so? Right?

You aren't obligated to carry insurance to fix your car but you are obligated to carry insurance to compensate someone else if you cause an accident. Why should you be able to expect care from a provider if you have no means to compensate that provider for that care?:popcorn: