How will they rule ??!

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You are mistaken about those in pension systems not trying to stop the pols....numerous times during the 80's and 90's, one of the Ky retirement systems was very vocal about failure to make required contributions; taking dollars from their funds, etc... Both Ky pols and US pols lied and stole fro retirement systems (feds from social security). Being 69 you know this as well as I do.
No doubt, it was the dems who were in charge of the wasteful spending. Yet, modern politicians (most if not all after RR) are about re-election and doing that which is politically expedient...not necessarily the right thing.
I agree, the issue should not be resolved solely at your expense...nor mine.
How much pension reserves each state has. KY close to NJ as worst:
How did we get to the point where some people believe the UNITED STATES constitution applies to everyone in the world?
How did we get to the point where some people believe the UNITED STATES constitution applies to everyone in the world?

How did we get to the point where the constitution means nothing to our government for the people it is suppose to protect?

Many people point to the day the CIA was created.

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I wonder how many female (and castrated male) jimmy Kimmel fans would call for boycotts of his show if they knew he got his big break by hosting The Man Show, which always ended with girls jumping on trampolines?

How does that happen anyway? How does a guy go from that to supporting an ideology that would wish death on him if he had a show like that in today's age? Makes no sense. I mean, look at Carolla. That's what I would expect.
I wonder how many female (and castrated male) jimmy Kimmel fans would call for boycotts of his show if they knew he got his big break by hosting The Man Show, which always ended with girls jumping on trampolines?

How does that happen anyway? How does a guy go from that to supporting an ideology that would wish death on him if he had a show like that in today's age? Makes no sense. I mean, look at Carolla. That's what I would expect.
Dude... I absolutely loathe Kimmel. I'm talking, I'd seriously contemplate the jail time.

And it started with that Halloween stunt where he goaded his dumb**** fans into tricking their kids that they'd eaten all their candy. What kind of degenerate ****stick does that to an innocent child? What kind of mindless shitstain fans rush to their cameras to take advantage of their own kids' trust in their parents?

Screw that whole lot, man.
I wonder how many female (and castrated male) jimmy Kimmel fans would call for boycotts of his show if they knew he got his big break by hosting The Man Show, which always ended with girls jumping on trampolines?

How does that happen anyway? How does a guy go from that to supporting an ideology that would wish death on him if he had a show like that in today's age? Makes no sense. I mean, look at Carolla. That's what I would expect.

My opinion is that a LOT of our entertainment outlets (TV, Movies and others) - are controlled by people and associations that largely adhere to their ever-more-cult-like New World Order

So entertainment has become "progressively" more political and becomes an instrument of both social agitation, social engineering AND sometimes - predictive programming

PS: Californias Nationalist Party (WAIT!!!! NATIONALIST?!?!!?!?!) -- is moving towards formal secession by 2019

They're suddenly quoting the 10th amendment, states rights AND SIGNING CLIMATE TREATIES directly with CHINA

You can't DO that, sillies

They've also enacted a TRAVEL BAN (WAIT!?!?? I THOUGHT THEY HATED THOSE!?) against 8 States.........Ky and Tn are right there at the top

I think we could offer to help them GTFO before 2019 if we really tried

eerie how some of that sounds like South Carolina and their selling cotton to England after bypassing the Federal Govt

And since CA was joined by NY and WA in signing a FOREIGN TREATT --- that makes them......


wasn't it Mark Twain that said "history may not repeat itself.....but it sure does rhyme"?

Link on secession


CA Travel Ban info

There WERE articles out there showing how certain Brit's were PISSED that there was support from the US in regards to Brexit

There were public statements / mild threats made that maybe those upset and influential Brit's would their THEIR support begind --- CALEXIT

and now ---- I can't find those articles anymore
will look again tonight
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ok - here are some pieces that are from a few months ago

You may recall Trump (and others) openly supporting --- verbally and not in any other material manner that I know of --- "BREXIT"

The President of the Euro-Union (Mr Juncker - an old Prussian name that refers to someone of landed gentry or petty nobility I believe) --- made comments about possibly encouraging or backing US states to leave the union

Here are some articles -I like to think there's no actual connection there -- but I believe there is

You have a rapidly expandding gulf between the "NWO" types and those who will stand for National Sovereignty.......

If the USA maintains consistency with the secession idea then IF Cally moves to secede in 2019 as planned -- they'll be invaded and occupied by federal forces

Gray State Style

March 2017 - EU President muses about returning the favor and encouraging state secession movements

March 2017 "EU could break up the USA"

I think the utility and potential unsettling effect of political / social lDOUBLE SPEAK is vastly under rated

It's intensifying rapidly and, make no mistake, its a form of mind control / mass manipulation

If executed properly you can essentially neutralize large portions of the population who are reduced to perpetually fearful, confused ISLANDS of disassociated / Balkanized sub-populations

I will try and pull a reference from my collection later but you can also find some good sources on the 'net

The hard left / Marxists are vastly outnumbered so they will use techniques like this until it's time --- as Marx predicted ---- to actually SEIZE power/property through VIOLENT means
The irony in this piece by Kimmel is that he inadvertently exposes the very premise upon which the left predicates its own doctrine. This is a cut and dried display of how to manipulate the poorly informed. See how easily it works?

Nicely put

Their "mask is slipping"

You're starting to clearly see the Marxists who are night/day different than our traditional "liberal" folks

People need to speak up and not be afraid of consequences
Don't seek violent encounters ... but seriously ask yourself how f'ing long you're going to pretend that this is all just politics as normal

This IS a revolution and it's escalating on many fronts

There are obviously 3 or 4 more "levels" of agitation / unrest that could occur -- hopefully we don't have to go there

But CA might just start a political counter-movement that's truly UGLY if they go fwd with the secession from this messy old union

That IS the start of an internal war
It wouldn't NEED to be a protracted one either.....
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seeing multiple articles about N Korea launching a preemptive strike on our electrical grid --- via EMP attack

I am not an expert - BUT :

a) I don't believe for one second that they could get off the strike in such a way as to take down the whole grid.

b) I've learned a LOT more about various elements of missile defense platforms and I know we'd have at least 2 or 3 shots at their ICBM if they did decide to lose their damn minds and actually try this --- we could even hit it in space/low orbit if needed (assuming they can get it up there)

c) My ONLY worry about those stories --- are that they're a possible strike from the NWO/Deep State types --- on this Presidential Admin.

sounds crazy doesn't it?

Blame it on NK
But use an EMP strike on some portion of our infrastructure in order to completely destabilize the "Rogue" elements that have assumed control of the US Govt and Military

(by "rage elements" I mean the noters and non-NWO oriented govt we currently have)

SECDEF and our UN Ambassador both making statement about being ready to take action

I think it's brinksmanship personally
We're not about to launch a unilateral strike via CONVENTIONAL MEANS

But I wouldn't be shocked at all if you started hearing stories of "STUXNET" viruses or the like hitting NK nuclear facilities

Maybe sudden seismic events or localized power outages near the airport at Pyongyang?

They're apparently adopting mobile missile launching platforms in that area now -- -reminiscent of Soviet SS20s and others that were so hard to track and plan for

Somewhere the Air Force NAOC is in the air and probably going through drills / communications with elements of AF Space Command etc
Not overly concerned about NK being able to actually hit us with a strike.

But im definitely worried about the fallout if they try
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Not overly concerned about NK being able to actually hit us with a strike.

But im definitely worried about the fallout if they try
It will escalate into WW3 IMO, especially if and when China rushes to NKs defense. That's when it could get really ugly. Could be something like USA, Japan, SK vs. NK. China and possibly Russia or/and Iran. You could be talking maybe more deaths than from WW2.

Hopefully it won't play out like that but it looks like it just might.
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My opinion is that a LOT of our entertainment outlets (TV, Movies and others) - are controlled by people and associations that largely adhere to their ever-more-cult-like New World Order

So entertainment has become "progressively" more political and becomes an instrument of both social agitation, social engineering AND sometimes - predictive programming

PS: Californias Nationalist Party (WAIT!!!! NATIONALIST?!?!!?!?!) -- is moving towards formal secession by 2019

They're suddenly quoting the 10th amendment, states rights AND SIGNING CLIMATE TREATIES directly with CHINA

You can't DO that, sillies

They've also enacted a TRAVEL BAN (WAIT!?!?? I THOUGHT THEY HATED THOSE!?) against 8 States.........Ky and Tn are right there at the top

I think we could offer to help them GTFO before 2019 if we really tried

eerie how some of that sounds like South Carolina and their selling cotton to England after bypassing the Federal Govt

And since CA was joined by NY and WA in signing a FOREIGN TREATT --- that makes them......


wasn't it Mark Twain that said "history may not repeat itself.....but it sure does rhyme"?

Link on secession


CA Travel Ban info

There WERE articles out there showing how certain Brit's were PISSED that there was support from the US in regards to Brexit

There were public statements / mild threats made that maybe those upset and influential Brit's would their THEIR support begind --- CALEXIT

and now ---- I can't find those articles anymore
will look again tonight

I think sen. mccarthy was on to something.
Who gives a shit about NK! Let them test up all their resources because they can't have enough to run all these test and handle a war. Maybe China is behind them, so what! Let others step up and do something first and then we are guilty of helping our friends and not starting WW3.

Trump isn't an idiot or he would have already been baited into this game. There is no doubt we are amping up and preparing so when we get involved it will be faster than fat boi is ready for.

His only hope is that China has his back, at which point if you let this continue to the point your stance is what other option did we have? It isn't like China did shit to stop him so suck one!
Who gives a shit about NK! Let them test up all their resources because they can't have enough to run all these test and handle a war. Maybe China is behind them, so what! Let others step up and do something first and then we are guilty of helping our friends and not starting WW3.

Trump isn't an idiot or he would have already been baited into this game. There is no doubt we are amping up and preparing so when we get involved it will be faster than fat boi is ready for.

His only hope is that China has his back, at which point if you let this continue to the point your stance is what other option did we have? It isn't like China did shit to stop him so suck one!

China is using NK as bargaining chip in negotiations with Trump.
Trump wants to fire up US manufacturing, that is a direct threat to Chinese manufacturing.

China is thinking Trump will back off that line of thought in order to quell NK with China's help. Like past US Presidents have in order to ease tensions.
Trump isn't like past a Presidents, he isn't going to reward bad behavior, that only brings more bad behavior in the future.

I think he is going to call Chinas bluff by suggesting Japan change their Constitution, and no longer only being a defensive military, that is the last thing China wants.
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China is using NK as bargaining chip in negotiations with Trump.
Trump wants to fire up US manufacturing, that is a direct threat to Chinese manufacturing.

China is thinking Trump will back off that line of thought in order to quell NK with China's help. Like past US Presidents have in order to ease tensions.
Trump isn't like past a Presidents, he isn't going to reward bad behavior, that only brings more bad behavior in the future.

I think he is going call Chinas bluff by Japan changing their Constitution, and no longer only being a defensive military, that is the last thing China wants.

Can japan change their constitution in regard to their military? doesn't the usa still have the final word on that?
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