How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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KY pensions are a problem that needs fixing. I think both the payers & the receivers need to participate in a solution not just current payers as you appear to be advocating.

Agree. Keep in mind,had current receivers known society/future politicians were not going to fulfill their obligations, they very likely could have/would have made career and financial choices accordingly. Essentially, they are being faulted by many for trusting their government.
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Agree. Keep in mind,had current receivers known society/future politicians were not going to fulfill their obligations, they very likely could have/would have made career and financial choices accordingly. Essentially, they are being faulted by many for trusting their government.
They should be faulted for trusting government & not choosing to be informed & working towards corrections with that knowledge. They don't get off the hook by me for not knowing how their future was being trashed.

Anyone who trusts government to do the right things is being foolish. Those folks are about their own power first.
They should be faulted for trusting government & not choosing to be informed & working towards corrections with that knowledge. They don't get off the hook by me for not knowing how their future was being trashed.

Anyone who trusts government to do the right things is being foolish. Those folks are about their own power first.

Again, blaming the victim. Not sure how old you are, but my peers and I were taught we could trust our leaders. I understand with the advent of modern politics, that has indeed changed. 40 years ago when these people were going into a profession, they did investigate; they were informed; they did due diligence. They made responsible decisions. THEY DID AND HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING WORTHY OF DENIGRATION. What they didn't anticipate was the change in population...nor did anyone else; they didn't anticipate their leaders deciding to spend money on crap vs. make payments required by law into retirement systems.

Personally, I don't have a problem taking care of people that busted their arses; took care of their families; were honest and did what was right.
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No one who entered the profession 40 years ago is going to see their pension cut (unless it just goes belly up because people refuse to compromise).

If you entered the profession 40 days ago? Yeah, sorry, no pension for you. Quite frankly, if you didn't anticipate that at this point in time, you're likely too dumb to be teaching the children of KY anyway.

For everyone between 40 days and 40 years, there will need to be something in between 0 and 100%.

Edit: We keep focusing on teachers since they're easier to make human and generate sympathy for than a court clerk or something, but the above sentiment applies to all pensioners.
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No one who entered the profession 40 years ago is going to see their pension cut (unless it just goes belly up because people refuse to compromise).

If you entered the profession 40 days ago? Yeah, sorry, no pension for you. Quite frankly, if you didn't anticipate that at this point in time, you're likely too dumb to be teaching the children of KY anyway.

For everyone between 40 days and 40 years, there will need to be something in between 0 and 100%.

Edit: We keep focusing on teachers since they're easier to make human and generate sympathy for than a court clerk or something, but the above sentiment applies to all pensioners.

There is nothing wrong with "making these people human" They are. In fact anyone in power that does not consider their humanity doesn't qualify to be a leader.

I believe it's unfortunate that anyone would have to give at all in this fiasco, but it is going to be necessary to compromise. If so, those making that decision need to be sure there are no unwanted retirees going back to work in other professions to make up for losses.....resulting in someone that needs a job not getting one.

You seem to be a reasonably smart guy. Obviously, people like clerks, teachers, etc... had/have little power. Why was it that law makers decided to give them pensions? It was my understanding they did it for teachers because of the low pay. Like I said, these people don't wield much power...what was law makers rationale? Votes?
Wow. could this cow actually have an iota of rational thought?
You think? If they were capable of recognizing the truth, dems would all understand this. People like np are not idiots, they just choose to lie, deceive and act in a manner that defies all that is good.
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Again, blaming the victim. Not sure how old you are, but my peers and I were taught we could trust our leaders. I understand with the advent of modern politics, that has indeed changed. 40 years ago when these people were going into a profession, they did investigate; they were informed; they did due diligence. They made responsible decisions. THEY DID AND HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING WORTHY OF DENIGRATION. What they didn't anticipate was the change in population...nor did anyone else; they didn't anticipate their leaders deciding to spend money on crap vs. make payments required by law into retirement systems.

Personally, I don't have a problem taking care of people that busted their arses; took care of their families; were honest and did what was right.

Is he suggesting that employees should be clairvoyants?
When persons enter into agreements with someone in which the agreement promises money, property etc., and the promising party defaults/renegs, then that person can sue, and put liens on the promiser's assets.

Why don't employees have the same right?
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Is he suggesting that employees should be clairvoyants?
When persons enter into agreements with someone in which the agreement promises money, property etc., and the promising party defaults/renegs, then that person can sue, and put liens on on the promiser's assets.

Why don't employees have the same right?

Apparently, there's no room for good faith anymore. At the same time, there is reason for concern. I'm a supporter of Gov Bevin. He's done a remarkably good job. He didn't start this mess, just inherited it and is the first Ky pol that's had the fortitude to address the issue. However, he stubbed his toe badly when he made the comments about a potential mass exodus of teachers if retirement ages were increased. Simply misguided.
Like others, he seems to be blaming the victims of the crime instead of those responsible.
No one who entered the profession 40 years ago is going to see their pension cut (unless it just goes belly up because people refuse to compromise).

If you entered the profession 40 days ago? Yeah, sorry, no pension for you. Quite frankly, if you didn't anticipate that at this point in time, you're likely too dumb to be teaching the children of KY anyway.

For everyone between 40 days and 40 years, there will need to be something in between 0 and 100%.

Edit: We keep focusing on teachers since they're easier to make human and generate sympathy for than a court clerk or something, but the above sentiment applies to all pensioners.

Call your congressman and pass it on to him, her ,it. (pc)
Idiot of the day award goes to...

No fair, No fair, let's change the rules.
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Haha dude we are fn white losers dude we fn suck.
No one who entered the profession 40 years ago is going to see their pension cut (unless it just goes belly up because people refuse to compromise).

If you entered the profession 40 days ago? Yeah, sorry, no pension for you. Quite frankly, if you didn't anticipate that at this point in time, you're likely too dumb to be teaching the children of KY anyway.

For everyone between 40 days and 40 years, there will need to be something in between 0 and 100%.

Edit: We keep focusing on teachers since they're easier to make human and generate sympathy for than a court clerk or something, but the above sentiment applies to all pensioners.

Maybe that's why all these young teachers are fn their students?

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Wow. could this cow actually have an iota of rational thought?
Its fake(not the story, but the narritive change), but my guess is the dems are starting to realize that they are probably going to get killed in 2018. Nancy has probably seen real internal polling and its not looking good for the dems.
Shouldn't touch the pensions since its going so very well. Is that the case that's being made by the left?

If not, what's the fix coming from democrats?
Again, blaming the victim. Not sure how old you are, but my peers and I were taught we could trust our leaders. I understand with the advent of modern politics, that has indeed changed. 40 years ago when these people were going into a profession, they did investigate; they were informed; they did due diligence. They made responsible decisions. THEY DID AND HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING WORTHY OF DENIGRATION. What they didn't anticipate was the change in population...nor did anyone else; they didn't anticipate their leaders deciding to spend money on crap vs. make payments required by law into retirement systems.

Personally, I don't have a problem taking care of people that busted their arses; took care of their families; were honest and did what was right.
I'm 69.

Always the bleeding heart liberal with "victims", aren't you? When you say they were informed, they were flat out lied to, OR, the the story changed & they chose not to stay informed. That's not due diligence & if saying that is denigration, so be it. Regardless, that doesn't put it on me to solve the issue solely at my expense,. They need skin in the solution too. Yes, pols spent money on crap and those in the pension system didn't stop them (Nor did I).

BTW, what party in KY was in charge of spending on crap when the payments weren't made?
I'm 69.

Always the bleeding heart liberal with "victims", aren't you? When you say they were informed, they were flat out lied to, OR, the the story changed & they chose not to stay informed. That's not due diligence & if saying that is denigration, so be it. Regardless, that doesn't put it on me to solve the issue solely at my expense,. They need skin in the solution too. Yes, pols spent money on crap and those in the pension system didn't stop them (Nor did I).

BTW, what party in KY was in charge of spending on crap when the payments weren't made?

Far from a bleeding heart liberal. In fact, in my 40 years of voting, I've never voted for a dem. Generally speaking, I'm not for hand-outs; taxation that steals from any group, including the wealthy, etc.... in fact, I'd be for spending money on those who worked all their lives than put a single crumb on the table of someone that will not work, including many that are supposedly "disabled". I am for keeping my word and expecting others to do likewise. That's neither liberal nor conservative.

You are mistaken about those in pension systems not trying to stop the pols....numerous times during the 80's and 90's, one of the Ky retirement systems was very vocal about failure to make required contributions; taking dollars from their funds, etc... Both Ky pols and US pols lied and stole fro retirement systems (feds from social security). Being 69 you know this as well as I do.
No doubt, it was the dems who were in charge of the wasteful spending. Yet, modern politicians (most if not all after RR) are about re-election and doing that which is politically expedient...not necessarily the right thing.
I agree, the issue should not be resolved solely at your expense...nor mine.
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Its fake(not the story, but the narritive change), but my guess is the dems are starting to realize that they are probably going to get killed in 2018. Nancy has probably seen real internal polling and its not looking good for the dems.
She really needs to call it quits after her term is up.
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