How will they rule ??!

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The Mayor of Berkeley should be prosecuted by Sessions.
Did you watch that last video I linked? It shows members of BAMN and Antifa show up in a flat bed, then proceed to hand out plywood shields and weapons right in front of the police, who stood by and watched.

Then they later retreated, claiming since there wasn't any opposition to Antifa/BAMN, they didn't think there was a potential for violence.
I don't know a single person, retired at age 55, that didn't work for the government.

Has anyone floated the idea of taking away benefits from 70 year old retirees? There obviously needs to be reductions. The amount of the reduction should get factored in with your age.

Same with Social Security. No one is going to take benefits away from the elderly. But we cannot continue at this rate. Benefits have to be reduced. I don't plan on ever seeing a dime in Social Security.

If you're a fresh out of college 22 year old taking a job as a teacher, you shouldn't be planning on seeing a defined benefit pension from the state of KY, and that should be the first group of people cut from the system. Enjoy your summers off. Maybe supplement your retirement with a grass cutting job in the three months you have off.

I've known lots of teachers. They neither have 3 months off nor do they get paid for a single day they don't work with the exception of 4 holidays per year. I know lots of teachers that don't deserve minimum wage. On the other hand, I've known lots that if they were paid $100K, they would be underpaid. That profession is no different from, nor is it any less grueling or demanding than any other.

Agree with you that the defined benefit thing needs to be changed. Keep in mind, one implication will be that you will further reduce the quality of people entering the profession. That may not make a difference to some people, but if you have a kid going into the first grade, who his teacher is will be more important to parents than the lawyer, accountant, businessman down the street....and the reality is simply this, you likely would not want a typical 55-60 year-old teaching your first grader. The amount of energy required to teach and do a great job of it is extreme.
The quality of people entering all professions at this point in time is subpar, but I digress.

Maybe I have a simplistic or incorrect understanding of how things are being funded, but eliminating the state pension doesn't mean you can't raise the salaries you're paying teachers through property taxes, etc. on the local level so I'm not stuck paying for Johnny Bum**** teacher's retirement party at 55 years of age in Paducah while I sit up here in NKY. Basically exactly how it works in 99% of other industries at this point in time.

Because I 100% believe we have MANY "elite" politicians/clergy/law enforcement/educators -- etc --- who are into child sex and are being controlled and/or blackmailed with it

Kind of like when you watch a move like Devils Advocate

Throw it right in your face. Why $33.33? Why that number? Crazy you brought up the Devil's Advocate movie. That's exactly the movie that I was thinking about this week.

Kevin Shipps video explains how the shadow government works. The congress is compromised one way or another.
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I don't know a single person, retired at age 55, that didn't work for the government.

Has anyone floated the idea of taking away benefits from 70 year old retirees? There obviously needs to be reductions. The amount of the reduction should get factored in with your age.

Same with Social Security. No one is going to take benefits away from the elderly. But we cannot continue at this rate. Benefits have to be reduced. I don't plan on ever seeing a dime in Social Security.

If you're a fresh out of college 22 year old taking a job as a teacher, you shouldn't be planning on seeing a defined benefit pension from the state of KY, and that should be the first group of people cut from the system. Enjoy your summers off. Maybe supplement your retirement with a grass cutting job in the three months you have off.

You must be on the young side or don't know a lot of people. i know quite a few people who retired in their 50s who worked for companies that had 30-year retirement plans.

Kentucky's teachers are already below the pay scale of many other states. a teacher in my family, upon graduating from uk took a job at tates creek middle school for one year, moved to cincinnati the following year, to teach at a public middle school, with a pay increase of over 6k/yr, at the same position.

Cutting benefits and taking away pensions from teachers would only lower the quality of the education system. the brightest teachers are going to go to the places that offer the best incentives to teach.
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Did you watch that last video I linked? It shows members of BAMN and Antifa show up in a flat bed, then proceed to hand out plywood shields and weapons right in front of the police, who stood by and watched.

Then they later retreated, claiming since there wasn't any opposition to Antifa/BAMN, they didn't think there was a potential for violence.

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So we can't reform the pension system that is 100% without a doubt going to fail anyway because local education salaries need to be subsidized by a state pension system that won't be around to make payments in the future whether its fixed or not, and if we don't give all teachers a defined benefit pension plan, KY might fall past the 15 states out of 50 that have worse education systems.

Awesome, teachers are off limits.

What about cops? Other people in the state pension system? Want to list all the reasons why we can't reform the system that lets them retire at 55 and collect a defined benefit pension.

You raise income tax rates to 8 or 9% like was mentioned yesterday, and I assure you the education system is going to be the least of the state's worries when there are no longer any jobs because businesses are fleeing to nearby states.

Edit: various edits in that one. I'm forced to use IE on this computer, and the lag and shit makes it sound like I was educated in the KY public school system.
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You must be on the young side or don't know a lot of people. i know quite a few people who retired in their 50s who worked for companies that had 30-year retirement plans.

Kentucky's teachers are already below the pay scale of many other states. a teacher in my family, upon graduating from uk took a job at tates creek middle school for one year, moved to cincinnati the following year, to teach at a public middle school, with a pay increase of over 6k/yr, at the same position.

Cutting benefits and taking away pensions from teachers would only lower the quality of the education system. the brightest teachers are going to go to the places that offer the best incentives to teach.

Yeah my dad got to retire at 55 because he had been with the same company for over 30 years. It happens.

So being white?
Being proud of European ancestory?
Loving your country?
Not wanting violent Muslims & third world free loaders?
Not judging someone off of their race?

Yeah, these are rational people. Something tells me the rules dont apply for the people who fly the Mexican flag or go on about black power and Africa with the fist in the air.

If whites really were this evil bunch they portray us as, there would be no charity, no goodwill, no blood shed for people of other countries, an obsession with diversity, whites could send these people packing over night if they truly wanted to.
Christ, people. Yes, some private companies had defined benefit pension plans.

Auto industry is a great example of how to do things right. Or not.
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and while I"m at it -- I assume the jackals in the Vatican are too busy denouncing "Conservative catholics" and people who want to maintain have a F'ING OPINION ON THIS

You'd think a big ass organization like that -- with all that money and power
With at least ONE clear Biblical reference to what Christ thought about people who hurt children ......

With ALL that

Why aren't they playing a role in this??

Damn sure seems like they've swallowed their whistle on it doesn't it?

Oh cmon they've swallowed a lot more than whistles.

I like how Obama/the enlightened educated class taught us a lot about ignoring large problems and focusing on improving ourselves, the individuals of this country who racist, poor fn idiots. Then he handled problems like KETCHUP RATIONS!!!! Mfer really rationed ketchup in schools!

Lady, you are a supreme dumbass.
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Bill be preachin' this morning shewwweeee.

My inlaws "retired" at 55 as teachers, blew all their money, and bitch round the clock about anything/everything including my hen, one of the nicest people alive, because we work hard and MAGA. They're "Teacher Guy" to the fullest.

I'd say at 55 I've got a solid 20 more years of ass kicking left. The kind of ass kicking (Spaghetti Monster willing) that you can travel/play golf etc.....I mean shitfire who (with any drive at all) wants to sit around and do nothing? I sure af don't. If I retired I'd start another company or volunteer 3-4 days a week.

To each his/her/zey own but Christ take some personal initiative and pride if you don't like what is going on.
Bill be preachin' this morning shewwweeee.

My inlaws "retired" at 55 as teachers, blew all their money, and bitch round the clock about anything/everything including my hen, one of the nicest people alive, because we work hard and MAGA. They're "Teacher Guy" to the fullest.

I'd say at 55 I've got a solid 20 more years of ass kicking left. The kind of ass kicking (Spaghetti Monster willing) that you can travel/play golf etc.....I mean shitfire who (with any drive at all) wants to sit around and do nothing? I sure af don't. If I retired I'd start another company or volunteer 3-4 days a week.

To each his/her/zey own but Christ take some personal initiative and pride if you don't like what is going on.

Exactly. Never stop. Keep going till death. It's when you go sedentary that shit starts to mess up.

I'm gonna work till i am 125 yrs old. Then I'm gonna shit the bed and die.
Sessions (at least so far) has been a disappointing AG. Theres a lot of people he should be prosecuting, but appears hes not doing anything. Trump may need to get a new AG sometime soon.
Sessions in compromised like the rest of them. Very likely bought and paid for during his time in the Senate. Washington is the highest form of organized crime. Has been for decades. Pure and simple. Comes down to enforcing things that do not garner too much heat on you and letting go of things much more serious that puts you in political, legal, and/or personal jeopardy.
I agreed with you. Not sure why you keep debating me.

Because someone can pay 75% of their bills does not mean theyre solvent. Try paying 75% of your mortgage and see how that works.

The only hope is this uptick in workforce participation.

And that wont be effecting just a few million people like this pension issue.
SS doesn't have to be solvent like pension funds. So paying 75% of currently stated benefits is just fine for the Feds.

Can't have up tick in participation if average age of population keeps getting older - as it is. Can only solve that with people having more kids or lots more young immigrants - legal of course.
It's an issue of integrity. Every generation to this point has made commitments to the previous generation and, thus far, they've made good.
For anyone to take a position that promises made to people like teachers, social workers, etc that their retirement plans would be funded are negotiable...that simply demonstrates a lack of integrity. But why should we expect our society to do what is right?? It is 2017.

Should this crap happen, I'd like to be a fly on the wall when the current younger generations reach old age.
KY pensions are a problem that needs fixing. I think both the payers & the receivers need to participate in a solution not just current payers as you appear to be advocating.

The current payers didn't make the pension deal. They were handed it fait accompli without their consent. Those of the current receivers end generation made the deal to pay themselves when they retired without requiring those payments to be funded while they worked. Net to me, the current receivers are not innocent in this. When they say they were promised this or that, they ignore that they were also being told those future payments were being funded & they blissfully accepted that without challenge. Total bs.

Any number of private pension funds have gone belly up.
Because you pointed only only sales taxes as regressive, not all taxes but income taxes.

Iirc i said any consumption task is regressive, strictly speaking. But in reality it really isnt. Its just more pandering.

SS doesn't have to be solvent like pension funds. So paying 75% of currently stated benefits is just fine for the Feds.

Can't have up tick in participation if average age of population keeps getting older - as it is. Can only solve that with people having more kids or lots more young immigrants - legal of course.

It has to be just as solvent as the pension fund. Its the exact same thing. Each fund has data on the participants and their age. They know when obligations are likely to arise.

One is more solvent than the other. But neither are solvent.

The recent uptick in labor participation is just that - recent. Hopefully it can sustain. We need a reasonably fiscal conservative president the next several terms to line this out. Preferably not a career politician, as they like just kicking the can.
I just plain disagree. Fed programs don't have to meet the concept of solvency since the Feds can print money to cover anything and abolish any program it cares to.

They both need to be solvent. The fact the federal programs can infuse more printed cash doesnt change whether or not theyre solvent. It just describes the ability to obtain additional funding.

Two totally separate issues.
The quality of people entering all professions at this point in time is subpar, but I digress.

Maybe I have a simplistic or incorrect understanding of how things are being funded, but eliminating the state pension doesn't mean you can't raise the salaries you're paying teachers through property taxes, etc. on the local level so I'm not stuck paying for Johnny Bum**** teacher's retirement party at 55 years of age in Paducah while I sit up here in NKY. Basically exactly how it works in 99% of other industries at this point in time.
That would be part of the solution. The one minor issue with this is that taxpayers don't like adding taxes especially to raise salaries. Historically, taxpayers have underfunded schools, at least in Kentucky. Thus the relatively low pay for teachers. The pension system basically made up for it on the back end....with taxpayers still paying for it.