How will they rule ??!

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jameslee is smart enough to know never to post more than a one liner or two. He is well aware of his ignorance, wish more were, tbh.
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sadly it took a natural disaster and Chris Christie hugs to finally make Obama look presidential after his first term and put him back in the lead for re-election.
Yeah Christie was, justifiably, toxic after the last few years....until he volunteered to come on CNN and trash Cruz using the same idiotic dishonest talking points copkilla is using. Now he is legit for a bit.
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The only good thing Christie has done was destroy Rubio in that debate that pretty much killed any chance he had at beating Trump.
Fuzz is hard to take seriously because we know he will be in this very thread blaming Trump if theres even a tiny downturn in the economy in his 8 years, while giving Obama all the credit for the good.

Amazing how Obama always gets credit, but no blame whatsoever for anything.
It's like affirmative action, or grading on a curve. O'bama performed better than any other half white all muslim president we've ever had, he's tops in that category.
I sure hope all those Texas Republicans who voted against Hurricane Sandy relief show the same principles when it's time to vote for Harvey relief. I mean it's only fair right?

Just another example of the hypocrisy of the right. Been playing politics with votes and did nothing but obstruct from 2008-2016. The tweets by Trump when Obama visited Sandy victims really shows what a assbag the guy is. His past tweets are hilarious when you consider he does the same exact things he was whining about the past few years.

New polls showing only 16% of Americans proud of their President [roll] Sounds about right.

Yeah, the same polls that had him down by four touchdowns.

You speak of relief, answer the question of where the Clinton foundation is now. Is BLM spending any of those millions to help all of the minorities there? Where is Bernie and Hillary? The hypocrisy you posted about comes from your own postings.
President Trump is having his best week in office to date and America is better because of it.

Sadly, it took a natural disaster to help achieve this and yet the momentum crash is only a Tweet away.
Actually he was doing very well up to this point, only the uneducated can't see that when CNN, MSNBC, and all of the other masters of you lemmings continue to pull your strings. It was Rahm Emanuel that said not to let a good crises go to waste. Only now it is backfiring on you socialist. But, keep on thinking the way you are, we will just continue to win. MAGA!.
Yeah, the same polls that had him down by four touchdowns.

You speak of relief, answer the question of where the Clinton foundation is now. Is BLM spending any of those millions to help all of the minorities there? Where is Bernie and Hillary? The hypocrisy you posted about comes from your own postings.
I'm sure BLM sent plenty of people in Texas to help

With the looting.

CNN's poll doesn't count
They don't know how to count. Remember, thousands of demonstrators are actually about 30 with camera angles adjusted to look like a lot.Then lemmings like Jameslee and CardKilla look and sound like donkey in Shrek after the Dulock song is played. Wow!
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Yep, years of consistent research data. Settled science. Your emoji game is skrong doh
Isn't funny how liberals really think they made a good point only to find out later that is was another Homer DOH! moment. Something conservatives saw from the start.
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Just so we are clear:

All confederate war references and monuments to an event 150 years ago must be removed because they may offend someone.

Yet all FDR references and monuments are revered even though he imprisoned american citizens solely on the basis of race 60 years ago.

You sure it has nothing to do with the fact he is an iconic dem president who ushered in the handout of all handouts.

Don't try to bring up the paradoxes associated with selective history. Dems have their ears and eyes covered.
The left are the only ones that ever made a big deal out of him being a Mormon.

There are baptist churches all over the south (several just in the Lexington area) that advertise classes/discussion groups on how to deal with Mormons. They don't like them and most don't even consider them Christians.
There are baptist churches all over the south (several just in the Lexington area) that advertise classes/discussion groups on how to deal with Mormons. They don't like them and most don't even consider them Christians.

I'm sure that's true, but that's not the same as not voting for someone because they're Mormon.
I never heard a single person say they weren't voting or considering not voting for Romney because he was Mormon.
I would never vote for someone who actually believes Mormon shit.

Other religions I don't believe, but I can understand.

Edit: I wasn't voting for Romney for other reasons, but that didn't help. I also wouldn't vote for a Muslim.

I would never vote for a muslim. Ever. I'd stick a q-tip in my peter hole and twist it before I'd ever vote for a muslim.
The far right is losing its ability to speak freely online. Should the left defend it?

The primary principle at stake – that the US and the internet both remain free speech zones, even for Nazis – has never been more fraught.

“This is a really terrible time to be a free speech advocate,” said Jillian York, director for international freedom of expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “It’s a ‘First they came for the … situation,”

Though these are dark days for American exceptionalism, the US remains distinct in its commitment to freedom of speech. Even as many Americans increasingly favor European-style limitations on hate speech, the constitution’s first amendment ensures that any such legislative effort is likely a non-starter.

At certain points in US history, an embrace of free speech was a liberal’s rhetorical trump card. But amid the political turbulence of 2017, members of the #resistance have cheered the internet crackdown on the far-right and called for the exclusion of rightwing extremists to assemble in public spaces, from Boston to San Francisco. Meanwhile, supporters of a president have enthusiastically donned the mantle of first amendment freedom fighters.

If the left does abandon its free speech principles, it may come to regret it.

“I’m really surprised to see liberals talk about what speech needs to be taken down, and not take that conversation a step further and talk about who is actually doing the censoring,” York said, questioning whether we should trust either the government or “unelected white Silicon Valley dudes” to make such decisions.

Or as Keller says: “We should not expect the new speech gatekeepers to be benign forever, or to enforce rules that we agree with forever.”
It's because liberals are effing stupid wannabe elite bootlickers. Look at Europe. Zero freedom of speech/gun ownership/assembly etc. etc. Libtard paradise, just wait for instructions from your benevolent overlords, worms.
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President Trump is having his best week in office to date and America is better because of it.

The mainstream liberal propaganda media disagrees. According to them, it's been one of his worst.

Trump showed no *empathy* (like those people actually have the moral high ground, who are just oozing empathy for the trashy rednecks in Texas), Melania had the gall to board a plane in heels (who knew a billionaire's wife actually had a change of shoes), and Trump tried to profit off of the disaster by wearing a 'USA' hat (this stone speaks for itself. anything pro America offends them).
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