Junior doctor offered new pay deal in England
It is thought the new pay deal is worth 22%, on average, over two years.

You talking about Trump trying to steal the election on Jan 6th?The whole world saw what happened in the US and shortly thereafter, in Brazil. What was allowed to happen here set the stage, and gave permission to every dictator in the world to steal elections.
His words.... Not mine. "Inject disinfectant". Bleach is a disinfectant right?There's 350 million in the country. Have you ever googled "Florida man" and your birthday.
Biden exaggerates Trump’s pandemic comments about disinfectants, UV light
During a speech in North Carolina this week, President Joe Biden misrepresented comments by former President Donald Trumwww.politifact.com
Trump Didn't Tell People to 'Inject Bleach' for COVID-19. But Here's What He Did Say
Trump's confusing remarks near the start of the coronavirus pandemic were revived during the 2024 presidential campaign.www.snopes.com
And while we're at it, I'm sure you fell for this one too....you did, didn't you, Mr "bloodbath"
Doesn’t seem very much like a “centrist” to be hoping we have a choice only between Biden and Trump. Hoping Biden stays in the race just so Trump wins is more rightwing…
Heard that cacklin Kamala may choose Obama as her running mate. Not big Mike but Barry.
Yes, I missed the "re" part of reeelction.Yes but that was his first election. I see how he won that albeit pretty thin margin. The reelection was the one i specifically mentioned.
Its pretty interesting to note for all the national dnc love affair with andy, he literally won his first election by the smallest of margins, his second by just a bit more, and third by a bit more but still close.
Hes literally a few thousand votes away from having some cushy do nothing political or legal job thanks to his dad instead of being a front runner for vp.
Conspiracy theorist? Look at what happened in Brazil and now Venezuela? Exactly what happened here in 2020. When the leader of the free world obviously has a corrupt election, countries take notice.So Maduro & de Silva won because of the 2020 US election? Maduro never won illegitimately before? Conspiracy theorists at it again. LOL.
Spin it however you want. There was no time for an open election for president based on an open primary because Dims covered up Biden's senility till they got what they wanted: their hand-picked candidate. Had they not covered up Biden's mental condition going back for years, they could have had an open primary. But Dims didn't want that, did they? Obamas/Pelosi/Schumer/Jefferies got the/a candidate they've wanted for a long time, voters be damned.She was voted into power by the Dems as VP.
There's no time for a primary and infighting that tears down the nominee. The delegates will make it official as they should.
Her choice is the most logical given the circumstances and time constraints.
Yes, ct. Equating those 3 votes together is crazy sh!t.Conspiracy theorist? Look at what happened in Brazil and now Venezuela? Exactly what happened here in 2020. When the leader of the free world obviously has a corrupt election, countries take notice.
Yeah, I think the 12th and 22nd ammendments would put an end to that but laws don't matter for Democrats.Heard that cacklin Kamala may choose Obama as her running mate. Not big Mike but Barry.
Why? The same thing happened in each election, the difference is now the US has no leg to stand on, because we did the same thing. Look at the graph of Maduro's jump overnight, you'll see a familiar sharp increase to Biden's in 2020.Yes, ct. Equating those 3 votes together is crazy sh!t.
Who are the ones doing the segregating again? We can also cite multiple examples of Colleges and High schools segregating certain organizations, housing, campus spaces, graduation ceremonies, etc.. JCPS even started a school for black girls only.What the everloving f*** is this? You want segregation back you miserable POS? No wonder you vote Trump. 'Make America Great Again!'
Right on time with this tweet. I wish this was made up but it’s obvious that these are the biggest racists in this country. Why the hell anybody would want to be counted with them is impossible to fathom.
No.Why? The same thing happened in each election, the difference is now the US has no leg to stand on, because we did the same thing. Look at the graph of Maduro's jump overnight, you'll see a familiar sharp increase to Biden's in 2020.
You're pissing into the wind with that one. He has Trump's jockstrap framed hanging on his wall.
You provide evidence daily.Why don't you ever present evidence of your claims? You & the clique are above evidence requirements? Silly shats.
Because that bill would continue to allow nearly a million illegals a year, and that’s best case.
Is there anything that they would ever tell Trump “no” on? I don’t want to hear anything else on the border. I’m sure The Clown and others on here will say “well actually, the bill wasn’t perfect” to try to justify putting this issue off until Trump maybe wins. No bill is perfect but why wait until next year or later to address it when it’s such a big problem now? Don’t know this guy but kudos to him for being honest knowing how his political career is over now that Trump will see to it that he’s gone.
His line of reasoning is racist. Whether he admits it or not doesn’t make a difference in the slightest. It’s still true.
Assuming that Black people, and only Black people, are uniquely so stupid as a whole race that they are the only ones who vote en masse against their own interests is not “stating the obvious”. It’s racist BS.
Those opportunities aren't because they're mentally inferior, they're because we as a racist country have intentionally put them behind. From slavery to Jim Crow to redlining, we have slanted things against minorities. It isn't the minorities fault they need help, it's ours as we did it to them.
None of which is anything like you assuming Black people are the only unique race so stupid to vote against their own interests en masse. No other race votes monolithically like Black people, you have to assume they're uniquely monolithically stupid.
Leftist don't say or think anything without being told what to say or think.Hello friends. If the people of Venezuela protest against obviously fraudulent elections, are they election deniers, fascists, and insurrectionists?
What say you?
Even better, what do the leftists here say?
Name one thing Pubs have passed in the last 20 years other than tax cuts for the wealthy to help working class families.
Dems have done way more for the middle class.
Obamacare and removing preexisting conditions from healthcare restrictions says hi.
Insulin cap says hi.
College tuition break says hi.
Child tax credit increase says hi.
US Computer Chips factory says hi.
Infrastructure bill says hi.
There are 2 visions for America: one is the garbage that the Dems spew, and the other is pro-America.