How will they rule ??!

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It's a tad stereotypical...

They're making fun of flood victims, man. They're using a natural disaster to not only exact political propaganda, they're using it to discredit ad marginalize the culture of innocent people.

I realize you have a deep-seated hatred for religion, but you're going to die on this cross if you cling too tightly this stance... pun intended.

EDIT: BTW, somebody thought it off color enough to pull it down...

You know... maybe Politico should let all the bodies be recovered before taking shots. That's all.
They're making fun of flood victims, man. They're using a natural disaster to not only exact political propaganda, they're using it to discredit ad marginalize the culture of innocent people.

I realize you have a deep-seated hatred for religion, but you're going to die on this cross if you cling too tightly this stance... pun intended.

EDIT: BTW, somebody thought it off color enough to pull it down...

Fair points, but we've got people even on the right trumpeting the unprecedented government response to this flood, which this cartoon also calls out.

I'm very hard to offend. I don't get offended by comics that suggest Obama is a monkey anymore than I would by this one. All's fair in comedy IMO. My favorite comic routinely makes fun of 9/11, rape, dying babies, etc. I laugh my ass off at all of it.
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Fair points, but we've got people even on the right trumpeting the unprecedented government response to this flood, which this cartoon also calls out.

I'm very hard to offend. I don't get offended by comics that suggest Obama is a monkey anymore than I would by this one. All's fair in comedy IMO. My favorite comic routinely makes fun of 9/11, rape, dying babies, etc. I laugh my ass off at all of it.
Damn, man... one side champions their country/gov't/Pres for doing their job and showing true altruism and patriotism = laughing at flood victims b/c of their culture and political leanings?

You can take the boy out of Canada, I guess...

Like I said above, let's get a body count in Houston first, then the left can display their complete desperation. As, for the record, I'm not offended by that cartoon. To me, it just goes to show how low the left truly are. There is no advantage they won't utilize, no corner they won't cut, no grave they wouldn't desecrate. Par. For. Course.
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Is it not conceivable that the economy bottomed out and would have grown no matter what dickless clown was dumping $10 trillion of borrowed money into the economy while the Fed complicitly kept interest rates at record lows, and maybe, just maybe, the promise of less regulations, tax reform and a more business friendly administration may have spurred some growth in the economy?

Or do we just have to look at GDP numbers without thinking like Fuzz and the rest of his merry band of troglodytes?
Good Lord.
Trump hasn't signed a budget as of yet so aren't those same trillions still going into the economy?
And please enlighten me as to the budget cuts that Trump has promised... or has he actually promised trillions in continued spending? And aren't interest rates still historically low?

Bill, the economy (GDP) has been growing at roughly a constant rate since about 1948. Make all the excuses you want but facts are stubborn things and they show that to be pretty much the case. We just never had a POTUS that goes around beating his chest when the numbers get published.

And I'll ask again... the bears have been running on Wall St for the last 8 years. It's rare for them to run this long without a big correction. If that correction happens during Trump's term, will it be his fault?

I know Trump only takes credit for the good and never the bad...but what say you?
Damn, man... one side champions their country/gov't/Pres for doing their job and showing true altruism and patriotism = laughing at flood victims b/c of their culture and political leanings?

You can take the boy out of Canada, I guess...

Like I said above, let's get a body count in Houston first, then the left can display their complete desperation. As, for the record, I'm not offended by that cartoon. To me, it just goes to show how low the left truly are. There is no advantage they won't utilize, no corner they won't cut, no grave they wouldn't desecrate. Par. For. Course.

I guess I take this as a cartoon making fun of hardcore southern Christians rather than a statement on politics.
God no, we don't want our president going around wearing anything displaying a symbol of the free world, of which he is the leader. totally unethical.

Right? Since when is "USA" a political symbol/slogan/message?

Can you imagine the shitstorm from the left had he worn a MAGA hat? What a joke.
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Give me growth rates vs real gdp $ amounts anyday.

Growth rate charts look much different than a real gdp chart...
Trumps tax reform plan would be great and do wonders for the economy. But getting the GOP to actually pass it is the problem. After watching them epically fail on health care, my faith is not exactly high.
I absolutely can't stand Pelosi. But if that ^^^^ is true then I give her props. That's a bold take in today's far-left world.
someone likely has made this point, but if Pelosi has turned on antifa, it's not courage. Rather, they now have their hands on polling data that says antifi is electoral poison for the Democrat party, and that's what's making her run from it. Not courage, just plain old ordinary politician front running. I've noticed in the last 3 days some negative press coverage of antifa - again making me think there's something in circulation showing that the perception of the group hurts Democrats.
I've noticed in the last 3 days some negative press coverage of antifa - again making me think there's something in circulation showing that the perception of the group hurts Democrats.

What in the world has Antifa done that would cause that? hahaha
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Give me growth rates vs real gdp $ amounts anyday.

Growth rate charts look much different than a real gdp chart...
Yes, because a constant growth rate chart would be flat. Growth rate charts look like an ECG constantly jumping up and down. Rarely does it move in one direction for very long.

Note: Our growth rate was on a pretty steady upward average until around 1980 when it started trending downward.

I keep asking and not getting any answers. If the economy turns sour, will it be Trump's fault?
What in the world has Antifa done that would cause that? hahaha
ha, yes. that it took the Dems and the media several weeks to figure out video showing antifa beating up old ladies and veterans in wheelchairs might be harmful for the left, and that you can't simply call them "counterprotesters" and act like they are just standing up to Nazi's and people will believe it......says more about the Dems and the media than anything.

I have been saying the media is dying, and in fact is already dead. At least as we have always known it. I think I can go further and say the media and the Democratic Party and the Republican party are dead, at least as we've always known them.....We live in interesting times.
Yes, because a constant growth rate chart would be flat. Growth rate charts look like an ECG constantly jumping up and down. Rarely does it move in one direction for very long.

Note: Our growth rate was on a pretty steady upward average until around 1980 when it started trending downward.

I keep asking and not getting any answers. If the economy turns sour, will it be Trump's fault?

Somewhat contradictory in your post...

Constant growth rate charts = flat...rarely move in one direction very long...constantly jumping up and down...etc etc (basically, don't look because the rate is high in recent quarter)

And then try to use growth rate chart trend to I suppose call out Reagan/tax cuts? Wouldn't think you can have it both ways...but go for it.
I keep asking and not getting any answers. If the economy turns sour, will it be Trump's fault?

Answer you own GD question for once. You go from praising Obama about the economy w/o naming any policy he pushed to demanding outrage for a hypothetical to blame Trump if it goes bad. You also continue to benchmark from the bottom that was primarily caused by Dem policy (Clinton more than anyone) which is the sign of a party whore.
ha, yes. that it took the Dems and the media several weeks to figure out video showing antifa beating up old ladies and veterans in wheelchairs might be harmful for the left, and that you can't simply call them "counterprotesters" and act like they are just standing up to Nazi's and people will believe it......says more about the Dems and the media than anything.

I have been saying the media is dying, and in fact is already dead. At least as we have always known it. I think I can go further and say the media and the Democratic Party and the Republican party are dead, at least as we've always known them.....We live in interesting times.

Well said, Mojo
This pension crap...

Yes, it's antiquated and stupid, people live longer, etc etc.

BUT our stupid govt has mismanaged this, correct? Very badly, correct? Even used pension money to fund other stuff, correct? what did they use the money for?

SOLUTION: Cut govt A LOT. F you guys. It's something that should be done anyway. Cut that bloated crap, cut salaries, whatever. You f'd this up and now you're gonna put it on the citizens/teachers. F you guys.

Yep. Liberals robbed and mismanaged that money, then kicked the can. Same thing with social security (except both parties guilty there).

Eventually someone has to address it and then theyre spun as the villain. For the retirement, its bevin. For social security, will likely have to be trump
Good Lord.
Trump hasn't signed a budget as of yet so aren't those same trillions still going into the economy?
And please enlighten me as to the budget cuts that Trump has promised... or has he actually promised trillions in continued spending? And aren't interest rates still historically low?

Bill, the economy (GDP) has been growing at roughly a constant rate since about 1948. Make all the excuses you want but facts are stubborn things and they show that to be pretty much the case. We just never had a POTUS that goes around beating his chest when the numbers get published.

And I'll ask again... the bears have been running on Wall St for the last 8 years. It's rare for them to run this long without a big correction. If that correction happens during Trump's term, will it be his fault?

I know Trump only takes credit for the good and never the bad...but what say you?

So what you're saying is its status quo, same as Obama as far as spending goes, but another factor seems to have boosted the economy? Could that be consumer and business optimism?

If interest rates were at historic lows, but have risen multiple times since the bottom, would do you say we're still at historic lows now that we've gone up from the low? What is your definition of historic?

What excuses have made for anyone or anything? Are you really that goddam stupid to say we haven't had a POTUS tout GDP numbers?

If a big correction happens will it be Trump's fault, or the obstructionist Rs and Ds?

What say me? What say you?

I think I nailed the fuzz style.
It's anecdotal, but I work with mid market companies. Generally $10-300 million. Most people I talked to, regardless of their feelings on Trump, were optimistic last December. Now when you talk to them, they're pretty jaded. As am I.

The economy is going to take a significant downturn if tax reform doesn't get passed. I'll bet you $1,000 that's the case, Fuzz. All the optimism will be completely gone.

I won't be blaming Trump for that.
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So what you're saying is its status quo, same as Obama as far as spending goes, but another factor seems to have boosted the economy? Could that be consumer and business optimism?

If interest rates were at historic lows, but have risen multiple times since the bottom, would do you say we're still at historic lows now that we've gone up from the low? What is your definition of historic?

What excuses have made for anyone or anything? Are you really that goddam stupid to say we haven't had a POTUS tout GDP numbers?

If a big correction happens will it be Trump's fault, or the obstructionist Rs and Ds?

What say me? What say you?

I think I nailed the fuzz style.

9/10, one of the questions needed multiple ????? And no personal stories.
Also, we all agree the deep state is using what they learned with HAARP to punish Texas for voting for Trump, give Trump something else negative to deal with, and drive up oil prices in the process, correct?
So what you're saying is its status quo, same as Obama as far as spending goes, but another factor seems to have boosted the economy? Could that be consumer and business optimism?

If interest rates were at historic lows, but have risen multiple times since the bottom, would do you say we're still at historic lows now that we've gone up from the low? What is your definition of historic?

What excuses have made for anyone or anything? Are you really that goddam stupid to say we haven't had a POTUS tout GDP numbers?

If a big correction happens will it be Trump's fault, or the obstructionist Rs and Ds?

What say me? What say you?

I think I nailed the fuzz style.
I think trying to compare records 7 months vs 8 years is akin to being excited about the score of a game less than 5 minutes into the game. It's good at the moment but means little when predicting the long term result.

Risen from .25 to 1%. Dude, that is still very, very low. Do you not research anything?
The only time it has ever been lower than 1% has been these last several years when it was down to .25%.


Aren't the "obstructionist Rs and Ds" pretty much the same people that were there for Obama?
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Thanks for posting that graph. Really highlights the way interest rates were kept unusually low for an unusual amount of time throughout the Obama presidency.

So now you've said spending is the same. The obstructionist Congress is the same. Interest rates have actually risen from their historic low. But for some reason, we've had better growth the past quarter or two than we had at any point in the Obama administration.

Any thoughts on what changed to spur some higher growth?

But for some reason, we've had better growth the past quarter or two than we had at any point in the Obama administration.

Any thoughts on what changed to spur some higher growth?
If that were only true.

Growth Rate
Jun 30, 2017 3.72%
Dec 31, 2016 3.38%
Dec 31, 2015 3.11%
Dec 31, 2014 4.33%
Dec 31, 2013 4.31%

Dec 31, 2012 3.24%
Dec 31, 2011 3.64%
Dec 31, 2010 4.56%
Dec 31, 2009 0.11%

Bill, if you throw out the first year, Obama's average growth rate was 3.80%
"We must focus on slavery. It happened. You should feel guilt"

Same people

"Hey look, at how diverse everything was in this show where we're rewriting history."

There's a disproportionate amount of a certain group that works at the BBC. The list is crazy long.

This is so ridiculous - let's hold all white people accountable for every bad thing any white person has ever done.

Are these same outlets constantly showing videos of Japanese people ambushing Pearl Harbor? Or Germans roasting Jews by the thousands? These things happened way more recently than slavery and I don't see us holding modern Japanese and German folks accountable for either.
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The guy on the left is the one who got his head smashed back and the media tried to make him seem like a victim.

If that were only true.

Growth Rate
Jun 30, 2017 3.72%
Dec 31, 2016 3.38%
Dec 31, 2015 3.11%
Dec 31, 2014 4.33%
Dec 31, 2013 4.31%

Dec 31, 2012 3.24%
Dec 31, 2011 3.64%
Dec 31, 2010 4.56%
Dec 31, 2009 0.11%

Bill, if you throw out the first year, Obama's average growth rate was 3.80%

100% fake news

He may have actually had a couple quarters over 3%

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