How will they rule ??!

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“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts,” Pelosi wrote. “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

Nope. Not good enough. She started her statement by saying the ideology of people committing violence doesn't matter and all violence is bad. Clearly a cop out.
Toxic white male masculinity.
San Antonio school board received petitions on the public's/district's opinion on changing the name of Robert E. Lee high school. 3,500 signed one for the name to be changed. 6,000 singed another for the name to stay.

The people spoke, correct? The names stays? Not really. It was all for show. The school board unanimously voted to change the name, anyways.

The people don't have power anymore. It always comes down to a small group of people deciding what they think is best or forcing it through.

Above is a good example. Remember when states voted on gay marriage? Even California voted against it. Then the federal government stepped in and decided for us all.

They'll give you a chance to vote and hope it's the outcome they desire. If not... eff it, you're wrong, we know what's best.
The people don't have power anymore. It always comes down to a small group of people deciding what they think is best or forcing it through.

Above is a good example. Remember when states voted on gay marriage? Even California voted against it. Then the federal government stepped in and decided for us all.

They'll give you a chance to vote and hope it's the outcome they desire. If not... eff it, you're wrong, we know what's best.

Very true. don't forget the city mayors and councils who routinely "vote" in things that are overwhelmingly opposed by the majority of citizens, but who are denied any choice in the issues.
So when that Roof POS killed the folks in Charleston, they took down all Confederate Flags.

When that neo-Nazi clown hit the gal in Charlottesville, they wiped all references to the Confederacy away.

What happens when the next racist guy kills somebody? What do they have left to go after?
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This pension crap...

Yes, it's antiquated and stupid, people live longer, etc etc.

BUT our stupid govt has mismanaged this, correct? Very badly, correct? Even used pension money to fund other stuff, correct? what did they use the money for?

SOLUTION: Cut govt A LOT. F you guys. It's something that should be done anyway. Cut that bloated crap, cut salaries, whatever. You f'd this up and now you're gonna put it on the citizens/teachers. F you guys.
FEMA just said that, in their opinion, this is the greatest federal government response that they have seen during a disaster in the history of their existence.
Its obvious Trump had everyone ready to go and didn't micromanage. He let them go down there and do their jobs effectively. Trump should get nation wide praise for it but we know he won't.
This pension crap...

Yes, it's antiquated and stupid, people live longer, etc etc.

BUT our stupid govt has mismanaged this, correct? Very badly, correct? Even used pension money to fund other stuff, correct? what did they use the money for?

SOLUTION: Cut govt A LOT. F you guys. It's something that should be done anyway. Cut that bloated crap, cut salaries, whatever. You f'd this up and now you're gonna put it on the citizens/teachers. F you guys.

I assume you're referring to the pension situation in ky. Yes people live longer, but there are also pensioners dying everyday, but that fact is never mentioned. and teachers always get blamed.

Trump was asked yesterday about the 160 federal positions that remained unfilled and he replied "we don't need them anyway." maybe he will trim some fat if he can fight through all the obstruction.

All imagined in our heads. There's no agenda against whites and you can't be racist against whites.

That's why you routinely see articles saying "Blacks are useless" and still keep their jobs and receive no outrage said no one ever.

And why am I not shocked here?

I know you can't dare be critical or question Jews ever without being destroyed but is it not extremely odd that they make up a small portion of society yet own almost all of our media and we routinely get stuff like this about whites? Is that not at all odd to anyone else?

Remember- CNN only went after the Trump meme creator AFTER he posted on reddit about how many Jewish people work at CNN.
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Interesting. I never heard the first word about this. MSM did a good job of hiding it from the public. This is massive for the left. More proof they are only interested in whichever fringe group they can parlay into votes. LGBTQ got left behind in favor of illegal Mexicans and Muslims.

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So far full power of the federal government; whatever they have asked they've gotten; 30K responders on site, more on standby, ready to go; 320 shelters set up; 1,800 people have already been moved out of shelters into hotel rooms, working on moving more every minute; 3 million meals/3 million liters of water already lined up, just outside the counties, ready to go as soon as travel lanes open up.
So far full power of the federal government; whatever they have asked they've gotten; 30K responders on site, more on standby, ready to go; 320 shelters set up; 1,800 people have already been moved out of shelters into hotel rooms, working on moving more every minute; 3 million meals/3 million liters of water already lined up, just outside the counties, ready to go as soon as travel lanes open up.

There has been military railcars loaded with Water trailers and large generators stationed in Paducah since Friday. I'm assuming it's for rapid deployment to Texas if needed,
Virginia received DHS warning before Charlottesville rally

Homeland Security alerted officials to potential for 'most violent' clash between white supremacists and anarchists.

The Department of Homeland Security issued a confidential warning to law enforcement authorities three days before the deadly Aug. 12 Charlottesville protest rally, saying that an escalating series of clashes had created a powder keg that would likely make the event “among the most violent to date” between white supremacists and anarchists.

The “law enforcement sensitive” assessment, obtained by POLITICO and reported for the first time, raises questions about whether Charlottesville city and Virginia state authorities dropped the ball before, and during, a public event that was widely expected to draw huge crowds of armed, emotional and antagonistic participants from around the country.
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What part of illegal do they not understand? Undocumented immigrants are breaking the law and have NO rights in the US of A. I guess that's the mission of the left to make America a Banana Republic.

Democrats run anti-white media 24/7 and in academia to convince monorities they're oppressed and Dems are their heroes. They're replicating their strategy they've used with blacks for decades- sprinkle crumbs of other people's money to act like you care while the cities always remain poor and violent.

They love free stuff and not having to work for it.

So Dems realize that white America would never vote for Democrats and their strategy so they decided to import votes from the third world who dont give a shit about this nation or its history and will take the free stuff and advantages.

You try to explain why else Dems don't want to protect the border, don't want voter ID laws and run anti-white stuff all the time and label anyone who disagrees with them as racist Nazis.
Virginia received DHS warning before Charlottesville rally

Homeland Security alerted officials to potential for 'most violent' clash between white supremacists and anarchists.

The Department of Homeland Security issued a confidential warning to law enforcement authorities three days before the deadly Aug. 12 Charlottesville protest rally, saying that an escalating series of clashes had created a powder keg that would likely make the event “among the most violent to date” between white supremacists and anarchists.

The “law enforcement sensitive” assessment, obtained by POLITICO and reported for the first time, raises questions about whether Charlottesville city and Virginia state authorities dropped the ball before, and during, a public event that was widely expected to draw huge crowds of armed, emotional and antagonistic participants from around the country.
DHS warned about it
Organizer was an Obama supporter.

Obvious set up is obvious.
Democrats run anti-white media 24/7 and in academia to convince monorities they're oppressed and Dems are their heroes. They're replicating their strategy they've used with blacks for decades- sprinkle crumbs of other people's money to act like you care while the cities always remain poor and violent.

They love free stuff and not having to work for it.

So Dems realize that white America would never vote for Democrats and their strategy so they decided to import votes from the third world who dont give a shit about this nation or its history and will take the free stuff and advantages.

You try to explain why else Dems don't want to protect the border, don't want voter ID laws and run anti-white stuff all the time and label anyone who disagrees with them as racist Nazis.

IMO,globalists began targeting our public schools and universities a few decades ago.

We are now seeing the outcome of their succesful takeover.

We MUST fix this. Immediately.
[laughing] @PhattyJ4UK, I finally found it. My bad, though. It was accidental fake news. Earlier when I heard it it was in passing from the other room, but after finding the clip and hearing it a second time, I'm pretty sure she's talking about the greatest response for the federal government in magnitude.

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