How will they rule ??!

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Feds should go after Antifa just as hard
You know what is really antifa? The gd constitution, that's what. These idiots are fighting against the best protection they have for preventing what they supposedly fear the most.

If you are a lazy piece of shit who refuses to work and expects others to care for you, then the form of government doesn't much matter. You'll STILL be a piece of shit deserving of scorn.
If you want to see the most petty and juvenile behavior, take a look at social media's reaction from liberals regarding Melania's attire to get on a plane and to get off a plane.

Keep in mind that these people do nothing to help. Keep in mind that these nuts are upset about "manspreading" and being sexist and all about feminism yet bash a woman and judge her over her clothes.

They're bottom feeders.
Twitter is still allowing this account to stay up. Incredible. And this isn't even the worst tweet from this deranged libtard

If you want to see the most petty and juvenile behavior, take a look at social media's reaction from liberals regarding Melania's attire to get on a plane and to get off a plane.

Keep in mind that these people do nothing to help. Keep in mind that these nuts are upset about "manspreading" and being sexist and all about feminism yet bash a woman and judge her over her clothes.

They're bottom feeders.
From account above

She was exposed today. Not only is she a liar who claimed to be a lawyer, but she's a fraud, a Democrat in disguise who plays a Republican while on CNN.

She's donated 18K to Democrats, going as far back as '97, way before Trump ever came along. And far left Democrats at that. Such as Debbie Wasserman Schultz... when she was the head of the DNC.

I could buy the donating to a friend's campaign etc.., but thousands? For 20 years? Including a far left Hillary disciple and head of the DNC? She's a lot of things, but a Republican/conservative isn't one them.
Unless climate change is the new way to explain revelations, then the democrats really don't understand.

Yes I believe we are in revelations.
The far right is losing its ability to speak freely online. Should the left defend it?

The primary principle at stake – that the US and the internet both remain free speech zones, even for Nazis – has never been more fraught.

“This is a really terrible time to be a free speech advocate,” said Jillian York, director for international freedom of expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “It’s a ‘First they came for the … situation,”

Though these are dark days for American exceptionalism, the US remains distinct in its commitment to freedom of speech. Even as many Americans increasingly favor European-style limitations on hate speech, the constitution’s first amendment ensures that any such legislative effort is likely a non-starter.

At certain points in US history, an embrace of free speech was a liberal’s rhetorical trump card. But amid the political turbulence of 2017, members of the #resistance have cheered the internet crackdown on the far-right and called for the exclusion of rightwing extremists to assemble in public spaces, from Boston to San Francisco. Meanwhile, supporters of a president have enthusiastically donned the mantle of first amendment freedom fighters.

If the left does abandon its free speech principles, it may come to regret it.

“I’m really surprised to see liberals talk about what speech needs to be taken down, and not take that conversation a step further and talk about who is actually doing the censoring,” York said, questioning whether we should trust either the government or “unelected white Silicon Valley dudes” to make such decisions.

Or as Keller says: “We should not expect the new speech gatekeepers to be benign forever, or to enforce rules that we agree with forever.”
In Europe, Hate Speech Laws are Often Used to Suppress and Punish Left-Wing Viewpoints

The implications of the growing liberal/left desire for “hate speech” to be restricted — either by the state wielding the power of “hate speech” laws or by private tech executives prohibiting the use of their platforms to disseminate what they regard as “hateful ideas.” As Wong correctly notes, “Many Americans increasingly favor European-style limitations on hate speech.” Numerous op-eds and blogposts have been published recently explicitly calling for such restrictions. As a result, it is well worth examining how those “European-style limitations” operate in practice, and against whom they are applied.

Many Americans who long for Europe’s hate speech restrictions assume that those laws are used to outlaw and punish expression of the bigoted ideas they most hate: racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny. Often, such laws are used that way. There are numerous cases in western Europe and Canada of far-right extremists being arrested, fined, or even jailed for publicly spouting that type of overt bigotry.

But hate speech restrictions are used in those countries to suppress, outlaw, and punish more than far-right bigotry. Those laws have frequently been used to constrain and sanction a wide range of political views that many left-wing censorship advocates would never dream could be deemed “hateful,” and even against opinions which many of them likely share.

France is probably the most extreme case of hate speech laws being abused in this manner. In 2015, France’s highest court upheld the criminal conviction of 12 pro-Palestinian activists for violating restrictions against hate speech. Their crime? Wearing T-shirts that advocated a boycott of Israel — “Long live Palestine, boycott Israel,” the shirts read — which, the court ruled, violated French law that “prescribes imprisonment or a fine of up to $50,000 for parties that ‘provoke discrimination, hatred or violence toward a person or group of people on grounds of their origin, their belonging or their not belonging to an ethnic group, a nation, a race or a certain religion.'”
Love and tolerance. That's the liberal way, right?

He deleted his account after the spotlight was shined on him. Could you imagine these cowards having to deal with the scrutiny that Trump's family encounters or being a conservative and taking on the nut job SJW mobs on a daily basis, getting censored, fired, losing money, etc.

They need to feel like they belong. They don't have the sack to handle criticism. That's why it always makes me laugh when entertainers go to these award shows and say some leftist BS in front of an entire room of other leftists. You are not brave.
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A Modest Proposal for America's Fascists and Anti-Fascists

The masked "antifa" anarchists have more in common with the Tiki-torch Nazis than with American ideals.

As America feels like it's coming apart at the seams, I have a modest proposal. The hard-right and hard-left activists who so enjoy protesting one another should meet every few weekends in a large national park and have at it.

The rest of us could begin to treat this wave of street agitation as the sideshow it is.

After all, this is not a fight for the soul of America. Neither the Tiki-torch Nazis nor the masked anarchists represent a viable American future. They are simply engaging in nostalgia, a scarier version of Civil War battle re-enactments.

Lumping them together does not equate two unequal sides. I'm not talking about the folks on the left who are nonviolent and unmasked, showing up to protest the fascists. I'm referring to the extreme wing that invites itself to these gatherings to "protect" these model citizens. Those "antifa" are something altogether different.

Following the president's vacillations and equivocations after that horror, a popular Twitter meme emerged comparing the antifa to the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy. Not quite the most apt historical parallel.

To get a sense of the depravity of that political moment, read George Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia," a brilliant memoir of his time fighting in the Spanish civil war. Spoiler alert: The socialists and the fascists fighting for Spain were both authoritarians. Antifa today is the heir not to the Western allies who fought the Nazis, but rather the Soviets who bled them out on the eastern front. After the Third Reich fell, the red army turned the Eastern European states in its dominion into vassals. "Anti-fascists" is a misnomer. It's more like "also-fascists."

Today though, antifa has become the violent vanguard of the censorious progressive "safe space" movement, in which ideas and speakers deemed offensive are equated with physical violence. It was the Berkeley chapter of antifa that prevented Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter from speaking at the college this year.

Now whatever one wants to say about those two, they are not Nazis. Indeed, the hysterical reaction to their appearances proves a point Yiannopoulos often makes, that political correctness on campus is a great menace to the principle of free speech.

Antifa's vigilantism is dangerous in part because its aim is so poor. We can all agree in the abstract to oppose Nazis and other assorted fascists. The disagreement arises in labeling who's a fascist. So far antifa has shown little discernment in this respect.

Many antifa activists showed up at Trump rallies, where presumably everyone supporting him was lumped in with the Nazis and Klansmen. Antifa activists this month clashed with the police at a rally in Boston, which was ironically called to support "free speech." It's true that some of the speakers invited to this event were reactionaries. But the rally was open to people of all political stripes to support the idea that in America we are free to assemble and say what we wish.

So if any neo-Nazis or antifa activists are reading this, please agree on a schedule and demonstrate against one another far away from the rest of us. I recommend Yellowstone National Park. I promise to get the word out to the media to cover these events with the same seriousness we reserve for Renaissance fairs and Star Trek conventions.
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Cover Lifted, A CIA Spy Offers His Take On Trump And Russia

"The city" is Moscow, and Hoffman is talking about a U.S. diplomatic compound in its suburbs. One of two facilities that Russia just announced it's seizing. This, as President Vladimir Putin demands the U.S. cut 755 staff from its embassy and consulates.

Hoffman is a three-time CIA station chief who spent a total of five years in Moscow. Recently retired, his cover is now lifted. As he sips a cup of green tea, Hoffman shares some thoughts about the ongoing Russia drama.

He says the upcoming expulsions won't have much impact on U.S. spy efforts — because the U.S. gets to decide who leaves.

The greater impact, says Hoffman, may be on Russia's spies, including the FSB, the successor agency to the KGB. Because it'll mostly be local, Russian staff that gets cut.

"My estimation," Hoffman says, "was always that no Russian would ever get a job at an American official installation if they were not reporting to the FSB [Federal Security Service]. So they're the FSB's eyes and ears."

Russia and the campaign

Hoffman's long experience observing Russian spies at work leads to a surprising conclusion about one of the most sensational revelations from last year's election: that Trump Tower meeting in June 2016. The one attended by Donald Trump Jr., Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, campaign manager Paul Manafort — and Kremlin-connected Russians.

"To me," Hoffman says, "it pointed to a discoverable influence operation rather than some effort to establish a clandestine channel for collusion."

Both in NPR's interview and in an op-ed for The New York Times, Hoffman argues the meeting was meant to be discovered, that Putin deliberately left a trail of breadcrumbs from Trump Tower to the Kremlin.

And that the objective was simple: to soil the U.S. political process and undermine the credibility of the 2016 election.

Here's what he doesn't see: "Overall I haven't seen any evidence of anyone actually colluding with the Russians," Hoffman says, "of Russian intelligence colluding with a campaign to cause harm to another."

Instead, Hoffman believes the Trump Tower meeting is significant mostly for what it reveals about Russia's motives and tactics.

The Steele dossier

And what of the unverified set of allegations about Trump-Russia contacts, compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele? Hoffman suggests the intelligence apparatus may have been at work there, too.

"One possible explanation for the content was that Russian intelligence was aware that the dossier was being written," says Hoffman. "And that they fed not only true information — but untrue information as well. Which is their regular modus operandi for covert influence operations."

In other words, Hoffman believes Russia may have seeded the Steele dossier.

Meanwhile Hoffman, who left the CIA in February, sees no sign Russian spy efforts are slowing. Every American official is a target, he says.

"I should know. I was one of them."
Texas looters will face harsher sentences in disaster zones

Texas is upping the ante on sentence time for looters targeting Houston homes. Burglarizing a house normally brings a penalty of two to 20 years in the state; now the minimum is five years to life.

"People displaced or harmed in this storm are not going to be easy prey," Harris County Attorney Kim Ogg said. "Anyone who tries to take advantage of this storm to break into homes or businesses should know that they are going to feel the full weight of the law. Offenders will be processed around the clock without delay."

Houston Police have reported arresting 14 looters in the past 48 hours. Under Texas law, punishment inflates for crimes such as assault, robbery, burglary, and theft if they are committed in a county declared a disaster area by the governor.

Queens man busted for trying to join ISIS

A 22-year-old Queens man has been busted trying to join ISIS, authorities said Tuesday.

Parveg Ahmed was deported back to the US from Saudia Arabia on Monday as he attempted to cross into Syria to joint the militant group, according to a newly unsealed indictment.
San Antonio school board received petitions on the public's/district's opinion on changing the name of Robert E. Lee high school. 3,500 signed one for the name to be changed. 6,000 singed another for the name to stay.

The people spoke, correct? The names stays? Not really. It was all for show. The school board unanimously voted to change the name, anyways.
Grimy D's playing lowbrow politics with the Harvey disaster. They're trying to connect the disaster relief bill to the budget bill. If you remember, Trump threatened to shutdown the government if he doesn't get the funding he wants.

If the R's allow the D's to do this, they'll have Trump by the balls, and he'll have no choice but to sign it, regardless if he gets screwed or not; otherwise, it'll be all his fault if the relief doesn't get sent.
So when that Roof POS killed the folks in Charleston, they took down all Confederate Flags.

When that neo-Nazi clown hit the gal in Charlottesville, they wiped all references to the Confederacy away.

What happens when the next racist guy kills somebody? What do they have left to go after?
The far right is losing its ability to speak freely online. Should the left defend it?

The primary principle at stake – that the US and the internet both remain free speech zones, even for Nazis – has never been more fraught.

“This is a really terrible time to be a free speech advocate,” said Jillian York, director for international freedom of expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “It’s a ‘First they came for the … situation,”

Though these are dark days for American exceptionalism, the US remains distinct in its commitment to freedom of speech. Even as many Americans increasingly favor European-style limitations on hate speech, the constitution’s first amendment ensures that any such legislative effort is likely a non-starter.

At certain points in US history, an embrace of free speech was a liberal’s rhetorical trump card. But amid the political turbulence of 2017, members of the #resistance have cheered the internet crackdown on the far-right and called for the exclusion of rightwing extremists to assemble in public spaces, from Boston to San Francisco. Meanwhile, supporters of a president have enthusiastically donned the mantle of first amendment freedom fighters.

If the left does abandon its free speech principles, it may come to regret it.

“I’m really surprised to see liberals talk about what speech needs to be taken down, and not take that conversation a step further and talk about who is actually doing the censoring,” York said, questioning whether we should trust either the government or “unelected white Silicon Valley dudes” to make such decisions.

Or as Keller says: “We should not expect the new speech gatekeepers to be benign forever, or to enforce rules that we agree with forever.”

Notice how he calls us the "far right" and just calls them "the left." The people getting censored aren't "far right." These are mormal people who point out the craziness and hypocrisy of the left and get silenced for it.
Iowa National Guard on standby. Michigan National Guard has been activated to join the Texas National Guard. Reports that Michigan's focus will be on law enforcement, safety, helping keep the peace, looters etc..., allowing everyone else to focus on rescue/saving lives.
San Antonio school board received petitions on the public's/district's opinion on changing the name of Robert E. Lee high school. 3,500 signed one for the name to be changed. 6,000 singed another for the name to stay.

The people spoke, correct? The names stays? Not really. It was all for show. The school board unanimously voted to change the name, anyways.

This is perfect for the "It's cool to punch everyone I disagree with and label them a Nazi to justify my violence" crowd.


For a group who claims to stand against hate, they sure love trying to hurt or kill those who disagree with them, cheer for natural disasters to wipe out areas that voted conservative, label kids as being privileged white supremacists.

They're the worst of the worst.