How will they rule ??!

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What did a group of the residents of Brazoria County do? Loaded up the truck with tools, plywood, 2x4s, sand bags, quikrete etc..., went down to the lake and fixed the levee.

It might not hold for good, but it's been five hours and it's still holding strong, keeping the water at bay, giving people that much more time to get out.

The lesson here is that they just keep coming. Illinois buckled and did away with Cheif Illiniwek 10 years ago when the NCAA was trying to wipe out all Indian references.

It made no difference that the Illiniwek tribe instructed them on how the guy should dress and perform.

The tribe wasn't offended, liberals were.

This is the part i find most odd about this weird pc movement. Its always the libs offended on behalf of a group. Never the actual group.
Melania Trump, who was attacked over shoes today.

If You’re More Concerned About Melania’s Shoes Than Harvey Victims, You’re The Problem

If you happened to glance at social media Tuesday morning, you may have noticed a trending topic. No, it wasn’t #HoustonStrong. It wasn’t Hurricane Harvey or anything related to rescue and evacuation efforts in response to a catastrophic natural disaster.

The third most trending item on Twitter was Melania Trump, our first lady, because she wore stilettos boarding Air Force One. That’s not a headline in The Onion, although it should be. FLOTUS’s choice of shoe wear is what sent the masses into a tizzy this time.

The most hysterical aspect of this latest form of online absurdity is that FLOTUS actually stepped off the plane in Corpus Christie, Texas wearing sneakers and a ball cap. Imagine that. FLOTUS could—and this is an alarming proposition—change shoes while aboard a three-hour flight.
Trump posted this on FB

The fake news keeps saying, “President Trump is isolated.”
...They say I’m isolated by lobbyists, corporations, grandstanding politicians, and Hollywood.
GOOD! I don’t want them. All I ever want is the support and love from the AMERICAN PEOPLE who’ve been betrayed by a weak and self-serving political class.
DONATE NOW and help us CRUSH our August goal and make this our best month ever!
Trump posted this on FB

The fake news keeps saying, “President Trump is isolated.”
...They say I’m isolated by lobbyists, corporations, grandstanding politicians, and Hollywood.
GOOD! I don’t want them. All I ever want is the support and love from the AMERICAN PEOPLE who’ve been betrayed by a weak and self-serving political class.
DONATE NOW and help us CRUSH our August goal and make this our best month ever!

I agree with most of what he said, but I'd have asked for everyone to donate that money to the people in Houston who actually need it, rather than a political cause.

Also, he's gonna need to get those lobbyists and grandstanding politicians either on board with him or out of office if he hopes to accomplish anything meaningful.
I agree with most of what he said, but I'd have asked for everyone to donate that money to the people in Houston who actually need it, rather than a political cause.

Also, he's gonna need to get those lobbyists and grandstanding politicians either on board with him or out of office if he hopes to accomplish anything meaningful.

yeah, the DonFather could be more eloquent.

i actually believe that he thinks and believes things like you said, but at the end of the day he fires from the hip, which i dont want to change. so i guess it is what it is.
[laughing] Brilliant! Mensch and Taylor really did have a "source" and weren't just making it all up. Problem is, their "source" was trolling them this entire time.

Hoaxer Tricks Prominent Trump Critics Into Spreading False Allegations On Twitter

Outlandish claims about President Trump that were spread by two prominent Twitter users were hoaxes, according to a damning new report by The Guardian.

Louise Mensch, a former British parliamentarian, and Claude Taylor, a former Bill Clinton White House staffer, have for months made sensational claims about Trump and the ongoing federal investigations into his campaign and financial dealings.

With a steady stream of juicy allegations — such as that sealed indictments have been handed down for Trump associates and that arrests of Trumpworld figures were imminent — the duo have developed a massive following on Twitter and among liberals who hope to see Trump impeached.

Mensch — the founder of the now-defunct website, Heat Street — also parlayed her popularity into writing an op-ed for The New York Times about the investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential campaign.

According to the newspaper, a person posing as an attorney in the office of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman fed Taylor false information about money laundering and sex trafficking investigations targeting Trump. Mensch retweeted Taylor’s fake scoops at least 18 times to her 270,000 Twitter followers.

The hoaxster, who went by the name “Caitlan,” began emailing Taylor on July 20, just after MSNBC host Joe Scarborough praised Taylor on his TV show.

Claiming to be an investigator with Schneiderman’s Organized Crime Task Force, “Caitlan” told Taylor that a modeling agency once operated by Trump was the subject of a sex trafficking investigation.

Mensch circulated Taylor’s claims on Twitter, and on Aug. 15 published an article at her website, Patribiotics, claiming that sources within the intelligence community have told her that Trump is being investigated for trafficking underaged girls.

In one email, “Caitlan” told Taylor that Schneiderman’s office had handed down sealed indictments for executives at the Trump Organization, the Trump family’s real estate company.

“I am aware of at least one preliminary sealed indictment in that case targeting multiple Trump Org principals,” reads one email to Taylor, a Washington, D.C.-based photographer who worked in the Clinton White House in the early 1990s.

On July 23, “Caitlan” told Taylor that the Organized Crime Task Force’s investigation was targeting 78 people in an investigation into Russian organization crime, including up to 40 targets in Trump’s orbit.

Taylor shared those false claims on Twitter as well, and Mensch also passed them along to her followers.

On July 26, Taylor passed on a false tip from “Caitlan” that former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Trump confidante, was seeking a plea deal with Schneiderman’s office. The next day, “Caitlan” told Taylor that a money laundering investigation being led by Schneiderman was targeting 15 Russian nationals as well as Trump and his children.

The emails show that Taylor not only passed on “Caitlan’s” claims without doing his own investigating, but that he also sought out information that would be as damning as possible for Trump.

“Is there anything you have heard that’s really going to shock people? An ‘Oh my god’ sort of thing?” Taylor wrote to “Caitlan.” In another email, Taylor said that he was “going farther than I should” with the information from his phony source.

In emails to The Guardian exposing Taylor’s gullibility, “Caitlan” said that Taylor did not try to verify her identity before circulating the outlandish claims.

“Taylor asked no questions to verify my identity, did no vetting whatsoever, sought no confirmation from a second source — but instead asked leading questions to support his various theories, asking me to verify them,” the hoaxer told The Guardian.

Mensch is defending herself against the Guardian expose by claiming that her information about a sex trafficking investigation of Trump — which has not been reported by any other news outlet — was based on different sources than those used by Taylor.

“I don’t think anybody can vet anybody else’s sources,” she told The Guardian.

For his part, Taylor has acknowledged being taken in by a hoaxster.

“As a ‘citizen journalist’ I acknowledge my error and do apologize,” he wrote on Twitter.
But.. but... but... Sheriff Joe!

Felon Released Early Under Obama-Era Guidelines Rams Vehicle Into Cop

A felon released retroactively early rammed his vehicle into a law enforcement officer last Saturday in Chattanooga, TN. His early release is due to Justice Department guidelines set by the previous administration.

According to The Chattanoogan, police, who were dispersing a large crowd, saw Lawande Haggard attempting to exit a parking lot when gunshots were fired across the street at the Dialysis Clinic parking lot.

When officers approached Haggard’s vehicle and tried to conduct a traffic stop, he drove his car into them and hit one of the officers, Times Free Press reported. They then fired their weapons at Haggard’s vehicle.

The Chattanoogan notes the officer struck by the suspect was not seriously injured, and Haggard was subsequently captured and taken into custody and charged.
The "Nazis" are coming!

Rebel Flag Sales Are Booming

The comedy wrote itself...

Toronto 'Free Speech Comedy Show' cancelled amid backlash

The irony is almost too rich: a Toronto comedy show intended to parody the sensitivity over free speech events was shut down Saturday for the very reason it was created.

The comedy night began as a response to the cancellation of a separate free speech event and ended with the locks at Comedy Bar in Toronto being vandalized. Comedian Danny Polishchuk admits he intended to be a bit provocative when he dubbed the night — which was going to raise money for the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) — the “No Fascists In Our City! Free Speech Comedy Show.”