How will they rule ??!

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Bullshit! I don't support racial shit and if Trump did I would not support him. The anti Trump people are hell bent on making Trump racist and every other thing under the sun that's evil. If you or anyone else has proof of him being racist or supporting the kkk then show it. But there isn't any.
You shouldn't use language like that anywhere, but certainly not on this site.

Do you think the kkk people are simply mistaken in their assumption that trump supports them?
I am a conservative.

Trump is linked to neo-nazis. They gloat that they helped him get elected. They celebrated his initial comments because he didn't condemn them and said that both sides were to blame.

If it is just liberals saying this, why did trump's own economic policy director call him out for it?

Pretty sure that guy isn't a liberal.

If a serial killer said he voted for me, it wouldn't make me a serial killer fan. Let's move on, this will never come to any good.
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It wouldn't have hurt that p.o.s to get behind the police instead of taking the sides of the criminals. Obama was a race baiter.
I agree that Obama didn't do nearly enough to help race relations. And neither is trump.
YES. when kkk and neo-nazis show up and start chanting racist slogans and make ape sounds at black people, they are the ones to blame for whatever happens.?

So you're saying that some neo-nazi's and kkk people just showed up where there were some black people and started chanting racist slogans and making ape sounds at them? I had no idea that's what happened.

Look, neo-nazi's/kkk, whatever they were, regardless of their beliefs, have a right to peaceful protest, just like bLm, or antifa or any other group. Whether we agree with any of them or not, and whether any of them are right or wrong, they all have a right to peaceful protest.

For the record, I don't like neo nazi's/kkk, black lives matter, or antifa......but if they want to have a peaceful protest over something that's their right.

If you are blaming one side then you apparently don't believe in free speech. Both sides were to blame in Cville. You must be aligning yourself with the "new" ACLU in believing now that only "certain groups" have a right to free speech and therefore a right to protest. You sir are no conservative. And your ignorance on this issue won't get you anywhere. You mock my belief that there can't be middle ground in all of this, yet you insist that one side is to blame, and one side only, in Cville. Maybe you agree with me on the whole picture. One party will have to defeat the other in some way.

Good grief man. Desperate desperate.

Still waiting on proof that Trump is racist
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So you're saying that some neo-nazi's and kkk people just showed up where there were some black people and started chanting racist slogans and making ape sounds at them? I had no idea that's what happened.

Look, neo-nazi's/kkk, whatever they were, regardless of their beliefs, have a right to peaceful protest, just like bLm, or antifa or any other group. Whether we agree with any of them or not, and whether any of them are right or wrong, they all have a right to peaceful protest.

For the record, I don't like neo nazi's/kkk, black lives matter, or antifa......but if they want to have a peaceful protest over something that's their right.

If you are blaming one side then you apparently don't believe in free speech. Both sides were to blame in Cville. You must be aligning yourself with the "new" ACLU in believing now that only "certain groups" have a right to free speech and therefore a right to protest. You sir are no conservative. And your ignorance on this issue won't get you anywhere. You mock my belief that there can't be middle ground in all of this, yet you insist that one side is to blame, and one side only, in Cville. Maybe you agree with me on the whole picture. One party will have to defeat the other in some way.
It is still America, so even terrible people like the kkk have the right to protest.

However, we don't need the president or anyone else fostering an environment in which they feel emboldened to stage their protests. And there is no denying that trump has emboldened them. They endorsed him for president.
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Ridiculous. Neo-nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK are a problem, and Trump has encouraged and empowered them. That is the problem . . . and if you don't see that, you're part of the problem.

No, the problem is people that are so blinded by their own personal beliefs that they cannot see the truth. Yes, there are racists in our society today but they are a huge minority. The people I have the biggest problem with are the ones trying to keep the concept alive to further their own position of power. Things got so much worse with Black Lives Matter group and the false narrative that everyone is out to get them. If our society does not move away from everyone is a victim and our narcissistic tendencies, we are going to keep moving faster towards ruin. But, history shows every great society falls in the same way, from within.
Well, the fact that the self proclaimed law and order president just pardoned a proud racist sherrif in Arizona after he was criminally convicted of racial profiling certainly helps my case, wouldn't you agree?

Give it a rest man. You've lost the battle today. No need to make yourself look like an absolute nut case at this point.
No, the problem is people that are so blinded by their own personal beliefs that they cannot see the truth. Yes, there are racists in our society today but they are a huge minority. The people I have the biggest problem with are the ones trying to keep the concept alive to further their own position of power. Things got so much worse with Black Lives Matter group and the false narrative that everyone is out to get them. If our society does not move away from everyone is a victim and our narcissistic tendencies, we are going to keep moving faster towards ruin. But, history shows every great society falls in the same way, from within.
I agree with a lot of what you said. I'm there is no doubt that there are people who cry "racism!" use it as a way to get ahead.

Doesn't mean that trump isn't making the environment more palatable for these people.
Well, the fact that the self proclaimed law and order president just pardoned a proud racist sherrif in Arizona after he was criminally convicted of racial profiling certainly helps my case, wouldn't you agree?

Man, stop making up facts. Do you not find it strange that Arpaio was convicted without being able to present his case before a jury? Was someone trying to make a statement and ignoring a person's rights? Is he racist, I truly don't know and neither do you. But, I do know he was fighting a severe problem in his jurisdiction without any help from higher government.
1992 I agree the KKK and others alike are thrash of the world but you are being totally naive if you think Trump supports any of those groups. And who cares what KKK supports or what they think. If he did he would no longer have my support. When is it going to be wrong when this antifa group shows up at Trump rallies pepper spraying,throwing rocks, and other destructive things? All I know this country isn't racist like it's being made out to be but for what ever reason there are some trying to divide race in this country. I know that racism still exist(and it's in all races not just white men) but as time goes on the less they have a voice.
It is still America, so even terrible people like the kkk have the right to protest.

However, we don't need the president or anyone else fostering an environment in which they feel emboldened to stage their protests. And there is no denying that trump has emboldened them. They endorsed him for president.

So he asked them to endorse him for president? He specifically requested their endorsement? Hmmm
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Man, stop making up facts. Do you not find it strange that Arpaio was convicted without being able to present his case before a jury? Was someone trying to make a statement and ignoring a person's rights? Is he racist, I truly don't know and neither do you. But, I do know he was fighting a severe problem in his jurisdiction without any help from higher government.
I'm not a lawyer and I don't know how federal cases work. However, I am totally confident that if a judge did something illegal or unconstitutional in handling his case, there would have been people all over it. It would have been publicized widely. That hasn't happened.

What did happen is a judge ruled that he illegally encouraged his deputies to racially profile and told him to stop the practice. And then another judge ruled that he not only didn't stop the practice, he bragged that he wasn't stopping the practice.

The guy is a racist criminal, and trump just pardoned him. Those are facts.
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Found a current map of slavery in the world


Look at all that slavery in the US. Unacceptable.

Obviously omitted the nfl.
But, I do know he was fighting a severe problem in his jurisdiction without any help from higher government.

So does that make it okay to do illegal things? Maybe the president of the Philippines can run for sheriff there. He's a big believer in law and order. Trump likes him too, you know.

"During a "very friendly" phone conversation, President Donald Trump invited Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte to the White House, signaling a massive shift in attitude from the U.S. toward a leader known best for inciting an extrajudicial war on drugs in his country that's killed more than 7,500 people."
One last thing(for now at least) is that no one thought Trump was a re it's until he was running for president now all of a sudden he's a racist. Until the day I see some actual proof that suggest he's a racist he will have my support. And just because he pardon a sherrif in Arizona dosnt make him a racist.
I'm not a lawyer and I don't know how federal cases work. However, I am totally confident that if a judge did something illegal or unconstitutional in handling his case, there would have been people all over it. It would have been publicized widely. That hasn't happened.

What did happen is a judge ruled that he illegally encouraged his deputies to racially profile and told him to stop the practice. And then another judge ruled that he not only didn't stop the practice, he bragged that he wasn't stopping the practice.

The guy is a racist criminal, and trump just pardoned him. Those are facts.

Again, you are pulling that old game of making a statement as fact without knowing. That is what bothers me most about the loudest people in our society. There is no way to have honest discourse when that is your argument. You have every right to believe it is a bad decision and I will fight for that right. What you don't have the right to do is define your own facts. Arpaio requested a trial before a jury. Why was he denied? I don't know, maybe the judge has a good reason. Or maybe he wanted to make a statement. I believe he made shortsighted decision and didn't analyze the consequences. But, to infer he is racist and assume Trump is also because he pardoned him is a stretch I can't follow. Remember, Arpaio served as sheriff for many years and only became a problem when he started supporting Trump. Coincidence?
From RT:

..Abu Ramadan got 600,000 Swiss francs ($620,000) by the social welfare here in Switzerland. This is known, this is the number we can confirm. He never learned German or French so it was not possible to integrate him in the job market. It was not possible for him to get work so he got this social welfare,” Häsler told RT...

So this mothertoucher received $47,600/year in welfare benefits for running his mouth and essentially promoting hate? Really? Good grief, WTF am I doing wrong?
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The Great Uniter, Donald Trump! He thinks he only has to help 1/3 of the country. And his rich buddies, of course!

At this point, I'll be shocked if he or the country makes it 4 years. Most selfish person I've ever seen. He epitomizes the baby boomer generation - me, me me! That entire generation are like locusts who have eaten up every resource until there's little left for anyone else.
Yeah, how dare people who go out and build their own business and not give the same amount of money to those who don't lift a finger to help but want to reap the same rewards. Yep, real selfish unlike those who want it all but are too lazy to work for it. Who is the worse human piece of dung, those who are rich by their own hands or those who rip off hard working Americans by sucking off of their taxes.
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Again, you are pulling that old game of making a statement as fact without knowing. That is what bothers me most about the loudest people in our society. There is no way to have honest discourse when that is your argument. You have every right to believe it is a bad decision and I will fight for that right. What you don't have the right to do is define your own facts. Arpaio requested a trial before a jury. Why was he denied? I don't know, maybe the judge has a good reason. Or maybe he wanted to make a statement. I believe he made shortsighted decision and didn't analyze the consequences. But, to infer he is racist and assume Trump is also because he pardoned him is a stretch I can't follow. Remember, Arpaio served as sheriff for many years and only became a problem when he started supporting Trump. Coincidence?

People have complained about arpaio for decades. He is by definition a racist as has been known as such for years. You are revising history a bit by suggesting that he has only recently been accused of this.