How will they rule ??!

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I had a 20-year old moron saying the military was divided in support of the left and right and blamed Trump. WTF?

Then said, "I don't recall thousands of people protesting and the KKK coming out under Obama. GD." The stupidity hurts.

The idea that the military is even 50 percent Democrat is hilarious. And the fact you could even remotely claim we were united before Trump is just so insane.

And who decides who deserves "empathy"? I support Trump because he's our president. I didn't like Obama, but people came out, voted for him and he was our president. But I also admit Trump has made mistakes. Said some things wrong.

That's the one thing a far leftist couldn't (and still can't) do. Everything Obama did was magic. He never made a mistake. Terrorist deserve empathy and a second chance. Murders, rapists and evil people. But this guy Trump pardoned... this one guy. Worst thing ever.

But that's what they'll say about anything Trump does. Just insanity.
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More from Reuters.

Our government has gotten too partisan. It doesn't work well and it hasn't for years.

But the idea of turning the keys over to trump with no checks and balances is bananas.

As for him believing that Mexico would ever pay for the wall, he said that he would stop the flow of money from people in this country sending money to people in Mexico, and when that money stopped, Mexico would pay for the wall.

What has changed? Why doesn't he just do that?

The answer is, nothing has changed. He knew it was a lie when he said it.

Yes, all politicians lie, but I've never seen one who embraces lying with all of his being like trump does. The wall is just one example of it.

He doesn't attack politicians to "drain the swamp." He attacks anyone who disagrees with him. He is petulant and mentally unstable.

Did you see where Gary Cohn told people that he is careful not to tell trump about policy ideas too soon because trump will tell other people about it prematurely? Kind of like the intelligence he shared with Russia without asking permission of the country who gave it to us in confidence?

The man is a disaster and his presidency is going to end in ruin because he has no self control.

And for the record, I disagree strongly with your suggestion that presidential decorum is nothing that matters anymore.
This is an absolute BS thread. Praising a kid who is a multi millionaire because of his basketball skills about something he has no business talking about in a sports setting shows how low thinking has become on this site. Just every body cool it or grow up. Keep your opinions to yourself as Kat should also.
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This is an absolute BS thread. Praising a kid who is a multi millionaire because of his basketball skills about something he has no business talking about in a sports setting shows how low thinking has become on this site. Just every body cool it or grow up. Keep your opinions to yourself as Kat should also.

I appreciate that he was willing to put himself out there. Anything to help combat the idiotic suggestion that "both sides were to blame" and that there were "some very fine people" marching with the neo-nazis.
Can't we all just get along?
Didn't you read the post above by the gentleman who supports trump? The answer to your question, apparently, is no, we cannot all just get along. There must be winners and there must be losers.
ANTIFA are closer to Nazi's than anyone. They are just like the Brown shirts that were causing violence and chaos in the early stages of Hitler's rise.
100% spot on. If anyone is a nazi, its them. These are the MSM/Obama/Soros' brownshirts.

We have elites in the country openly coddling them too. Expect these and violent incidents to rise ten fold.
Has Harvey been politicized? I was watching until early morning and the fastest wind I heard of was a gust of 126mph. To be category 4 there must be SUSTAINED wind of at least 130mph measured at 33ft above the ground. Readings from inside the hurricane taken by the aircraft do not count toward intensity ratings.

They keep pounding away that the last cat 4 to hit Texas was in 1961. How long until we find out just how much MMGW intensified this storm and how minor it would have been if not for us?
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This is an absolute BS thread. Praising a kid who is a multi millionaire because of his basketball skills about something he has no business talking about in a sports setting shows how low thinking has become on this site. Just every body cool it or grow up. Keep your opinions to yourself as Kat should also.
I didn't realize one had to be in a certain position to express their opinions.
I appreciate that he was willing to put himself out there. Anything to help combat the idiotic suggestion that "both sides were to blame" and that there were "some very fine people" marching with the neo-nazis.
Uh it's equally idiotic to not understand that both sides are to blame. Guess what? Antifa sucks just as much as the KKK. Same idiots just opposite side of the idiot coin.
Ridiculous. Neo-nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK are a problem, and Trump has encouraged and empowered them. That is the problem . . . and if you don't see that, you're part of the problem.

I take the side of common sense, intelligence and rational, unemotional thought. Of course white supremacists are a problem. As are radical BLM members. Why in the hell would anyone argue any different?

It's a straw man argument. Liberals trying desperately to pretend conservatives are somehow linked to nazis. It's absurdly ridiculous and dumb sheep keep towing the line.

Again, when two ridiculous,racist parties are at odds (BLM/skinheads) and you are choosing a side you're the problem.
Our government has gotten too partisan. It doesn't work well and it hasn't for years.

But the idea of turning the keys over to trump with no checks and balances is bananas.

As for him believing that Mexico would ever pay for the wall, he said that he would stop the flow of money from people in this country sending money to people in Mexico, and when that money stopped, Mexico would pay for the wall.

What has changed? Why doesn't he just do that?

The answer is, nothing has changed. He knew it was a lie when he said it.

Yes, all politicians lie, but I've never seen one who embraces lying with all of his being like trump does. The wall is just one example of it.

He doesn't attack politicians to "drain the swamp." He attacks anyone who disagrees with him. He is petulant and mentally unstable.

Did you see where Gary Cohn told people that he is careful not to tell trump about policy ideas too soon because trump will tell other people about it prematurely? Kind of like the intelligence he shared with Russia without asking permission of the country who gave it to us in confidence?

The man is a disaster and his presidency is going to end in ruin because he has no self control.

And for the record, I disagree strongly with your suggestion that presidential decorum is nothing that matters anymore.

"Mentally unstable"?? Good grief man, turn the channel from CNN and MSNBC. What a freaking joke.
I respect his opinion but conditions today are not only because of skin heads and nazi thugs. Protesting, destroying private property, and beating up innocent people will not gain the backing of people today plus listening to blm groups demanding that people give theirs homes to minorities, how will any of this make things better? Back to sports.
That map is racist. Notice how the countries with slaves are denoted by various shades of brown and the countries without slavery are flesh colored? Looks like we would be past that by now. smh
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Didn't you read the post above by the gentleman who supports trump? The answer to your question, apparently, is no, we cannot all just get along. There must be winners and there must be losers.

I appreciate that he was willing to put himself out there. Anything to help combat the idiotic suggestion that "both sides were to blame" and that there were "some very fine people" marching with the neo-nazis.

So only one side was to blame for what happened in Cville?
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Ridiculous. Neo-nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK are a problem, and Trump has encouraged and empowered them. That is the problem . . . and if you don't see that, you're part of the problem.

Bullshit! I don't support racial shit and if Trump did I would not support him. The anti Trump people are hell bent on making Trump racist and every other thing under the sun that's evil. If you or anyone else has proof of him being racist or supporting the kkk then show it. But there isn't any.
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Hey mods you took down my political thread last week and you continue to let this political BS continue on HOB.
So only one side was to blame for what happened in Cville?
YES. when kkk and neo-nazis show up and start chanting racist slogans and make ape sounds at black people, they are the ones to blame for whatever happens.

Does that mean that the counter protesters get to do whatever they want? Of course not. But make no mistake on who is to blame for the situation.

And again, trump has emboldened these racists. Do you not understand that?
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Where was law enforcement in Charlottesville, when it was obvious there would be a confrontation between two idiot groups? Whose responsible for not controlling and protecting the public from all of these idiots on both sides?
YES. when kkk and neo-nazis show up and start chanting racist slogans and make ape sounds at black people, they are the ones to blame for whatever happens.

Does that mean that the counter protesters get to do whatever they want? Of course not. But make no mistake on who is to blame for the situation.

And again, trump has emboldened these racists. Do you not understand that?

Maybe we ought to stick to sports, no use in getting personal it will only get uglier comments.
I take the side of common sense, intelligence and rational, unemotional thought. Of course white supremacists are a problem. As are radical BLM members. Why in the hell would anyone argue any different?

It's a straw man argument. Liberals trying desperately to pretend conservatives are somehow linked to nazis. It's absurdly ridiculous and dumb sheep keep towing the line.

Again, when two ridiculous,racist parties are at odds (BLM/skinheads) and you are choosing a side you're the problem.

I am a conservative.

Trump is linked to neo-nazis. They gloat that they helped him get elected. They celebrated his initial comments because he didn't condemn them and said that both sides were to blame.

If it is just liberals saying this, why did trump's own economic policy director call him out for it?

Pretty sure that guy isn't a liberal.