How will they rule ??!

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I'm from Ky. I just sent MM a note telling him I had voted for him all my adult life and if he valued my future votes, he'd use his leadership skills to get the right side of the aisle to support President Trump.
Same here. MM's site said that it would take up to 45 days to receive a response.
The Great Uniter, Donald Trump! He thinks he only has to help 1/3 of the country. And his rich buddies, of course!

At this point, I'll be shocked if he or the country makes it 4 years. Most selfish person I've ever seen. He epitomizes the baby boomer generation - me, me me! That entire generation are like locusts who have eaten up every resource until there's little left for anyone else.

Aren't you Gen X? Quit acting like a punk bitch Millenial. Only they complain about that sort of stuff.
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You just told KAT to stick to basketball... Don't play both sides.
I'm not playing both sides. In the article Karl himself said some people will tell him to stick to Sports which I was just agreeing with him. Karl has the right to his opinion. YOU have a right to YOUR Opinion. The Neo-Nazi's,KKK,Muslim Brotherhood, and Black Lives Matter have the right to their opinion. A right to PEACEFULLY March without their safety being threatened in this country. You might not like it,but that is what makes AMERICA so GREAT.
Denouncing the KKK and other white supremacist groups is absolutely the right stance to take, however, doing so without taking a stance on ANTIFA, BLM and other terrorist groups is hypocritical. The reason most Americans were angry with the Obama administration was his protection of Islam and his failure to call it for what it was. He would not even say the words,"Radical islamic terrorist". That along with disrespecting our military and police forces across the country sent the wrong message that it was ok to disrespect and attack them.
I'm not playing both sides. In the article Karl himself said some people will tell him to stick to Sports which I was just agreeing with him. Karl has the right to his opinion. YOU have a right to YOUR Opinion. The Neo-Nazi's,KKK,Muslim Brotherhood, and Black Lives Matter have the right to their opinion. A right to PEACEFULLY March without their safety being threatened in this country. You might not like it,but that is what makes AMERICA so GREAT.
I'm not playing both sides. In the article Karl himself said some people will tell him to stick to Sports which I was just agreeing with him. Karl has the right to his opinion. YOU have a right to YOUR Opinion. The Neo-Nazi's,KKK,Muslim Brotherhood, and Black Lives Matter have the right to their opinion. A right to PEACEFULLY March without their safety being threatened in this country. You might not like it,but that is what makes AMERICA so GREAT.
I'm not playing both sides. In the article Karl himself said some people will tell him to stick to Sports which I was just agreeing with him. Karl has the right to his opinion. YOU have a right to YOUR Opinion. The Neo-Nazi's,KKK,Muslim Brotherhood, and Black Lives Matter have the right to their opinion. A right to PEACEFULLY March without their safety being threatened in this country. You might not like it,but that is what makes AMERICA so GREAT.
I'm glad you say you respect his opinion, however, in the same breath, you are asking him not to speak on the issue. That's not respecting his opinion.
Ever wonder why there were no law enforcement in Charlottesville,to keep the opposing sides away from each other? Why there was no crowd control to minimize damage to people or property? What's obvious is not always the story! Could be some people want the peons fighting each other,so while everyone's distracted,they can do the real damage to the country. "Don't let a crisis go to waste!"
"He didn't seem happy when he was doing it"? Are you serious? I support our president. I full well know when and how to acknowledge a mistake. The point I'm making is that you seem to have, just like the media, is an innate ability to know how he feels when he speaks, what's in his heart and mind.

And the so called Republicans you speak of despise Trump as much as the left, so don't bring that into your defense of what and when he said it. I didn't vote for him, I didn't vote for the Clinton machine either, and if you can't see where this country is and has been going for the last 5-8 years than you've had your head buried somewhere.

Trump's made a lot of mistakes as did Obama, how many times did he apologize for his mistakes? Think real hard, that's exactly right he never did apologize about a darn thing. So get off your high horse, come on back down to where the rest of us are and enjoy the ride, we're going places that will make the 60's and 70's seem civil.

And I would bet you support the peaceful and laid back group called "ANTIFA", those that are all about free speech and diversity and are fighting for the cause. I know your kind, I work with people like you, the kind you see coming down the hall and slip into the side office because you don't want to talk to them.

Carry on
Wrong on so many of these first points. First, I don't even know what the "antifa" thing is, so I have no idea if I support it. That makes me confident that you don't know if I support it or not.

As for where this country is going, the problem is too many individuals have forsaken God. That is the root of the problem.

Third, if we worked together and I were walking down the hall, not only would you NOT slide into a side office, you would give me a hug. I'm just that loveable. Kind of a cross between ferris beuller and Dobby.

Tell me this isn't 100 percent accurate in terms of the base?

Real progressive. Know this, leftists, you are useful idiots. You're the same morons who help bring in destruction. The same nuts who bring on communism/socialism/Marxism. People look back on history and go, "How did they fall for that?" You're those people.

Our ideology has always been the same and is responsible for making us a great nation in the first place. Nothing about your ideology and agenda are ideal for success. You're such idiots. I can't believe we have to share this place with you.
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The Great Uniter, Donald Trump! He thinks he only has to help 1/3 of the country. And his rich buddies, of course!

At this point, I'll be shocked if he or the country makes it 4 years. Most selfish person I've ever seen. He epitomizes the baby boomer generation - me, me me! That entire generation are like locusts who have eaten up every resource until there's little left for anyone else.
Translation: Texas sucks and I still owe a shitload on my student loans.
He lost most sympathy from me when he was attacking Trump from his hospital bed. I know cancer is bad, but McCain is not a good human being.
He's not a good senator either, or a good American since he gave information to the enemy after he took an oath not to. He certainly wasn't a good conservative candidate for President since he said on national tv that BO was a good man and HE would vote for him.

John McCain is useless and each day he breathes my American air is one more day too many. I hope he someday goes to a Republican softball practice to scout the team for the dems and gets caught in the crossfire.
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He didn't denounce the KKK, Nazi's, and white supremacists when he first had the opportunity. Then when he did, he didn't seem happy about doing it. Then he went back and defended his original comments, multiple times.

Both democrats and republicans were unhappy with what he said. It was bipartisan because the way that he did it was wrong, and people on both sides could see it.

I'm a conservative as well, and although I would never vote for Hillary, I sure didn't throw away my morals by voting for that disaster of a man.

If Trump supporters could simply acknowledge when he does something wrong, we could have a discourse. But astonishingly, I never see anyone from his MAGA base do that.

Awesome that Gary Cohn stood up to Trump about his Charlottesville comments and has let it be known in the media as well. THAT'S ALL MANY OF US ARE LOOKING FOR: just admit when he screws up.

And whether you like or dislike Mitch McConnell, picking a fight with the majority senate leader is really, REALLY poor leadership. I could go on, but what's the point? It's one thing to say, "Well, he will at least appoint some conservative judges." It is something else entirely to put your faith in that man.

So what do you do with Mitch? Be nice to him? Pat him on the back? Leave him alone? Where has that gotten everyone?

No I'm quite fine with Trump picking a fight with Mitch or anyone else in congress. Drain the swamp is more than just a tag-line to rally some troops. There's truth in it. Washington elites have been sitting comfortably for a very long time with very little to show for their tenures. They've done nothing. If a guy wants to come along and call them out for their laziness, their worthlessness, etc I'm all for it. My God it's about time. Pick fights with them all.

Everyone has this notion that there is some unwritten decorum that presidents are supposed to carry themselves with. So many saying "that's just not presidential". Get out of here with that crap. This honor, this tradition, this "way of doing things". It's all bull. All of D.C. just in it for themselves. Trump comes along and talks differently; he's brash, confident, and yes, sometimes rude as hell. But quite frankly, "being presidential" is code for "act the way I want you to act". Trump's not going to be that way.

My God I am so sick of this complaining about the time of which it took Trump to denounce the KKK/white supremacy/bigotry/ etc. Just a bunch of babies. None of it matters. The man could put millions of dollars in the pockets of every citizen, cure cancer/aids, wipe out poverty, wipe out crime, rid the world of racism, and make mosquitoes go extinct and it wouldn't be enough for everyone, and for some him doing all those things would some how be racist, bigoted, and hateful.

There will be many on this board disapprove of what I'm going to say next but it's the truth. None of this will end until one side (left or right) prevails and defeats the other....period. This idea of "what must come together and find common ground and meet in the middle" is a pipe dream. How can one side agree with another when one side has a set of beliefs that are the exact opposite of the other sides? No, there will have to be a winner and a loser for things to get better. I have no idea what that will look like but that's what it will take.

You don't like Trump, fine, but consider the alternative. Every conservative that took on Obama did it while carrying themselves in a way that was "presidential". Romney, McCain, Carson, etc etc on and on. And one by one they all got destroyed by liberal media. Instead of fighting back, they wore it and eventually got dragged through mud and defeated. But not Trump. He "picked fights" and he won. Get behind the man or get run over. Stop being scared.
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Everybody has the right to form their own opinion, nobody has any promise that opinion will be respected. Anybody can have a problem with reading comprehension, that doesn't mean I have to respect their conclusions. Ignorance is not something to respect it is something to overcome that's the entire idea of education. KAT shows a distinct advantage over some of the ignorance Kentucky is known for I respect him for that..
So what do you do with Mitch? Be nice to him? Pat him on the back? Leave him alone? Where has that gotten everyone?

No I'm quite fine with Trump picking a fight with Mitch or anyone else in congress. Drain the swamp is more than just a tag-line to rally some troops. There's truth in it. Washington elites have been sitting comfortably for a very long time with very little to show for their tenures. They've done nothing. If a guy wants to come along and call them out for their laziness, their worthlessness, etc I'm all for it. My God it's about time. Pick fights with them all.

Everyone has this notion that there is some unwritten decorum that presidents are supposed to carry themselves with. So many saying "that's just not presidential". Get out of here with that crap. This honor, this tradition, this "way of doing things". It's all bull. All of D.C. just in it for themselves. Trump comes along and talks differently; he's brash, confident, and yes, sometimes rude as hell. But quite frankly, "being presidential" is code for "act the way I want you to act". Trump's not going to be that way.

My God I am so sick of this complaining about the time of which it took Trump to denounce the KKK/white supremacy/bigotry/ etc. Just a bunch of babies. None of it matters. The man could put millions of dollars in the pockets of every citizen, cure cancer/aids, wipe out poverty, wipe out crime, rid the world of racism, and make mosquitoes go extinct and it wouldn't be enough for everyone, and for some him doing all those things would some how be racist, bigoted, and hateful.

There will be many on this board disapprove of what I'm going to say next but it's the truth. None of this will end until one side (left or right) prevails and defeats the other....period. This idea of "what must come together and find common ground and meet in the middle" is a pipe dream. How can one side agree with another when one side has a set of beliefs that are the exact opposite of the other sides? No, there will have to be a winner and a loser for things to get better. I have no idea what that will look like but that's what it will take.

You don't like Trump, fine, but consider the alternative. Every conservative that took on Obama did it while carrying themselves in a way that was "presidential". Romney, McCain, Carson, etc etc on and on. And one by one they all got destroyed by liberal media. Instead of fighting back, they wore it and eventually got dragged through mud and defeated. But not Trump. He "picked fights" and he won. Get behind the man or get run over. Stop being scared.
My point about picking a fight with McConnell is that it's not very smart. Trump is self-destructive because he can't help himself. There is a time to work with people, and he doesn't understand that. All he understands is fight fight fight win win win or you're a loser. That is too binary to get things done in Washington. If you disagree with that, how many things has he actually gotten done yet?

You think if he hadn't been such a jerk to John McCain, McCain might have felt differently and voted differently on healthcare?

That's his problem. He wants to be king, not president. His whole bit about getting rid of the filibuster rule is outrageous and ridiculous at the same time. It is how the government works, and he wants to change it simply because he can't get his way.
Oh, and as for draining the swamp, how's that working out for him? Bannon is gone. Gorka is gone. He railed against Hillary Clinton for taking money from Goldman Sachs, and then he brought in people from Goldman Sachs to help run his administration.

Where are you on "Mexico's going to pay for that wall". Have you noticed that he is not even making that claim anymore? Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked four times this week if Mexico was gonna pay for the wall, and she would not answer it.

Do you not understand how many lies he told you and you believed just so he could get elected? Mexico is never going to pay for that wall. You are. And so am I if Congress doesn't stand up to him. It appears that they're going to; I sure hope so because I don't want to pay for a stupid wall
My point about picking a fight with McConnell is that it's not very smart. Trump is self-destructive because he can't help himself. There is a time to work with people, and he doesn't understand that. All he understands is fight fight fight win win win or you're a loser. That is too binary to get things done in Washington. If you disagree with that, how many things has he actually gotten done yet?

You think if he hadn't been such a jerk to John McCain, McCain might have felt differently and voted differently on healthcare?

That's his problem. He wants to be king, not president. His whole bit about getting rid of the filibuster rule is outrageous and ridiculous at the same time. It is how the government works, and he wants to change it simply because he can't get his way.

You just said it's ridiculous and outrageous at the same time in regard to getting rid of the filibuster rule. Your argument being "it's how the government works". So what you want is for government to continue working the way it's been working? You are fine with that? Government has been doing a good job then?

So since government has been working for the way it's been working for so long Trump and everyone else should just be ok with that? What if "the way it works" is inefficient?
There will be many on this board disapprove of what I'm going to say next but it's the truth. None of this will end until one side (left or right) prevails and defeats the other....period. This idea of "what must come together and find common ground and meet in the middle" is a pipe dream. How can one side agree with another when one side has a set of beliefs that are the exact opposite of the other sides? No, there will have to be a winner and a loser for things to get better. I have no idea what that will look like but that's what it will take.

You don't like Trump, fine, but consider the alternative. Every conservative that took on Obama did it while carrying themselves in a way that was "presidential". Romney, McCain, Carson, etc etc on and on. And one by one they all got destroyed by liberal media. Instead of fighting back, they wore it and eventually got dragged through mud and defeated. But not Trump. He "picked fights" and he won. Get behind the man or get run over. Stop being scared.

You are right, I 100% disagree with your take. Liberals are right on some issues, and wrong on others, but so are conservatives. And there are a hell of a lot of issues that are really not all liberal/conservative. Some of you guys act like liberal/conservative or Democrat/Republican is just the same as Kentucky vs. Louisville. Hell, I don't care what they are playing, I am for UK, and one side is for sure to lose. But politics is infinitely more nuanced and complex than sports.

And I am not scared of Trump, America has survived other bad presidents, and will be here long after he is a footnote.
Oh, and as for draining the swamp, how's that working out for him? Bannon is gone. Gorka is gone. He railed against Hillary Clinton for taking money from Goldman Sachs, and then he brought into people from Goldman Sachs to help run his administration.

Where are you on "Mexico's going to pay for that wall". Have you noticed that he is not even making that claim anymore? Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked four times this week if Mexico was gonna pay for the wall, and she would not answer it.

Do you not understand how many lies he told you and you believed just so he could get elected? Mexico is never going to pay for that wall. You are. And so am I if Congress doesn't stand up to him. It appears that they're going to; I sure hope so because I don't want to pay for a stupid wall

Where can I write a check to help pay for the wall and how much can I contribute? Gladly my friend. A wall to help regulate illegal immigrants? Absolutely. Now that's a tax I can get behind. I might even pull extra hours at work to help do my part.
Where can I write a check to help pay for the wall and how much can I contribute? Gladly my friend. A wall to help regulate illegal immigrants? Absolutely. Now that's a tax I can get behind. I might even pull extra hours at work to help do my part.
Two questions then. Would you be in favor of a new form of government where Trump just gets to do whatever he wants? Because that seems to be what you're describing as your ideal.

Two, please answer my question about how you feel that Trump said over and over and over that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, and now he is abandoning that. Or rather, he has abandoned that. He lied to you. He knew Mexico was never going to pay for a wall like that. Why would they? They wouldn't And never would.

So how do you feel about the fact that he lied to you?
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Do you know what it means that he abandoned NAFTA? NAFTA did not fall apart just because we left. It allows China to become a much bigger player on the international stage when it comes to trade policy, and we no longer have a seat at the table. That doesn't help "make America great again".

And what about all his growing about the jobs he was keeping at the carrier plan in the Ford plant? Both companies of announced layoffs of those plants, but he's not publicizing that. He is a snake oil salesman and you bought it. Repeal and replace failed because instead of spending time actually trying to get the policy past, he spent his time attacking Republican politicians.

So your answer is to change the government so that he can get his way, instead of him learning to work with in the confines of the government.

Big things can get done within the framework of our government. That's how Obamacare got passed in the first place. So with the majority in both houses and a Republican in the oval office, he could not get it done because he spent so much time attacking anybody who dared say anything negative about him.
If you don't recognize that he is a pathetic child who screams when he can't get his way, I don't think we can even have a discourse
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As far as getting rid of the filibuster rule, how do you think you'd like it the next time the Democrats get a majority in both houses and a Democratic president? Would you be all about no filibustering then? Do you not understand it works both ways? Seriously, do you even think about what it would be like if the prevailing party just got to do whatever they wanted?
Two questions then. Would you be in favor of a new form of government where Trump just gets to do whatever he wants? Because that seems to be what you're describing as your ideal.

Two, please answer my question about how you feel that Trump said over and over and over that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, and now he is abandoning that. Or rather, he has abandoned that. He lied to you. He knew Mexico was never going to pay for a wall like that. Why would they? They wouldn't And never would.

So how do you feel about the fact that he lied to you?

I think at the time Trump really felt like Mexico could and would pay for the wall. I think that's why he said it. I don't think anyone supported the wall solely because there was the idea that Mexico would pay for it. I think people supported the wall for what it could do for the U.S. Having a wall that protects the U.S. from illegals, thus indirectly affecting (helping) all the issues that accompany many (not all) illegals, whether it be a financial burden, crimes against humanity, drugs, or jobs, would be fantastic. Would be absolutely fantastic. And I think most who supported it did so because of the positives it would provide. Mexico paying for it would just be icing on the cake. You are way too hung up on Mexico paying for the wall. Whether Mexico pays for it or not, the wall will benefit us all. Some more than others. If I have to stroke a check to help construct it and guard it then I will. Hell im paying taxes for bogus entitlement programs left and right. At least with the wall I can feel like the money the government robs me of each pay check is actually going to a worthy cause.

Did Trump lie? I don't know, but my God if one lie breaks your barometer of whether you support a politician or a president, then you will never get behind anyone because they all lie.

What's interesting is you demand I answer your questions yet you haven't answered a single one of mine.