How will they rule ??!

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No, it isn't just one. He apparently has about 15% minorities. But that is less than both Obama and bush.

Does it surprise you that he has a smaller number of minorities than the last two presidents, even though white people in this country are moving toward becoming a minority?

It doesn't surprise me.
JD no reason to cuss or get upset in discussing this. Seems to me you are very close minded in not thinking that there are always 2 sides when discussing issues. We all have opinions. We all have a right to agree or disagree. But we all must RESPECT the opinion of others.

Lots of people have crappy opinions that no one should respect. What people have a right to is to have any opinion they choose and to express it. I don't have to respect it.

No one has a right to be respected. They have to earn that. What they do have a right to is to be treated with respect.
Sooo what thread got merged here that have a bunch of lefties screaming trump is racist?

Hey @ukalum1992 how much of the US population do blacks make up? How much of the Republican Party?

What do you want him to do ? 50% 75%? How much is enough?

I assume you've never seen the Lynne Patton video?
Trump pays female and minority executives higher than the average. He also has a greater percentage working for him.

He pays women A LOT better than Hillary Clinton does.

Also, I suppose you'll say this lady was bribed.

I would put odds if you being a lifelong R who has never voted D about the same as the chance of Kim Jong Un hitting the White House with a loogie from North Korea.
But politics is infinitely more nuanced and complex than sports."

Politics are not much different when it comes to side vs side anymore. It may be complex but, many voters these days do not care. They vote down party lines regardless of content.
Two questions then. Would you be in favor of a new form of government where Trump just gets to do whatever he wants? Because that seems to be what you're describing as your ideal.

Two, please answer my question about how you feel that Trump said over and over and over that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, and now he is abandoning that. Or rather, he has abandoned that. He lied to you. He knew Mexico was never going to pay for a wall like that. Why would they? They wouldn't And never would.

So how do you feel about the fact that he lied to you?
How do you feel that the left has adopted lying as the backbone of their movement? You seem to have bought into it so, you should be used to it no matter who is lying, or are you just good with lying to further a socialist agenda.
YES. when kkk and neo-nazis show up and start chanting racist slogans and make ape sounds at black people, they are the ones to blame for whatever happens.

Does that mean that the counter protesters get to do whatever they want? Of course not. But make no mistake on who is to blame for the situation.

And again, trump has emboldened these racists. Do you not understand that?
So, the socialist/communistic Antifa only shows up at white supremacist/KKK rally's? You are either a liar or dumb as dogsh**.
I am a conservative.

Trump is linked to neo-nazis. They gloat that they helped him get elected. They celebrated his initial comments because he didn't condemn them and said that both sides were to blame.

If it is just liberals saying this, why did trump's own economic policy director call him out for it?

Pretty sure that guy isn't a liberal.
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It is still America, so even terrible people like the kkk have the right to protest.

However, we don't need the president or anyone else fostering an environment in which they feel emboldened to stage their protests. And there is no denying that trump has emboldened them. They endorsed him for president.
Only people like you believe this because CNN told you so.
But the MSM would crucify the right even if antifa started it like they did in VA.
Yes, and more idiots would come out and physically assert themselves on people they don't agree with and we could get rid of more of them. Problem solved eventually.
More like me? A white conservative who has never voted for a democrat in his life?

There very well may be.

Regardless, none of that changes the fact that trump is a disaster.
If true, then you are part of what is wrong with the GOP. Lockstepping, goosestepping lemmings. Not dissimilar to Nazi's and communist. Congrats, you are what you say you hate.
There really is no hope for the far left crazies so I do not even bother putting any energy into their BS anymore. Thankfully I never come across these people in my daily life so it's hard to really understand that they actually do exist.