How will they rule ??!

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So does that make it okay to do illegal things? Maybe the president of the Philippines can run for sheriff there. He's a big believer in law and order. Trump likes him too, you know.

"During a "very friendly" phone conversation, President Donald Trump invited Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte to the White House, signaling a massive shift in attitude from the U.S. toward a leader known best for inciting an extrajudicial war on drugs in his country that's killed more than 7,500 people."

Fair enough. I do have one question. What is the biggest killer among our young people today? Oh, that's right drug abuse. I'm not saying I support what went on in the Philippines, I think it's awful. But, I do believe we need to look at how we are handling things and listen to all sides, even people you disagree with. They may actually have an idea that will make you rethink your position if you are honest with yourself (you being generic). That was the idea behind our founding government principles. But, we no longer have that because everyone believes disagreement is reason to be a victim.
Fair enough. I do have one question. What is the biggest killer among our young people today? Oh, that's right drug abuse. I'm not saying I support what went on in the Philippines, I think it's awful. But, I do believe we need to look at how we are handling things and listen to all sides, even people you disagree with. They may actually have an idea that will make you rethink your position if you are honest with yourself (you being generic). That was the idea behind our founding government principles. But, we no longer have that because everyone believes disagreement is reason to be a victim.

Not to mention a large segment on the left is striving to rid the history books of everything our founders did in the name of political correctness

Of course that is the end-game of the left. Convince the masses that this country isn't great, and never was great. Convince the masses that this country is flawed and always has been, and we should wipe out everything our founding fathers stood for because they owned slaves. Yep, super smart to hold people of centuries ago to today's standards, and super fair too.
Just matter of time when these idiots mess with the wrong person.
Hopefully, when Antifa is fired upon by people tired of their ilk there are no innocent bystanders hurt. I will have no sympathy for Antifa who are attacking people, they would be getting what they deserve. Eventually, it will happen and hopefully soon. Once they are stopped, we can get back to some normalcy.
People have complained about arpaio for decades. He is by definition a racist as has been known as such for years. You are revising history a bit by suggesting that he has only recently been accused of this.

C'mon, was he perfect? No, but in our society today, anyone that has a tough stance will be a target. Even in your linked "Wikipedia", there is no proof. Like I said, maybe he is. But, he did go after illegals and that is what got him in trouble.
C'mon, was he perfect? No, but in our society today, anyone that has a tough stance will be a target. Even in your linked "Wikipedia", there is no proof. Like I said, maybe he is. But, he did go after illegals and that is what got him in trouble.
You are ignoring a lot of information in order to maintain your belief that I'm not providing any facts.
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That article is garbage. I read the first three and none of them prove that he or his father are racist. The first one for instance only says Trump senior was at a KKK rally back in 1926 and that he got into a fight. Where does it say that he supported the rally or the KKK? Look I'm through with this anti Trump bs. It's obvious that you have your mind made up that he's a racist and no matter what it's not going to change. And btw it's funny that there are black people who support him and laugh at the notion that he is racist.
That article is garbage. I read the first three and none of them prove that he or his father are racist. The first one for instance only says Trump senior was at a KKK rally back in 1926 and that he got into a fight. Where does it say that he supported the rally or the KKK? Look I'm through with this anti Trump bs. It's obvious that you have your mind made up that he's a racist and no matter what it's not going to change. And btw it's funny that there are black people who support him and laugh at the notion that he is racist.
So trump has some black friends which means he isn't a racist. Got it.
@ukalum1992, I hope there are many many more just like you. It's what got Trump elected and it's what will get him re-elected. Keep pushing your narrative buddy. It gives me peace of mind.
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Hopefully, when Antifa is fired upon by people tired of their ilk there are no innocent bystanders hurt. I will have no sympathy for Antifa who are attacking people, they would be getting what they deserve. Eventually, it will happen and hopefully soon. Once they are stopped, we can get back to some normalcy.
But the MSM would crucify the right even if antifa started it like they did in VA.
@ukalum1992, I hope there are many many more just like you. It's what got Trump elected and it's what will get him re-elected. Keep pushing your narrative buddy. It gives me peace of mind.
More like me? A white conservative who has never voted for a democrat in his life?

There very well may be.

Regardless, none of that changes the fact that trump is a disaster.
That map is racist. Notice how the countries with slaves are denoted by various shades of brown and the countries without slavery are flesh colored? Looks like we would be past that by now. smh

yo-yo-yo . . . yo post is raciss. since when is "flesh colored" just the light colors?
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More like me? A white conservative who has never voted for a democrat in his life?

There very well may be.

Regardless, none of that changes the fact that trump is a disaster.

I suppose Trump is going to be the cause of Hurricane Harvey too right?
Why did the democrat governor and the democrat mayor of Charlottesville,tell the state and local police to stand down? Could there have been a political or nefarious reason for that order? Certainly allowed two idiot groups to suck everybody else into their idiocy and create an avoidable tragedy. Law enforcement is to primarily protect the public lives and property. How did that work out ,when they did not make an effort to control the potential violence that erupted,or the idiots involved? Must have thought the tiki torches meant they were going to a luau,absolutely allowed to get out of control,by law enforcements passivity! Add fuel to an already volital situation,and create a false narrative of rampant racism. People need to analyze a little bit deeper,the whys of what was allowed to happen,to manipulate the public perception of racial relations,determined by maybe a total of 500 idiots. The media maybe reported the events, but in a opinionated version of a narrative that promoted their agenda,without mention of non law enforcement active involvement in controlling the idiots ,from acting in a lawless manner. Hmmmm?!
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My gosh man you are incredible. First I was talking about in the Trump business and Ben Carson said hello. I know what you are going to say but that is only one. Well what's the number that someone has to get to before they are not consider racist?
My gosh man you are incredible. First I was talking about in the Trump business and Ben Carson said hello. I know what you are going to say but that is only one. Well what's the number that someone has to get to before they are not consider racist?
No, it isn't just one. He apparently has about 15% minorities. But that is less than both Obama and bush.

Does it surprise you that he has a smaller number of minorities than the last two presidents, even though white people in this country are moving toward becoming a minority?

It doesn't surprise me.
More like me? A white conservative who has never voted for a democrat in his life?

There very well may be.

Regardless, none of that changes the fact that trump is a disaster.

So you would agree that Hillary would have been worse, right?
Why did the democrat governor and the democrat mayor of Charlottesville,tell the state and local police to stand down? Could there have been a political or nefarious reason for that order? Certainly allowed two idiot groups to suck everybody else into their idiocy and create an avoidable tragedy. Law enforcement is to primarily protect the public lives and property. How did that work out ,when they did not make an effort to control the potential violence that erupted,or the idiots involved? Must have thought the tiki torches meant they were going to a luau,absolutely allowed to get out of control,by law enforcements passivity! Add fuel to an already volital situation,and create a false narrative of rampant racism. People need to analyze a little bit deeper,the whys of what was allowed to happen,to manipulate the public perception of racial relations,determined by maybe a total of 500 idiots. The media maybe reported the events, but in a opinionated version of a narrative that promoted their agenda,without mention of non law enforcement active involvement in controlling the idiots ,from acting in a lawless manner. Hmmmm?!
No hmmmm to it. McAuliffe and other wanted violence. He is one of the slimiest people in all of politics. Got filthy rich in the Clinton machine.